I worship them ;)
I worship them ;)
i hate them and i will never forgive them
Didn't save you from NATO :)
we don't worry about your hate/love interrests. We actually conquer your land in the XIX century only because Napoleon influenced Russian Emperor too much in this time, we don't have real reason to do that really we have huge amount of swamps with fingols even without Finland.
You forgot to tip your fedora.
shitty evrosovok propagandA
Just realised that if Belarus and Russia merged (as Lukashenko proposed just a few weeks ago) - Russie would feel a LOT more European.
Imagine bordering Poland (Kaliningrad aside).
That would be beautiful.
Belarus and Russia should become one!
>Treaties of Tilsit
>Rusisa is ally of Sweden in their war against Napoleon
>Russia do want capture Constantinopole
>Napoleon deny this and asking from Russian Emperor prove Russian strength by capturing of Finland first
>Triggered Russian Emperor break alliance with Sweden, start the war against them and capture Finland. Coalition against Napoleon is destroyed, French emperor are happy
>All later Russian generations think WTF they must do with these useless finnish swamps and lived in them fingols
>After 1917. No-no - we give independence to Finland, w e don't want give the fuck about this land more.
>Modern Fingols: Evil Russians secretely plotting about how to steal these beautiful swamps from us
>We actually conquered
What kind of shithole would worship modern Ru-
Oh, I see
100 year,forget dude
>We actually conquered
We = Russians. In difference with you i'm ethnic Russian and i can use this word when talking about members of my nation.
>feel a LOT more European
>Belarus and Russia should become one!
No, thank you
I don't like Russia but still respect it
At least he's honest
>i hate them and will never forgive them
Thanks, based Serb
>No, thank you
>t. liberaher europophill