Who here living with parents to save for a house?

Who here living with parents to save for a house?
>tfw going to be laughing at all the normalfags paying down my mortgage
>tfw they all laughed at me for living with mommy and daddy

I will win in the end.

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slow and steady wins the race

/neet/ here
my savings are almost gone

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Same. The only thing that sucks is that while telling them "I was a firefighter last summer" draws certain chicks in, they slowly fade into the void when they find out I live with my dad.

ya fucked up kid.

Quick get a part-time job, it's like being a NEET (free-time wise) but with spending money.

Same breh. Although I am kinda itching to leave recently and rent somewhere

Forest firefighter? Those dudes make bank just working summers. We don't need dumb roasties in our lives who don't have the foresight to see the great financial futures we will have.

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Don't do it user. Stick the course, have a nice down payment on a home, rent the other rooms out while living in the house so that it cashflows. Now it's actually profitable to not live with mommy and daddy anymore. Then, if you get a girlfriend and she moves in, have her pay "half" rent.

Indeed Fren :D
Too bad that firefighters make dumb decisions outside of work. I knew a lot of guys with broken relationships, illegitemate kids, and legal trouble. (I got the legal trouble and lost a a very kind GF)

27 year old living with parents here. I get along with them and my mom cooks delicious meals every day...why would give money to the apartment Jew? I have a gf and she doesn't mind I live with my parents, she does too. Meanwhile, I put my life savings in BTC again (after making gains last year) at $6300 before this run.