Why is it next to impossible to get decent pickles in Europe?
I've tried pickles from many different European countries and they are always the sweet kind (nasty), and sometimes they are also mushy (double nasty) where are my sours at?
Why is it next to impossible to get decent pickles in Europe?
I've tried pickles from many different European countries and they are always the sweet kind (nasty), and sometimes they are also mushy (double nasty) where are my sours at?
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I completely agree with you, sweet pickles are fucking bad
Lithuania has pretty good sour pickles
Make your own m8
>clear marinade
I can already tell those are shitty and not sour at all, proper sour pickles have clearly visible lactic acid sediment
should try these
our pickles never striked me as sweet
>buy 'Russian' pickles
>they're actually from Poland
same thing
for me, it's gherkins
Our gherkins don’t tend to be the horrid sweet American shit.
OP here
UK pickles are the worst I've had, mushy and sweet and horrible.
those weren't gherkins clearly
Eat hverarvöllur pickles like everybody else in iceland
>horrid sweet American shit.
Those are only the "bread and butter" ones. Most pickles you get are completely different. Vlasic in general is crap even the non sweet ones. Pic related are based as well as the garlic and hot versions. You can also get organic brands or just make your own.
Is it a region? This is the first thing that came up.
>don't like sweet pickles
>buy sweet pickles anyway
i thought more about you icelanders
Felix Saltgurka is normal non-sweat and firm kind.
Should be available in most nordic countries.
All vegetables are shit in Western Europe
This. But I prefer the extra salty white pickles. Fucking amazing.
I've noticed that good pickles are Eastern European thing and Westerners are gay faggots with their sugar-floppy-benis-pickles.
Make your own, it's not hard.. I use a recipe from the 40's.
Our pickles aren’t like that
If anything european pickles are horrid sweet shit
Here in Sweden we have three kinds of pickles.
>smörgåsgurka -
It's sweet and disgusting
Normal pickles, salty and nice
>vit saltgurka
White coloured, salty and sour.
The sweet first kind is the most sold one but I hate it.
Buy them in Slav minimarkets, some sell the whitish fermented ones, "bochka" are the barrell ones. East Europe makes nice pickles, especially cucumbers and tomatoes and they have a good ammount of till, onions, aromatic leaves, garlic and eventual chilis. Then there are other veggies and jews also make pickled watermelon dices, gross.
Try the French cornichons 'Maille'.
This, I pickled tomatoes with garlic and dill and they turned out great. Thanks for the recipe Russia.
The sweet ones are ideal for sandwiches, salty ones for meat dishes and mashed potatoes,same for the sour ones that can be also enjoyed as they are. Or just vodka food.
1 kg of Västerås cucumbers
Dill crowns
25 grams of horseradish cut in small pieces
1/4 table spoon of white pepper
1 small piece of ginger
0.75 deciliter of vinegar
1 litre of water
100 grams of salt
Boil the water, vinegar and salt for 3 minutes or until it's foaming. Put the cucumbers and the rest inside a clean glass jar. Pour the liquid (after it's cool again) over. Make sure to leave about 1cm of air inside jar. Close it hard. After 3-4 weeks it's ready to eat.
I was wondering what the white bits were. Horseradish in it sounds excellent.
It gives it a nice sting. Made it without the horseradish once but it didn't taste nearly as nice.
is that edible
That indeed is a good brand, else get a Russian wife and eat her babushka 10/10 homemade food and pickles and seasonings, this works too.
we have good pickles
It looks like it was freshly pickled for few days or weeks.
Slavs tend to pickle in 5L jars and keep them inside the apartment, small balconies or basement. Some jar leads explode and those are usually the bad ones. The white hue can be a bad sign if the jar was not maintained closed well or was subject of costant temperature changes or sunlight.
based Irish pickling master.