This is a "Texas style" pizza with beef brisket and pickles on it. This terrifies and enrages the Italian.
This is a "Texas style" pizza with beef brisket and pickles on it. This terrifies and enrages the Italian
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I wish they sold cheap american beer here
lone star and pabst are tasty
Pic related is considered a "Small" pizza in America
>foreigner wishing for cheap american beer
what universe did I just land in?
Looks good desu
This is swedish kebab pizza with fries
I like drinking cheap beer but most of the cheap beer here is eastern european and gives you big hangovers
>improve upon pasta recipe
>post it online
>30000 italians come to hunt me down
would eat it
would remove the pineapples and eat it
Looks alright, italian pizza is literally "lets'a put all of the leftovers on this dough!"
>pickles ain't fried
>onions instead of onion rings
>no ranch sauce
Where's the ananas?
i could eat this over 2 days or so
where do i buy one
Italians are mostly extemely autistic regarding to food and stuff despite being unable to cook a fucking onion properly
don't ever listen to our opinion about anything related to food
>cooking an onion
Why would anyone want to destroy a perfectly good RAW onion?
You need to try Natty Lite and Keystone Lite. Literally the cheapest trash beer you can buy, but tastes the absolute best on a hot day.
It confuses me desu.
Was just about to say that he probably pissed a fellow American off for not having ranch to dip.
>found you
Big Lou's San Antonio?
we've got cheap 3-4% alcohol beer but it tastes like utter garbage
used to drink this shit back in high school
My mom used to make a square pizza with potatoes, pickles, cheese, sausage, tomatoes and a lot of mayonnaise.
for me, it's kebab pizza
would proceed to box the entire thing and live off of it for the next week and a half
>tfw no kebab pizza near you and you have seen many euro posters post highly of it
Why do Swedes ruin perfectly good kebab pizza
We have a very similar one, we call it Stroganoff pizza.
Looks good bar the pickles desu
Fuck you now I want pickles
So I came here to call you a faggot because tomatoes come from America so pizza is a faux Italian dish made in America, but ended up learning that not only has pizza been around for almost a thousand years, there's a True Neapolitan Pizza Association in Italy dedicated to preserving Italian pizza. Mama Mia!
Those better be dill pickles and not sweet pickles.
Is it true a lot of the younger Italian women can't even cook a meal anymore?
>a lot of mayonnaise
I could handle everything else but this part.
>cooking when you can buy ready to eat perfection at the store
I shiggy diggy.
>pizzaburger with cheese 'n' nachos
even I'm not American enough for this madness
looks preety good desu senpai
in Russia we put mayo in literally everything
Looks good except for the pickles
what kind of mayo do ruskies like? I don't know if you'd like hellmann's/best foods in large quantities like that
>but ended up learning that not only has pizza been around for almost a thousand years
Flat breads with various topping have been eaten around the Mediterranean far longer than that.
If it's cold I could understand it but are you heating it?
our own brands, this is the most common one in my city
maybe I can get ripped off in an import store for that somewhere. I like mayo a lot but maybe the brands out here can't be applied quite as heavily.
99% of Italian women are useless whores that really can't do anything
Korean kimchi pizza is much better. You guys are clearly not white. Your food looks like what n***ers eat
I have never seen one of these in my life and it looks disgusting.
t. texan
>t. texan
pry the pickles off because you certainly aren't complaining about the brisket
I don't want brisket on my pizza, either.
I'm not a great fan of brisket but I'll eat it.
For me? It's tandoori pizza
Looks very tasty, fuck Italians and their shitty pizzas
I'd try tbqh.
Dr.Oetker is usually al right.
For me it’s mozzarella and iberian ham
I like all kind of pizza, except pizza with onion and olives. if you put that in pizza you are non-human
Pickles don't fit there
That is indeed true, my finno-slavic brother
This terrifies and enrages the Italian.
It only make us feel bad for you desu
the fries are great as long as they're right out the oven
if you're taking the pizza home skip the fries though, they sog up real quick
I’m from Ohio and that looks disgusting
Increfibly based, but for me it's Wagner Steinofen Salamipizza and I have also eaten Rustipitani a lot lately
To make things worse, the price tag says it's "pasta carbonara" lol
Not pizza
Would have expected this from a mn American or Brit
Pineapple and eggs/cream is a shit combo and regardless not a carbonara, call it whatever you prefer instead
Non pizza bakery and gourmet attempt but probably more edible than the street "classic" pizza or sushi the average Russian city offers as original recipe
Based spicy mustrad mayo flavor goed well with everything