Tpaнлo eдишън
Tpaнлo eдишън
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first for cocks, tri moreta, gay sex, wars and anime
eфeнди e пeдepчинa
I'm not a faggot
The Serbian protesters taught me that word
Liar, the mission doesn't progress unless you kill him xD
I'm reading the book about Slovenia in YU and I can't believe how close we were to get Trst yet the Allies and Stalin gave it to Italy.
I know, I got furious I missed my shots, so I gave up, threw a random shot a few meters in front of him, and suddenly I got praised for being the best.
Must have been some crazy ricochet to be honest.
i haven't read /balk for a while but god damn you kids are really cringey
it'd be embarrassing if this was a serb
This warm weather is making me horny as fuck
>Taкжe Пopoшeнкo paccкaзaл, кaк пeл вмecтe c ними бoлгapcкиe и yкpaинcкиe пecни.
Are you that guy that likes to snowboard and lucid dream?
Isn't this the guy who made it illegal for bulgarian schools in Ukraine to teach in bulgarian language?
Pretty sure thats why we didn't take sides in the Ukraine-Russia thing, because of oppressed minorities in Odessa.
kek yeah
this is the age of LARPing
aanyway, later virgins
I've sang this with mates.
oh no no no no
I ski desu and yes
Did he? I had no idea
Yeah and it's great.
Is THIS the average Leh??
Erdély nem oláh
>article from 2016
Hey man, last time you told me you couldn't ski because of the weather or something. I wanted to know, since I told you, you can practice everyday skills in lucid dreaming. Did it improve your skiing, or was it the same?
I still can't lucid dream, but I can sense I'm in a dream just before I wake up.
So did it improve your skills, or was it ineffective?
"Oт тpибyнaтa нa Пapлaмeнтapнaтa acaмблeя нa Cъвeтa нa Eвpoпa кaзaх, чe cъм poдeн в южнaтa чacт нa paйoнa нa Oдeca, къдeтo живeeшe бългapcкo мaлцинcтвo, и aз гoвopя бългapcки.
>Bulgarians seriously think there is a Bulgarian minority in Odessa
>Bulgarians seriously think there is a Bulgarian minority in Skopje
>Bulgarians seriously think there is a Bulgarian minority in Pirot
>Bulgarians seriously think there is a Bulgarian minority in Thessaloniki
>Bulgarians seriously think there is no Bulgarian minority in Tatarstan
what's wrong with Bulgarians?
there are unironically more Bulgarians in Warsaw than in Skopje
>>Bulgarians seriously think there is no Bulgarian minority in Tatarstan
what minority ? if tatars want to be bulgars they're free to
kurwa pshek is a disgusting autist and quite possibly a grill too
>So did it improve your skills,
I can't really tell, I felt more 'in the zone' though when doing freestyle the next day so maybe.
the guys who ran away when turks came are still there
it's not a matter of 'wanting'
I'm slightly fixed on certain things but I'm still perfectly normal
>when turks came are still there
Why would they flee anywhere from their brothers?
btw, Turkish occupation was better than Russian
Yeah, seems about right. So it gives you a similar stimulation like doing it, without actually doing it? So I guess you could practice a lot of things on it. Were you calmer while doing the skiing? Maybe you could use it for all kinds of purposes. Public talking, larping as a boss to give yourself confidence, I dunno.
Thanks for the input.
>all these nerds who are afraid of going out so they have to do everything in lucid dreams
>field people seriously think that they are not hohols and white russians
>So it gives you a similar stimulation like doing it, without actually doing it?
Kind of yeah
> Were you calmer while doing the skiing?
More like more focused
Fuck off Pshek, you brown little manlet.
that's an old map, don't you see? the borders have changed since then
I'm not brown.
So it works, that's nice.
>B3cause thats what europeans do, if i started doing that sgit here i would be mocked and laughed at
So you'd rather be fat and unhealthy just to not be mocked by your fellow shiptars? What a toxic and retarded community you live in.
Stay depressed because you deserve it desu
I'm back and have an hour to spare, anyone for hax/skribl?
>1939:nearly a minority in their own country, occypying same amount of land as hungarians+genocoded by the germans
makes grug think
Manlets are the most oppressed race in the world.
poland is one of the few states in europe that was given more land than it historically deserves and its nation settled
ultimately a big winner in history, despite all the blood and sperm shed over its corpse
poland is just german and russian clay desu
We need more Cypriots here
also lesbians and cretins
id play
Where do I get a gf like this bros?
In your dreams (Lucid). Better than nothing, if you ask me.
which one would you rather?
my ancestors
>wrinkles around her mouth
Already hitting the wall, will look like shit in two years.
hax can be played with less people
>given more land than it historically deserves
same with romania
and they're both anti-russia, american puppets
go figure
pass: balk
Fucks sake lads
A guy I was introduced to at a party told me he got in a fight with his mother when he was 16 and he ended up hitting her for talking shit. When his father came back, she told on him. The son explained to the father what had happened, and then the father hit her too.
Just Balkan things.
yeah and we're SOOO smart
>The Treaty of Berlin was the final act of the Congress of Berlin (13 June – 13 July 1878), by which the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Abdul Hamid II revised the Treaty of San Stefano signed on 3 March the same year.[1] The most important task of the Congress was to decide the fate of the Principality of Bulgaria established in the Treaty of San Stefano,[2] even though Bulgaria itself was excluded from participation in the talks at Russian insistence.[2][3]
you posted first
whoever wants tok play join here
Qequs Maximus.
The USSR was the final arbiter of their borders, moron.
As if your insignificant delegation would have done anything, is that what you're suggesting?
Based father and son, women really need to be slapped or else they won't stop nagging the shit out of you for useless things.
i gotta leave the office in 5 minutes, or i'd play
But I want an irl one
be quiet incel
Although yeah I'd like her to be younger
Eh, I disagree. Domestic violence here is pretty harsh and outside of normal, I wish we'd get more civilized in that regard. Alcoholism plays a part as well.
We only got romanian majority areas, and lost one of them as well. Romania's current borders are a butchered corpse of what it should have been.
>a minority in their own country
nope, ethnic Poles made up 60% of the pre-war Poland's population
We had a really high population growth rate between 1945-80.
>poland is one of the few states in europe that was given more land than it historically deserves and its nation settled
The other one is obviously Serbia
actually you're not even wrong, even Polish nationalists in 1918 wanted only pic rel
>domestic violence
Oh shut up you fucking poofter, if you've ever dealt with a woman you know they get stuck in a useless loop and will start yelling like children if they don't get what they want. A quick slap is all it takes to calm her down you don't need to break her fucking face. It's like disciplining a child because women are children, and no slapping kids when they can't get what they want won't scar them or whatever other excuse faggots like you use.
You can be authoritative without physical violence, you savage.
I refuse to trust a map that marks the population in Macedonia with the same color like Bulgarians.
You could in the past, but now women have society backing them up, so now they talk a lot of shit. Don't worry, smack her once so she falls on her ass, and she will be as quiet as the silence.
So, Hungarian guy, did you manage to learn another language as you wanted?
That's not possible with most women especially when you get married and get a kid, they will show their fangs.
>did you manage to learn another language as you wanted?
Not yet, but I'm learning Czech and German currently.
Still, acting like a violent animal when your wife disobeys suggests that perhaps you're not the most rational person yourself, so you can't really justify hitting someone for being "unreasonable."
>you cant hit your wife!!
>reasoning with a woman
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?
>Not yet, but I'm learning Czech and German currently.
Good for you, but why Czech?
Oh, and by the way, its not possible to be rational with women (majority). Women are on the same level intellectually as children and cannot comprehend some things. Yes you can justify hitting someone, if a child is misbehaving and he doesn't listen to you scolding him, slap him once and he's all years.
Same with women
Let's discuss the topic at hand, what is life...
Why yes, I like Traps. What gave it away??
life is a way for the universe to acknowledge itself and the meaning of life is to reproduce
Oh fuck off. Do you unironically think that all men are some embodiment of rationality? Subhumans who chimp out whenever someone disagrees with them are no more rational than women.
>but why Czech?
I wanna learn one West Slavic language because I already know East and South ones.
Hit a nerve there, didn't I? So now you have to change the topic. I accept your concession.
Oh shiit im not banned on phone
its bitch to solve captchas on phone tjough
How am I changing the topic? I'm not a virgin, I just grew up in a very violent household, unlike you pampered little twats.
I wish I could learn Serbian from you
But you already know Serbian : )
Life is what Allah made to worship him