Wagecucks, how do you spend day after you finish the mcjob?

Wagecucks, how do you spend day after you finish the mcjob?

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Jow Forums
Do my daily Duolingo
Catch up with real life frens
Litsen music

In no particular order

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learning new stuff, Jow Forums, Netflix, going for a walk

right here


nap before sleep, laptop

My boss just mad at me for misunderstanding she never actually want to resolve.
Now my weekend is ruined. Fuck this shit.


The same way I spend it at work. By shitposting on Jow Forums and jerking off.

I do absolutly nothing at work but browsing Jow Forums and jerking it, and neets can never compete with me

I do wage cuckery during semester breaks at college. You know what I do? Whatever the fuck I want because my free time is actually me own instead of the fucking gunner inspired college syllabus's

I'm at work right now. But because of the Holy Week I have almost no work at all, most of the workers didn't come today.

t. IT supervisor

I spend my free time at work browsing Jow Forums (like I'm doing right now) and then when I get home I just lift, play videogames, and watch tv


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I sleep and wait for death to come.

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You can speed up the process with simple trick.


I can't I've tried, probably in my mid 30s

What language are you learning?

go to the gym, go grocery shopping, cook dinner with the gf, watch a movie, read in the bathtub for twenty minutes, have sex with the gf, go to sleep

sometimes instead of grocery shopping, cooking dinner, watching movies and having sex with the gf I go out with my bros and drink myself blind

Mostly working on my cars, driving my cars or at home on Jow Forums, reading books or drinking beer and listening to music.

t.pluggin ethernet cables

>tfw still have time for one more edible until monday


Jow Forums, read books, cook, exercise. On my days off I usually go hiking in the woods.

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watch tv and wish to die