I think we can all agree that Felipe is the real queen of Jow Forums

I think we can all agree that Felipe is the real queen of Jow Forums

Attached: felipe2.webm (640x1136, 2.21M)

>wants to be a girl

Literally who

Face is to manly

who's that?

Yes Felipe is Jow Forums's Queen (male).

Attached: 1551824870564.jpg (644x672, 143K)

Made for BBC

That's a cute pp
Would fugg

Post the club webms

this desu

I don't have it but here's another one

Attached: felipe1.webm (852x480, 1.8M)


I hate that this creature has the same name I do (and that I'm the estrogen-free version of him)

Felipe has a hard life. Some random dude punched him in the face one time because he was gay ;_;

frantiesco > felipe

Attached: 56571280_684307515321713_3060408808183153309_n.jpg (1080x1124, 51K)

Based. All fags must be treated like this.

the cruel side of br nature they don't show

>Made for BBC

Attached: 1551777384110.webm (640x1136, 910K)


anyway he wants breast implants and is an actual tranny, not just a cute boy, and that's a big no for me

Fuck off gayincel piece of discord zoomer spic piece of shit skinny underage faggot loser.

Até os gringos cairam no bait do trap, brasileiro é um ser filho da puta mesmo viu.

Attached: 1548128632655.png (272x324, 92K)

don't make me filter the brazilian flag for another weekend

Why are you so angry?

Attached: 1551825672108.jpg (1022x817, 210K)


trannies should be hanged

Attached: 1555496569686.jpg (738x669, 278K)

I sear to god I'm not gay at all but this guy looks so much like a girl it's giving me a boner.

Attached: 1544400777019.jpg (480x439, 25K)

he has a really nice body

t. closet homo

Aya is

I mean he just looks like a girl with a dick.

Does the guy know?

He deserves better

fippy bippy

You're not going to get as many replies if you're not including homosexuals in the image anymore.
That's what people actually cared about.

wtf is gendertqueer

Looksl like a trance uma thurman lmao
Yeah, he's a trance now, not interested

Does she (male) do porn?

No, she doesn't, unfortunately

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