what's Jow Forums's favorite album?
this isn't really my favorite but it's there on top 3. I think I might be in love, I woke up in the middle of the night with thoughts of my loved one wishing to give this a listen, but anyways, back to the main topic
What's Jow Forums's favorite album?
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Beach boy's are better then the Beatles
this one by far
>listening to albums
Kek, how old are you grampa?
I sang Sloop John B for my grandfather on his 95th birthday. Good times. My top 10 favorite albums are all fucking amaing but you've never heard of them so I won't bother.
They're catchier. The Beatles have a wider range.
A bit dated, but I still love it.
based ruski
Not their best, but I've always had a soft spot for it.
Nice taste macaco, i really loved that album when i was green and hoped for a good love, so many good emotions there.
Now im not in love anymore and dont listen to music
stopped listening to music post 21-22
Either this or A Promise, it varies
and this
this one or dark side of the moon
That's more a tribute to 70s disco music than a real DP album
Homework is where its at
Zoomer dumbass without tase
I have too much of fav albums.
Here's my fav song though youtube.com
Yeah, i love this song especially youtube.com
it was sampled in robot rock
No, it's the same song.
what's wrong with them
This is the album I've listened to the most. I've listened to Pet Sounds probably hundreds of times.
Nothing wrong with them, you are in the wrong though
i'm looking at myself reflections of my mind
it's just the kind of day to leave myself behind
so gently swaying through the fairy-land of love
if you'll just come with me you'll see the beauty of
Good taste
their next two albums were better
Here's mine. Number 2 is Mm.. Food and Number 3 is Playboi Carti's s/t
bad taste
a little better then bad taste
okay taste
really bad taste
fuck you MBDTF is GOAT
i'm not too good at picking a favourite since every album has more than it's fair share of flaws but still none seem to surpass this one
It's too overly optimistic and dense for my taste.
>rap fans come and shit up the thread
to each their own
Probably these, since they had a pretty signifficant effect on my teenage years.
this is just bait right?
I have no idea who any of these are.
Listen to this if your sad or this if this if your a memelord cool dude
and that's a good thing
Discovery is better
I can't just choose one, but this one is up there.