So India is indeed real democracy.
So India is indeed real democracy
Are Indians taught to glorify Anglos?
Yeah, this is the land where people are of the opinion that using random English words in their native language speak or outright hating their mother tongue makes them look high class and intellectual. You can't expect these fuckers to respect their culture. India is filled to the brim with westaboos, especially in cities. Worst case of westabooism can he found in telugu states. I think only lungis care about their cultural heritage.
Wtf is that subtweet with clearly neglected notre dame but nobody think she's worthless
It's interesting how Iran even though it became completely islamified they still value their Aryan heritage in majority and try to remove mullahs which enforce Arab identity while India tries to worship Arab identity to gather score points from kebab voting block and LARP as multiculti Westerners.
so most westaboos are found in the south rather than the north? I've heard something about people in the south refusing to speak hindu and prefering to speak english instead
Religion is fucking ridiculous and has no place in modern society. People need to stop conflating theology with philosophy, history and culture because it has fuck all to do with any of it.
Refusing to speak Hindi in the south isn't necessarily about glorifying Anglos, senpai.
Civilisation is frequently described in religious terms, like Christendom or "The Islamic world." Religious practice therefore influences the society and culture it resides in.
Australia has a Christian cultural influence, even if you wish to deny it.
Lungi zealots from tamil nadu unironically think every language in the world is derivative of tamil and refuse to speak anything other than their holy language. Except telugu states, all southern states are not okay with forcing an alien language onto them. I agree that it's better to have English as lingua franca of India than hindi.
Hinduism is just an umbrella term for various theologies, philosophies, and cultures. Hinduism as a religion is a relatively new construct from colonial times, which is always bent and conceptualized in ways to suit political agendas. People just needed a word under with they can unify for othering process and just adopted what the "other" calls them - hindu.
Given that india hasn't produced anything important in tech or culture for the last couple of hundred years, maybe westabooism is the right choice. Only retards cling to inferior heritage.
american-tier post
India is multicultural, not in the sense of being a melting pot of different cultures like some western states, but as different immiscible liquids in a container.
>The only
They certainly aren't on Germany levels.
PewDiePie I hope you kill yourself
I wonder how things would've fared out if Muslims and anglos didn't rape us.
Step aside kid
Someone else would have done it instead given how weak you were.
priyank was right
Goa should speak portuguese
you need to be at least 13 to post here or have high school level comprehension. so kindly close your browser and don't come back
Fuck off you stupid teenager.
Their "invaders" Aryans were the ones that brought them culture, civilization and language.
The same could be said about the invaders from the south who brought culture, civilisation and language into Europe.
To be fair, native Indian culture is pretty fucking horrid on its own, regardless of colonialism. Mass segregation, women are treated like cattle (and the cattle are treated better than most people), defecating in public and in drinking water, BATHING in the same water you defecate and throw dead bodies in, and the list goes on.
I thought Indians hated America
What's this heritage that you want to be so proud of again?
What about any New World country ever? If you're a native american, it's considered a privilege if you still have a reservation to live in and you should be thankful for it.
>Muh ancestors heritage
An average Indian dreams of leaving india and settling in either Canada or USA.
Most of this "native Indian culture" you speak of came about after muslim and British invasions. Also anyone who says india has one monolithic culture is a fucking retard. I remember going to Northern states and feeling complete culture shock.
Why are Indians always complaining about something?
Culture derives from metaphysics.
That's normal if you live in a messy shithole where politicians promise to fuck up your future.
Religion is political tool. Politics has Supreme power to influence culture.
Extremely based.
>Yeah, this is the land where people are of the opinion that using random English words in their native language speak makes them look high class and intellectual.
Same pretty much everywhere. Bonus points for teenagers inserting broken English in the middle of a sentence.
In the more affluent parts of cities, people speak exclusively in English and look down on those that don't.
Teenagers here don't do it to sound high class and intellectual, they think they sound hip and modern and cool, or because they can't think of the German word like retards
and the biggest joke of all is that they still sound like every tech support pajeet ever
Exactly lol, they put on these fake ass American accents that are completely see through.