Das rite. Ireland needs to repay Middle East and Africa for hundreds of years of exploitation and colo-

Das rite. Ireland needs to repay Middle East and Africa for hundreds of years of exploitation and colo-

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Other urls found in this thread:

economics.acadiau.ca/tl_files/sites/economics/resources/ACEA/Papers and Procedings/2008/M.Jolly.2008.pdf
econ.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/Li Duan (1).pdf


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Literally a waste of fucking money. Let nature do its job. It's better at proping up people better than any aid could ever be. If the threat of death isnt enough to get them to improve then nothing is.

why do we even have aid targets

Are brown people even trying?

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I don't know.

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To stop immigration

But we're poorer than most Africans

>give aid
nigcountries explode their birthrate to 6 per woman

>don't give aid
nigcountries collapse and create a wave of refugees (helped by France killing Gaddafi) and arrive on our shores to do the same thing

we can never win, can we? Also Mexico and Central America are nigcountries, let me clarify.

The African immigrants in Ireland tend to be from Nigeria which isn't on the list.

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>tries to help africans
>make them breed more
All problems of Africa would be solved if people from the south to the north stopped having 2kids+ at the very least

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We've been giving Africa aid money since the 80's and it's literally the fucking same now with no difference.
Mind you that we've given billions upon billions of dollars worth all up at this point.

Ireland has the highest GDP per capita in Europe thanks to Apple's tax evasion (and others)

It helps that Irish citizens plug in so eloquently into the tech economy though. You should just join us as a state at this point, maybe Britain too, so we can simplify Brexit and unite us finally.

Not joking, dead serious.

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>foreign aid is about post-colonial guilt

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>It helps that Irish citizens plug in so eloquently into the tech economy though.
I bet a lot of the tech workers aren't even Irish. They just ship them in from all over the world just like they do in north america.

GDP per capita is an outdated statistic. We're poorer than Wales.

Remember that time when Irish committed the genocide by killing British people by starving themselves to death? They need to pay reparations for that to great britain

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Here it is adjusted by PPP. I understand your housing market is fucked, especially in Dublin, from watching Irish Youtubers, but what you might not understand is that with growing wealth inequality every hot housing market is fucked right now equally. Vancouver, NYC, London, San Fran, Shanghai, maybe even Chicago, they're all fucked just as Dublin.

We need a new George. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgism

That might be true, but even if the upper echelon of multinationals operating in Ireland are American (or British) there's still a lot of $100k+ jobs being provided to Irish citizens. The USA taxes citizens overseas so the data is not included in the Irish GDP per capita, it's included in ours, because our IRS is so anal.

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Right on clock, another american is a retard

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>court nazis in the 1930s
>court commies from 1950-1990
>expect to live in this hemisphere

protip, the only friends we have on this hemisphere are Brazil, Peru, and maybe Mexico. They are the only countries that declared war on Germany after Pearl Harbor and after our extensive diplomacy. The rest of you are fucking crypto-nazi bastards, no joke.


>courted nazis
Germans held a ton of economical power, alienating them would have ruined the governments of the time
>courted commies
Communism here didn't gain any actual strength until after american intervention
Of course you barely have friends in the continent, you ass-raped every country that wasn't significant enough to qualify for the American Friendly Program© (you only mouth raped the qualifying countries)

to stick it to (((((((((((them))))))))))))

>Germans held a ton of economical power, alienating them would have ruined the governments of the time
>Of course you barely have friends in the continent, you ass-raped every country

Wow it's almost like these two statements are the same.

>Ireland has the highest GDP per capita in Europe
Wow, disrespect, I mean I love the Irish but leave us the only thing we have going on for us.

Aid isn't charity
Why the fuck would the government give away free shit for no reason?
You get it back in those countries buying your shit and falling under your influence more

>giving money to the most resource-rich continent in the world
you realise why they really do this right

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The difference is that Germany wouldn't even have bothered to send their military or intelligence after us, it'd be completely self-inflicted (and the dictators basically lived off them)

>to send their military or intelligence after us,
They very much did to Latin America, why do you think this shit happened



I'm not saying the USA never wronged Latin America, because it has. However in terms of geopolitics it was inevitable, because courting the USA's enemies during a very bipolar period (USA & UK vs. Germany, USA vs. USSR) is a recipe to get your shit utterly fucked up by both powers.


To get to 1-2 billion population and fuck us as raw as China has?

Americans who have supported China or Africa should be hanged. Full stop, no court, no trial, only justice.

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I'm talking about my country here. It's pretty irrelevant, all things considered. All power germans had was buying up lots of land for coffee plantations, but they weren't exactly unified, nor had the government behind them.
Besides, we did follow the USA. Every german got deported. By WW2 we barely had any left (coincidentally, the dictator of the decade also had lost most of his power).
It wasn't inevitable. Guatemala did not have any real contact with the commies before 1960s-70s, which is way after American intervention.
American intervention was very much in the name of greed, not any real geopolitical threat.
>agrarian reform is communism
If it were, why did you allow Taiwan to carry one out, almost at the same time as my country, completely unhindered? But what nobody wants to you know is that 2% of the population owned 80% of the land. And that 2% was composed of Americans and our local politicians and head of military.
The areas that weren't ass-raped as hard by americans coincidentally had near zero support for communism. Didn't even have any conflict with the dictator of the moment. I wonder why that is.

Giving money to aid organisations is basically throwing away your money. They will either end up in someone's pocket or for a one day lunch and that's it.
They need better infrastructure, jobs and so on. If they can't achieve that by themselves help them like that.

>If it were, why did you allow Taiwan to carry one out, almost at the same time as my country, completely unhindered?
I need a source before I can respond

There isn't a cent in government aid that is going towards helping people out of poverty. Government foreign aid is basically a way to bid for control over civil projects and control over people abroad.
Genuine aid is limited and almost entirely restricted to feet on the ground specialists working with communities to provide educational and medical support. Volunteers, mostly. Nothing to do with government aid.

economics.acadiau.ca/tl_files/sites/economics/resources/ACEA/Papers and Procedings/2008/M.Jolly.2008.pdf
econ.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/Li Duan (1).pdf

Thanks, I'll be back in a bit

at least you're not americans

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Ok, I think I've grokked the situation more. Thanks for the links

>Land policy in Taiwan during the period of Japanese rule (1895-1945) had both
immediate impacts on the agricultural economy and longer-term effects on the development of
that country’s distinctive industrial structure, with its prevalence of small and medium-sized
manufacturing firms. The longer-term effects were a result of further reforms implemented by the regime which succeeded that of Japan. >One of the most important results of the Japanese reforms is that they eased the path for subsequent land reforms undertaken by the Guomingdang government after World War II, the end result of which was the emergence of a high productivity agricultural sector dominated by numerous small producers. This sector provided both a market for domestically manufactured goods and a localized labour force available to small, geographically dispersed firms.
> In contrast to the Japanese in Taiwan, the U.S. administration of the Philippines between
1898 and 1941 largely failed to achieve a successful reform, in part because American rule depended on the cooperation of local elites. This had implications not only for agriculture in the Philippines but also for the structure of manufacturing, which was (and is) more geographically concentrated than was the case in Taiwan.

Apologies if the greentext is shit, because copying PDF paragraphs is awful.

So from this paragraph what I understand is that Japan was able to spur land redistribution in Taiwan using a very heavy-handed strategy, which I imagine required either violent or political overpowerment. Although the Philippines was a US colony from the Spanish War to about 1900, I don't think the US used violence outside of the 1-2 rebellions. Our strategy was much more like the British, where we installed a friendly governor and hoped that he would improve the country while simultaneously not bumping into our geopolitical strategy.


This contrasts the Japanese strategy where they wanted to micromanage every affair down to the government official, which was very expensive but probably more effective. I believe China is currently using this strategy too, but that's neither here nor there

The USA has never been a colonial power, it's only been a pseudo-imperial power. We want to keep the seas safe, we want to have free trade, and we want friendly democracies. Supporting Nazis and Communists is obviously a bad way to deal with that. There are problems with capitalism but it should be dealt with politically, not violently

>low-income healthcare for 1.6 million children
Top kek, implying their government gives a shit about poor people.

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>There are problems with capitalism but it should be dealt with politically, not violently
The problem with this is that violence has only ever occurred due to the capitalist owner class shutting down all attempts and outlets to address problems politically. When desperate people are left with no means of expression but their fists, they either start swinging or roll over and die.

So you can fall short of them and increase that target
Check your white privilege, shitlord

The truth is deeper than that.
I mentioned how a land reform brought the end for my country, and that it was motivated by greed.
Jacobo Arbenz pushed a land reform for Unused land. The dominant company was the UFCO, which also happened to hold a virtual monopoly on Guatemala's ENTIRE economy. All infrastructure, 80+% of land, and every other kind of activity.
They had a shitload of unused land because fuck you. Meanwhile everybody that wasn't an elite was 1 meal away from starving to death'
So comes Jacobo Arbenz and pushes his land reform. He does not enrage just random corporate richmen and investors, he doesn't just touch the pockets of the most influential bankers in the world, he pissed off the fucking Secretary of State of the Eisenhower administration... and to top it off, the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles. Also the US ambassador to the UN, but he wasn't as important.

The best part is that the company still ate shit and died. So much for that.

Well you're paying for the shitskins to breed, so you can let them immigrate and replace your people that refuse to have kids anymore.

They are your breeders.

ireland is one of the most charitable nations in the world

No aid to aids

>thinking aid is anything other than buying influence
that money all goes into a black hole anyway

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You are right, the USA should not do to you what the Chinese are currently doing to us and the UK/Canada.

There are geopolitical moves and there are dick moves, and I think it's a mixture of both. I honestly believe the US government has pursued an anti-colonial agenda since the Monroe Doctrine, minus the Philippines. But US corporations are a different story, and the American people have been fighting them in battles ever since the foundation of the country. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Harris_Jones, she wasn't even born here but she fought tooth and nail

blackpilled auscunt

>should not do to you
Shouldn't have done. Now it's moot. No matter how much everyone wishes it weren't true, this country is only going to get worse and worse until it eventually disappears. It's beyond any salvation.

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Foreign aid is the second most important thing to use money on, after preventing climate change.
If Africa is still a shithole in few decades, we are looking at hundreds of millions of refugees escaping Africa that has turned inhospitable due global warming.

Sorry to hear that. What are your plans for the future?

If Trump came tomorrow and personally gave every Central American a million dollars, the result would be that the Central American Isthmus becomes the least populated region in the world, with less than a thousand inhabitants in total
I'll work, eat, shit, and die. Maybe reproduce.

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>Foreign aid is the second most important thing to use money on, after preventing climate change.
>If Africa is still a shithole in few decades, we are looking at hundreds of millions of refugees escaping Africa that has turned inhospitable due global warming.
It's cheaper to arrest the people involved in taxi'ing them across the Mediterranean.

>It's cheper to stop hundreds of millions of desperate people than it is..
No it's not.

>Now it's moot.
No, because the USA itself was a backwater under the boot of the British for the first hundred years of its existence.

We can overcome but only if we unite and put pressure on our garbage governments.

>maybe reproduce

Had it not been for NGOs, they wouldn't be coming. Italy just shut its ports and they stopped coming. To ferry hundreds of millions someone would have to pay for the boats and convince Europeans to accept them. They can't just float across the sea.


Solution is stopping aid and the boats. One massive wave of death and the problem wuld be fixed forever.

If hundred of million people will something it will happen one way or another. New routes will be found and Europe can't stop every single ship as much as you'd like to think so.
If you start shooting them it's a war against millions.

NGOs are in the way