What memes and characters do you guys recommend I include as playable characters/bosses/npcs?
Already have a list I just know I'm missing out on some gold
I'm making a cancer crypto RPG game
Other urls found in this thread:
Sergey must be professor Oak type character
the bogs of course
make a duo boss consisting of the virgin redditor and the chad bizlet
Add a side quest where the main character must gamble all his gold at an Indian casino
The linkies will have their own part in the game
Was thinking making fat Sergey as the boss
Bogs will probs end up being the villains
ill give ya a list of what you should add if you havent added it already, its kinda easier to compile all the memes into one green text.
>wojak transforms into pink wojak
>biz website in the game
if you can
>moot and call him a faggot cuck
>hiro moot
>pepe as a business man
Wealthy chinaman
ALSO if you know of any cancer music I can play for background and boss fights preferably without or has very little lyrics link me
good list user
ill go look for shit
who are your boss fights so far, cant really think of anything without an example
the bog song for the final boss is a must have
Waltonchain gutter oil stage.
Bitbean should be the silly comic-relief superhero that randomly appears in front on the NPC, says something, and then flies away
Carameldansen. 100% sure to piss most people off. Could also go with some old school Basshunter.
Make Charles Hoskinson a ragged beggar screaming "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM I DONT USE SUPORT EMAIL" while getting fisted by the tranny dev
Good find I added it to my playlist
My boss list so far
add some pajeet shills in there. maybe have Jun from OMG be a sidekick with his board and pull some dank tricks
Carlos Matos
Treyvon James
Teeka Tiwari
George Soros
Warren Buffet
Plush Pepe
Roger Ver
Jihan Wu
Justin Sun
Cardano Tranny Warlock
Add her.
On top of Wojak
Pink Wojak
Satoshi Nakamoto
Vitalik Buterin
Sergey Nazarov
Charlie Lee
Once you beat the game you unlock Sminem, most powerful character in game.
Add a Slav for good measure. That's what I do.
this sounds glorious user.
Maybe do like this user said and tease not including the most obvious and powerful character until the very end
maybe this song as well for the crash theme
synth as some loony megalomaniacal faction leader
chaotic neutral ofc
Sminem most likely going to be the hero of this epic story so might make him playable from the beginning
Main character should be wojak and level up to 30 year old boomer
no sane faggot would pay gas for every move they do.Wait until offchain solutions are here or try to make a hybrid. Something like main game/actions are server-client but loot is on blockchain.
vitalik skeleton boss
Mark Karpeles needs to be the first dungeon boss
Hodler character class: they don't take damage in combat, but slowly lose HP.
You’ve got to have Vitalik as well
If I don’t see bitbean this will all be for nothing
How about being able to browse other sites kinda like an Easter egg (I guess?) like fitvitalik, shitcoin, supremecoin, killyourselfcoin, ponzicoin, that eth shrimp farm if it’s still up, etc
You autists are surprisingly creative keep it up
Pajeets are world normal mobs, you grind them to level.
Satoshi Nakamoto talks to you in a dream, you wake up and the game starts.
Rival has gotten early on btc and eth and has a lambo and fucks stacy you have a crush on since middle school.
You decide to buy shitcoin and thus you start your crypto journey.
The Jews send pajeets and regulations to try and stop you.
As you fight rothschild you realize the game is still in the middle and the bogs are the real boss.
You take on a journey to find boy Sminem in another map (think pokemon crystal 2 zones and lea finding luke in SW7).
Damn there is a lot of material.
I'll buy it for 100$ desu idc
Aids Skrillex
Make a discord so ppl can help out with sprites and shit
you're doing god's work, OP.
You gotta make one of Snoo hahaha
make super sayain but it's just red wojack
low level (((boss)))
Make a discord and Ill help
Monster as potions, boomer the protip/tutorial mascot
Will try to see how I go on my own
If I need the extra help I'll be back with a discord for those who wish to help
You should have some sort of area that focuses on governments
Have guys like Jay Clayton and Maduro as bosses with someone like Giancarlo as an ally
do you have any examples of previous games you've made OP? curious to see what you can make.
Forgot happy merchant
Soros should be the ultimate boss in NG+
Le happy merchant should be the actual merchant.
Buy my overpriced potions goyim!
I can level up your weapons.... For a price *rubs hands*
*nervous merchant * Is that a discount ticket goy?
I fucking like that lmao
don't forget about Galia Benartzi
Just fiddled around with RPG maker lately to test and get an idea of what I can and can't do
I'm no brainlet and am pretty resourceful so complicated tasks I can ask forums/friends for help
Custom sprites seems like the most time consuming job atm
Pajeet shills as the little minions you fight before slaying Sergey.
As long as you hold off on short term greed and make in game currency liquid with crypto, you will make money. Also make it truly mmo
Game will be free to play
I think if I leave a donation address people may like to share their gains if they enjoyed playing
At least this way the crypto community can all have fun and spread the word
use link like coins in mario
LMFAO do it.
t. Jew
Also OP, can Satoshi play a role like the happy mask salesman in majora's mask?
just a thought
Tendies to recover health, whales, no coiners, bears attempting to mual you to 1hp (they should not be allowed to kill you, you have to suffer), bulls, golden and shiny bulls.
Will this be an erc271 shit token? any tips on learning how to make eth games OP? other than cryptozombies