why are black people so afraid of clowns?
who /prehistoricgamer/ here?
I played skyrim back in 2011
Are they?
are you? lol why?
I remeberl playing gears of war on my xbox. Who else /ancient/ here?
? I'm not i asked you why black people were afraid of clowns
it's the same with blacks on drawing and swimming. they are subhuman
Is this clown shit the modern day anonymous?
Because they haven't realized we live in a society yet.
>go to the mall
>see swedish girls getting blacked and browned
>realize my life is a comedy
damn they are slow huh?
>go have a coffee out with gf
>see no shitskins anywhere
life is good
>go outside
>see chads with girlfriends
I thought my life was a tragedy...
Did you know that Skyrim wasn't actually the first Elder Scrolls game?
t. jurassic gamer
Do I really look like a guy with plan?
You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars.
cause even kids can handle clowns unless they're black.
I request the gamer rise up meme picture where there is a gamer chad and a girl wants to fuck him but then the gamer chad says that its only a simulation and in real life girls dont like gamers
Some men just want to live in a society
I played minecraft before there was a hunger bar