Bald and bankrupt

What does Jow Forums think of this dude
I like how he just show shitholes in a Nice light but he is so retardedly luck not to get kill/mugged

Attached: Belarus-Girl-Invites-Me-for-Lunch-I-Have-To-Pay-🇧🇾-YouTube.png (1121x671, 1.16M)

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best travel youtuber ive watched so far, want to sit down and watch all of them one day

In his slavic cunts videos ? He is ok
India videos? Yikes
That being said its still interesting stuff to watch

Attached: 1554767587546.jpg (1200x1440, 360K)

I like his personality. I don't know anything about the state of travel content on YouTube but his videos are suprisingly entertaining to watch.

makes me want to learn Russian

I'm afraid that rural-Moldova got him.

Attached: 61544654.jpg (224x225, 6K)

>travels to third world countries

no thanks

I like him but i can sum up most of their vids
>"X has been here since soviet time"
>"In soviet union x used to be like this"
>"I am in the poorest/most dangerous place in y country"

>show shitholes in a Nice light
what? he is pretty honest with his experiences, just look at his video on moldova
I like him, charismatic dude that speaks Russian and genuinely sees the good in most things

Wait, how can you post images? I'm rangebanned for some reason.

I find it a bit anoying that he goes to slavic shitholes and waves shition of cash just to show those place arent as bad when i know perfectly that he is just the luckiest motherfucker ever

I based.

Attached: 012556.png (609x597, 105K)

any street shitting in the India vids?

He went to the worst town in tuva and waved around 3k pounds just to prove that he would not get robbed he was just lucky that for gopnicks pounds are basicly coloured paper with random people on them
He clearly makes an efford to make shitholes look nice

that just comes down to perspective, he genuinely seems to not mind it. The mentality is also a lot different when you are just there for a couple weeks, I dont think he makes his videos in the same vein as other travel youtubers

I do like him because he is genuine ,he is legit interested in the places and people and has a pretty based opinion he forma go arround "mUh this is a shitholes because gomminism" like most western people do

his videos unironically made me think a lot of these places would be better off under the soviets

Most of them were with the expection of maybe poland and the check republic most place stayed the same or got seriously worse after the fall

milk production in Ukraine

Attached: i.jpg (1004x484, 103K)

he's an asshole

A lot of places will not. Tbh only liberals and neo-nazis says that. People back then were grateful for economic potentials.

>Liberals and neo-nazis saying anything good about communism
What did he mean by this?

He was in Moldova recently and I keep getting it as a recommended video

He is a good travel blogger. Just like belorussian "бpoдягa фишaй"

>just show shitholes in a Nice light
It's the opposite. He only shows the worst places in a country.