Why are there still poor countries in Europe?
Why are there still poor countries in Europe?
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Because Europe is a poor country
white missmanagement of BLACK resources
Moldova is a especial case. I wish our goverment donated money to Moldova, instead of giving money to shitholes who will always be shitholes like Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and sub-sahaaran countries
Moldova will be a shithole until it's united with either Romania or Russia
almost all of them are poor third world shitholes.
The only good and rich European countries are
>Finland (obviously)
>reunite shithole with other shitholes, that'll make it stop being a shithole
yeah no
LMAO poor niggers
>Africa left a giant hole and yet wasn't flooded
0/10 realism, shit pic
Anglos and French destroyed our coutnry.
Do you not know the extent of shithole that is Moldova
Romania is million times better. Moldova is literally sub saharan Africa level
>>reunite shithole with other shitholes, that'll make it stop being a shithole
but there's nothing objectionable about this statement at all
becus the rich leave
on the contrary it's not dug down, but rather raised up
>tfw your town doesn't have a designated rapist
why live
I support this.