
what a piece of work is a man...edish

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what you done lad

DAS ist der Faden!!

is this the new thread

killed both threads by making it so early everyone knows the janman is going to swoop in and shoot both down in 20 minutes
good one

toilberg's given us all ice lollies

nick peoples lunch from the fridge

timing is everything innit x

has cokemong returned at last?

i want to die

victimless crime that

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was it the tranny thing? loooool

/sp/ always makes me howl even though the threads are so stupid

fuck off there then

peng ting

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lifting toil may get cancelled this weekend if it gets too hot

y-you don't really mean that, do you?

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I found a new route around my village to run, it's 7km
might die haha

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take it you are a fat cunt
why else would you run

reminds me of emma louise (the slag pornstar)
all so fake

I believe you should do what you can while you can
plus beach body innit


Ngl, that's pretty peng.

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when you're sat at your pc do you have music playing or a video playing at all times?
I just sat in silence and the noise floor in my room is an obnoxious mix of electrical buzzing and fan motors.

wait hold up. can toilberg force me to take half of one of my days off to do the medical visit thing? somethings fishy.

lmao absolute rotter


>Nancy Pelosi: US-UK trade deal "just not on the cards" if Brexit "harms" the Good Friday Agreement

I have a small fan on 24/7 the year round as a blanket of white noise, but usually do have some music playing or my earphones in to block the noise

Brexit officially cancelled

>An employee is entitled to 30 (if he/she works five days a week) or 36 (if he or she works six days a week) days' paid sick leave for every three-year sick leave cycle.

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Have awful tinnitus so yes.

moby dick more like daddy dick uwu

all the time, coil whine makes me almost suicidal

love sniffing my gfs pussy and arsehole

yeah but I say a deal IS on the cards and I'm not in power either

what I mean is the medical visit is for work. it's considered as working hours. so why does he ask me to take my half day off to do it. my days off are for resting, not working. he's trying to fuck me in the arse

t. Joyce


Do you find that it smells more when you're not horny?

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the ol' over-ear headphones block most of the annoying whirrs so i can sit without anything playing

Really want a gf again lads

Would have the ex back if it were up to me

we need some sort of market controls put on the sexual marketplace its getting out of hand for single men

we did it Reddit!

*no, we actually did do it, we cured tinnitus, well done all.

I unironically have that low-fi hip hop radio from YouTube on as background all the time.

hm dont think so. just love their musky scents

hate the bbc
hate southern england

the imbalance will only last until the females of our generation hit the wall desu

Just hop on tinder lad, met my current gf on there

no, that already happened to women in the last generation. Its all these dried up bitter feminists you see on tv

Friday in Sydney!
Thank GOD it's GOOD Friday

got called a normoid freak in carrefour

I am on Tinder.

I live at home with my parents. I'm 28 years old.

Dunno if I want a gf
Horny, lonely, and just want female companionship but it’s a major time sink and women are genuinely fucked in the skulls
I’d like a gf I could see like one day a week and then have the rest to myself

any art hoe man in?

frog on

art hoes are girls

state of the comments


How do you manage to get actual dates or meet up with them
Or is it just purely a numbers game
Almost ALL of the girls on there agree to meet up and seem interested only to flake out they day of or day before

my gf used to be my housemate.

any good video games lads?

my wife used to be my housen@$$-;$


yeah loads
man kicks ball
wizard slays dragon
to name a few

been playing bannerlord like mad since it came out
You should give it a go

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WoW Classic


I have only ever had ONE one night stand from clubbing and even then it wasn't a complete random.

So much effort.

You've got to have:
>good hair
>good banter
>good personality
>good physique
>good social skills
>a place of your own

And even then its luck of the draw.

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name them

not out yet

art nouveau is the most aesthetic style in the world

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reading this in a saffer accent and giggled

should i play lottery lads? Never done it before, might be the one haha

only have about half of those and still have a gf.


I prefer art deco tbqh

janny's gonna FREAK

School holidays give me the fucking shits. Can't go anywhere or do anything without bogan families of 20 shitting it up. Fuck off back to the housing commission in satellite suburbs where you belong you fucking subhumans.

Only because we have more of it than euros and less art nouveau than they do

have a neighbour who was 60 odd years old
>four kids all grown up now
>wife he married at 18
>nice house
>no money troubles
>decent job
>liked well enough
He was suffering with depression for a while, his wife went to go visit his daughter who lives in the UK and while she was gone he hanged himself in his shed.
One wonders how this can happen when he supposedly had all the things we say would bring true happiness.

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hope you get glassed you thinskinned poof

Fuck off

but they’re WHITE master race brother
my race is my religion

What's it like in the future, do they have hoverboards yet

Got yourself a bed at the psych ward for the long weekend champ?

could have had a genuine chemical imbalance in the brain or utterly hated his wife for years and years

do women like looking at men's bums

He was probably a closet homosexual

Who cares


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nah they didn't have any big marriage troubles, my mam is friends with the wife

Yeah but it’s sort of forced and artificial like most things with women
It’s not visceral like with men at all

Have no idea what an "action list" is

he had 4 kids retard

Women can’t touch or comprehend the deeper yearnings of the male soul

Big muscular bums like mine yeah

oh shit time to break out the ham