Hello int friends

Hello int friends

Let us look at tokyo together


Attached: tokyo-aerial-from-above-sprawl.jpg (1200x900, 569K)

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comfy thread!

Attached: 1550674830425.png (744x912, 58K)

name my band

Attached: 1554382980516.jpg (1080x1080, 232K)

Jesus fuck that resolution is insane
You can zoom in so much
What kind of camera took the photo?

it's got all the specs at the bottom of the page

That picture always scares me

Truck-kun strikes again

Attached: 1537141055647.jpg (1695x693, 262K)

the hustle and bustle!

Attached: 1554486141958.jpg (1080x1080, 254K)

It certainly is stitched together, you can see the images at the bottom.
Probably thousands of individuals images.

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-054900_Chrome.png (1440x2560, 2.11M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-055339_Chrome.png (1440x2560, 3.28M)

*cough* *cough*



Attached: Screenshot_20190418-055953_Chrome.png (1440x2560, 2.75M)

>grass on the roof of a building
Japan is so perfect it hurts

Attached: Tokyo.jpg (2560x1440, 1.56M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-060919_Chrome.png (1440x2560, 2.88M)

Took this today

Attached: IMG-20190413-WA0000.jpg (758x1599, 145K)

>my train station can be seen in the pic
where is your london version?

yamero! you'd be haunted

hmm I wish it's newer than 2012

Attached: 910b878b-f6b5-47e1-a1d7-18e24d8104c6.jpg (1117x687, 112K)

Why is Japan so cool lads

Attached: IMG_20190415_154341.jpg (4608x2112, 3.18M)

Attached: 12711892-0b78-4241-bb24-39fdb88c3613.jpg (1413x737, 210K)

H-he's fast!

woman, burger, and loli

Attached: 68bfbd90-bd38-4543-8995-d59d771e86aa.jpg (984x728, 140K)

Shadow people

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-060332_Chrome.png (1440x2560, 2.86M)

obviously a real ninja

Actually, I don't think that is a person. I should go to bed

some kind of festival happening over here, selling hot dogs i believe

Attached: ss+(2019-04-18+at+09.35.10).jpg (1025x963, 399K)

Wait that is a person you can see their shoe

looks like some students selling very cheap hot dogs to the locals

well, it was kinda fun.

Attached: 0fb37ef0-d2f6-4dd3-8f41-574471661095.jpg (1202x743, 167K)

Tokio looks super souless,sad that my future girlfriend lives in that shit

tokyo is maximum soul

comparing to your desert and skyscrapers yes

it's basically some business districts of tokyo, though
filled with business people

>tfw no frens to play football with.

Attached: 490569045906.jpg (1897x882, 1.16M)

> soul

Attached: src_11151075.jpg (1280x1280, 859K)


most people are there for business, not to live

Attached: D07M5ECWoAc5awG.jpg (1078x869, 144K)

go away gopnik youre drunk

even compared to your cold tundra shithole my mountains (read: not all saudi arabia is a desert) are soulful.

why are you so butthurt?Understand in depth of consciousness that Seul is also souless?
by the way i way i want Japaneese gf not Korean

Russia has all possible nature
and you are also souless because radical monotheism(judaism islam christianity) doesn`t have drugs through all history of it`s existence

business people like to put objects in their asses

>by the way i way i want Japaneese gf not Korean

U are jelly of beautiful Korean girl u will never have. Lol.