I want to be more than Frens with them.
I want to be more than Frens with them
drop the proxy already
How may i prove you that this love is genuine, Suomija?
you can't, but my 5 year lurking experience tells me that if you're a non-finnish flag and not shitting on finland, you're probably a finn with a proxy or vpn
only finns seem to hate finns though
fuck finnshit subhumans
Really? I’m a major Finnaboo, what’s to shit on about Finland?
The cringy self-hating fennoswedes.
my desktop background.
Does anybody actually care about Finland outside of this website ?
No, and that's a good thing. Just leave us be
Have gaysex
>Leave us be
Just try to be more discreet then
I feel like one third of the posters here are finns
kek he doesn't know about the proxies and government-funded propaganda machinery. our neetbux are so good because we neets get paid by state for shitposting and advertising finland.
Take boat and help Finnish boys with their sex problems
You guys freak me out
What is the average normie Finn like?
Like any other normie but more autistic, awkward and reserved. Higher chance of being a metalhead since it's a pretty mainstream thing here.
he should be under a NDA aggreement idk why hes bringing it up
>pretty mainstream
30 year old boomer detected
Metal is almost dead
>Metal is almost dead
It's might not be mainstream anymore, but literally all of my friends listen to metal music.
t. 23v
Is "v" for virgin
No. Why would it be?
Point was that he called it mainstream which it used to be but not anymore
t. only real normie in this board
Your little conspiracy is over
I'm calling Macron right now and I will tell him everything