
Based Salah

Attached: salah_1442.jpg (1200x630, 79K)

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desuarchive.org/int/search/text/"business idea:"/

Ukip meltdown lads

Attached: campaigning_101.png (734x471, 304K)

allah respecs wamen

anyone else cry during films
been happening to me a lot lately

eating chip crumbs

top banter

Attached: VAR'D.png (637x751, 274K)

when I came off my meds last year I cried at everything, including my life in general

how does it feel to pry apart a woman’s thighs as she eagerly awaits your cock while you plow your hips into her while you’re hugging and kissing her all over?
asking for a friend

It's nice. It'd probably be nicer if she weren't a chubster, but I wouldn't know about that