Leave Jow Forums forever. Stop browsing imageboards.
Leave Jow Forums forever. Stop browsing imageboards
Haha I wish
Make me
then where would I post my soy folder every day?
How am I supposed to talk to people about my interests? Reddit?
fucking how?
Keep it to yourself.
I didn't visit this site for more than a year
Then how am I meant to explore cinema and literature without people to recommend stuff based on what I like?
4channel makes me feel less lonely
I wanna start a chan for tombers
im not paying $100 an hour for therapy
I want to. But always come back eventually.
Last time I was away 6 months.
If dubs then I leave forever
Go outside?
And ask the trees?
that's one of the options
Fuck it
I'm leaving anyways
Isn't there about to be a civil war in India after the election anyway?
I already left in feb
I want to to become Chino chan
Isn't there a doujin with exactly that plot?
But why, you guys are my only friends
if dubs then ill become a tranny
Shabahrhahrhahrhar is dead.
He left, got lost, and now he dead.
I will do exactly this. Bye.
The toilet
India is a rapidly modernizing country, and they're establishing a sewer infrastructure to accompany their population of nearly ~1.4 billion
I don't even know why I come here anymore. The fucking soyspam has ruined what little value was left on this board. I suppose I'm just too old for Jow Forums now that the zoomer cancer has taken hold.
No, please, don't go. I don't like kids. :T
Why would I?
What else is there to do?
Most people know that it's better to leave, they're just not doing it because they're addicted
I don't want to be so hostile and racist towards everyone, people can be nice.. jk
this is 4channel you dumbie
i will user thanks and fuck this website
Eh i find i barely spend more than 10 minutes lurking Jow Forums anymore so it's not really an issue for me
It's easy to cut down your time here when you realise that it's just a giant cesspit
Why? I love this shit. Jow Forums is the best place to wind down after a stressful day just laughing at the stupid memes and having a blast.
How else I'll keep up with Pakistani/Indian relations?
See you tomorrow faggot
what would I do with my time
This is the only place on the internet where I feel less sad about my own life
I was never able to leave chan for more then a Month, I have been here before /int was made
"When I think I was out they pull me right in again! "
Excellent idea
>what would I do with my time
Read great literature, maybe. You're probably low IQ though.
I can relate as well.
>great literature
I did this but nothing great was written in the last 100 years.
I actually have done it for one day because I didn't have internet. Start to read again instead of shitposting
>but nothing great was written in the last 100 years.
That's wrong, but even if it were not, you'd have thousands of years of great literature to read.
4ch*n is mostly shit but Jow Forums is pretty based and comfypilled if you ask me
I left in January but came back halfway through March (the nz shooting)
this time in May I'm definitely never coming back
Also same.
Hahahaha good one
>I don't even know why I come here anymore. The fucking soyspam has ruined what little value was left on this board. I suppose I'm just too old for Jow Forums now that the zoomer cancer has taken hold.
Most of the people that post on Jow Forums though are in their 20s I believe. It's only like Jow Forums that's filled with zoomer faggots
Free (You)'s. If we're here forever we might as well enjoy it lads.
Haha you keep telling yourself that
>what is Harry Potter
>who is Paulo Coelho
>who is George RR Martin
>what is Twilight
we should all cooperate and be more friendly to each other
it's not like i'm against insults, they are needed sometimes, just say more niceties and try to respect other people's points of view
Think we already are tbqh, especially compared to other boards. Don't think the Jannies are that bad here either
Jow Forums is the only place where I can talk about my international autism.
I love other cultures but nobody does IRL
Jow Forums is the only place where I can read about international autism.