I really think we have the best neighbors and I would like to thank them for that

I really think we have the best neighbors and I would like to thank them for that...

Greece is economical giant and our biggest trading partner, they revived Stopanska Banka and other companies and over 2 million Greek tourists visits us every year. Amazing culture and history.

Serbia is not counted as foreigners to us, brother nation and we literally love each other. Beautiful girls and fantastic mountains. Belgrade have pretty crazy construction boom with skyscrapers and shit

Bulgaria is our role model how to run similar sized country. It's like better version of us. We love them for our shared history and it's always funny how similar our customs are. Probably one of the most beautiful country and we love their mountains for skiing

Albania is economic rising star, with extremely clever and almost workoholic people. Beautiful cities, coast and tasty food.

Attached: Map - Macedonia.gif (525x435, 155K)

Two days ago I had a conversation with my dad how it's a miracle that Macedonia hasn't been split between it's neighbors. You have it even harder than B&H.
Anyways, your count has amazing startup potential, wish I could say the same about my count.

The most exclusive electric cars are produced in Croatia.

>Bulgaria is our role model

>Greece is economical giant

Attached: 1548366536908.jpg (200x200, 9K)

What's wrong with Bulgaria?

>Greece is economical giant
This is bait

blind negativism and weak institutions

>Greece is economical giant

Attached: хахаха.jpg (640x640, 51K)

compared to the balkans, we are. Sadly.

No, it's the gypsy and negro blood

Even here you have chosen to hide your power level, fren.

Attached: Bulgar bilgisayarda.jpg (484x363, 41K)

>your count has amazing startup potential

Attached: 1540945588789s.jpg (125x102, 2K)

ikibey my friend, how have you been?

Are you guys kidding me? Total wealth by country

I mean you're retarded enough to believe that the meme=greece is crashing means greece=poor?

Attached: Total wealth.png (415x731, 34K)

Having communist in power ensures a stable decline and a waste of whatever national resources, working hands you have. Statistics might be decent for Bulgaria in some area, but in reality Bulgaria is in a pretty shitty situation.

The gypsy question is ignored by the government for whatever reason, nobody does shit for the declining birth rate and the aging of the population. The roads are built with crappy materials to produce more artificial work, and so that rich capitalists can profit. I can go on all day. Its mostly the political inactivity that exist, except before elections of course that's bad.

>nobody does shit for the declining birth rate and the aging of the population
Soon the government will start sending people to fuck people's wives to increase birth rates, and they will pass a low to forbid aging. Fucking whining selyak.

>Whelp, we in Bulgaria had a good run fellas, but all good things come to an end. At least we leave whoever takes the land a relatively intact nature.

is that the albanian or the serbian point of view?

Imagine a place on Earth so shitty, so relentlessly ravaged by communism, tribalism and the ottomans, where Greece is unironically perceived as the economical giant
Hahah crazy right?

>Extremely clever

Attached: golden_lel.png (912x905, 1.23M)

I hope this isn't a vpn and that even the Japanese know about the Albanians

based macbro shilling regional integrity among balkan brothers

based haha poster

>Economical giant
Pay debt please.