
dehouche edish

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Other urls found in this thread:


baesh un de ehvidens soubmi'id tuh /bret/, cark es cunfermed d'bey duh culchrul 'eert uv Oirelan

Doing a poo

then you should be well aware of kev sersh and niamh
and mboko was a character before ngubu

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not a massive fan of black people

>replying to the old thread
Ok reddit.

Dude... not cool
*5 people come towards you cracking their knuckles*

>p-please don't bring up how I just outed myself as a horrific new cunt

his second chin in bigger than her right boob

No toil tomorrow

CANNOT stop trumping in my chair and wafting it so i can get a sniff in



alri emma watson

Have notified the authorities mate

>thinking anonymous can be outed as anything
Lmao, do you think everyone has a username.

i have a username

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My magic level is now 40

Getting a noncy feeling from this.

you can only see people's usernames if you've already created an account
that's what makes it so obvious you're a newfag

fucking hell

if you have high IQ (like me) you have very good pattern recognition so its easy to spot anyones posts

this tbqh
wouldn't mind them if they weren't so rude all the times. never say please, never say thankyou, always have a face like a slapped arse.

imageboard not link board

3/4 trips happen to also be traps

some lucky bride-to-be is gonna have a fun evening

Did three push ups yesterday and my arms and chest have grown at least an inch deffo more than just british and irish beef in those mcdonalds double cheeseburgers

Any northern soul man in? Will accept mod, skin or scooter boy



Which yank am I

theres a bucks in /cum/ too apparently

Dog girls are insane.

What about punk rocker


hope some lefty skulls get clubbed

fuck of paki cunt

North > South.

all women are insane

Dont care fugly bitch

just realised how much of a choon this is


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over 400 arrests

north riding > east riding > west riding

Someone smashed up the Dunkin lads

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Cats > dogs.

southern poofters BTFO

was /dixie/ actually not /cum/

probably some fat cunt trying to ransack the place for doughnuts but lost all their energy after the first hit and gave up

No idea who that is

Your abilities are weak

West > North > South
> East Riding.

what kind of heartless monster would do such a thing?

stupid newfag fuck off

police officers got exposed for being lazy pieces of shit in the media so now their bosses are compensating

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Why do they get 2 generals (but still post here)?

Fucking hate that smell of your bedroom the morning after drinking

one thread cant contain their mass

what was he thinking

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I got caught drunking because of that when I was 15 lmao

joke: north-south divide
woke: east-west divide

flat eastern poofters FEAR the mountain men of the west

Attached: England_hill_regions.jpg (1180x1428, 487K)

>hibs to rangers
>brum to villa

True men. False women. This is the darkness of the Age.

joke: north-south divide
broke: east-west divide
woke: clockwise divide, as you go around the county clockwise it steadily gets shitter.

Wales is far more mountainous than West England

'gin 'k

....were you drinking alone?

can't see his face without thinking of the philmarillion

what a time to be alive

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Irish people have got freakish aspects

Nah sorry mate

Deep down, everybody wants an asian gf

well done

do you want a brownie

/dixie/ is actually good

Flaglets fuck off though

Nobody’s saying otherwise pal

no but didnt open my windows after a night of knacker drinking
place stunk to high heavens

jack off or vidya lads, only have time for one before sleep

bloody hell what has the world come to?

>hill regions

do em both simultaneously, i do that sometimes when playing fifa and the other team is attacking

the gf is really cute lads

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such as?

business idea for dunkin donuts
open up stores next door to weed shops


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I remember the dark(er) toil days, when I didn't get bank holidays as a day off. Feel for all the toilers who will still be toiling on these holy days.

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dude weed lmao

why have you got this saved?

if you have brown eyes you're a son of satan

business idea: aggressive eugenics

Both of these

why not

Are you a race realist?

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the dates are from 2013 kek

I'm a man of my word. Having a pint on my own in a beer garden

doesn't count if you're squatting on the land lad

yes, back when /sp/ ruled Jow Forums

got the fan on

scottish football mafia innit
he made sheds of money from rangers before they went under. very dodgy.

of course lad

Business idea: Public education campaign so people know the difference between brown and hazel eyes.
t. Hazel masterrace

they didnt go under in 2006?

are you a brit on holiday