This are the only languages you should care about learning, the others will go extint in the near future

This are the only languages you should care about learning, the others will go extint in the near future.

Universal language
Spoken not only in latam but in Japan, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.
The most populated nation in the world speak it.
2nd most populated nation in the world speak it
This wasn't going to be on the list but since France is colonising Africa again, then it's worth it.
Now, I'm surprised why anybody decides to learn any other language outside this list.
Why the f*ck would anyone want to learn swedish, finnish, italian and any other languages where the population rate is low and where you can only speak it inside that country only, I mean china and India at least have billions of people but sweden???

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It's a valuable asset when you're looking for a job and some people find learning languages enjoyable.

Where is German and Arabic ?

>spoken in Japan
OP, are you legally retarded?

Ich habe Deutsch gelernt...

>spoken in the middle east
I've never met someone who speaks Spanish, excluding my cousin who lives in America.

This for German, honestly. Lots of high-paying jobs involving German (all in first world/high standard of living countries like Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and parts of Belgium) as well as lots of important scientific and other research in it. The latter was more true historically since now more and more research is published irrespective of the researchers’ native tongue but still. Also, 100+ million native speakers and about as many with it as their secondary language (and counting).

Yeah, I figured but honestly I kinda stopped after he mentioned Japan, that was just such nonsense. Guess I should have expected it from a ’Spic but oh well ...

Klasse, Ami!

>belgium with the french

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>tfw started taking up russian

this was probably a mistake.

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