Syukur edition
> "We're in the endgame now."
Do sea asians do dogeza too?
What the fuck is he doing?
>2019 election
>2014 election part 2 (jokowi vs prabowo)
>Most of the independent quickcount site claim jokowi win the election around 5% differences
>Jokowi didn't claim his win yet until official result came in (22 May)
>Prabowo claim he won the election around 62% based on his internal coalition counting
Same shit like 2014
You guys have never watched liverpool match before?
Basically celebrating winning the election by his own internal counting
I think wowo is borderline retarded. Fuck, I just want Uno to be the president, feel bad for him to be paired this low IQ retarded man and even more retarded party, Gerindra. Uno has the best shot to beat Wiwi and those PDI-P chinks if not for those stupid blunders made by Wowo, Gerindra, and those 212 subhuman.
We are in the same boat brother.
At least you didn't have coup every 4 years
Sandi need to join or co-op with party that against Gerindra to clear his name rn. Probably join Pdip or Nasdem or any party that against Gerindra. Like btp did and join pdip
I think PDIP will fully endorse BTP as the next candidate for 2024, basically BTP against Anies or Uno all over again. Gerindra, PKS already tainted and have bad reputation so I hope there's another party that will become opposition for the next election. Not that I think Nasdem or Golkar will flip though, at least not in near future/next 5 years. Now PAN or Democrat have had chance if they reform the leadership, cut ties with the moronic leaders and corruptor.
I miss your milf president, thaianon.
Our female president was too thick and old for my taste.
Boy can't wait for 212 niggas to rise up again. Unless if democrat change the strategy by not using 212 niggas we will have different situation here. But i woild love BTP for 2024, not just because of his background, but for the shitstorm that will happen against 212 niggas
Not gonna happen unless They retarded enough to put BTP as 2024 to be President. They still have Risma or Mahfud MD tho.
Put BTP as to be President is same as you poke wasp nest.
>not liking La Grande Madre de Karaboga
kys dude
Caliphate 2024?
Taufiq Kiemas stop posting from afterlife.
Did luzon finally get range banned?
If so based jannies
She wasn't a president though, she was a PM.
Prabowo not conceding reminds me of the politicians here: either they win or they say they're cheated. Rarely do people here ever seem to accept defeat, regardless of margins.
Luzon here so probably just his range, not mine.
who won your election
The incumbent. Unless a miracle happens.
I miss Thanksin so much man.
The only reason he got kicked out is because the old power feel threaten by him
Please no. This 212 niggas shit started around 2014 and please just fucking end this.
Peru? What are your thoughts on the president of Peru killing himself? Did the Jews and globalists set him up, or was it the Peruvians own doing
Why do Ma'laysians try to out arab Arabs?
I strongly believe he has faked his own dead, he was president 2 times and has long time connections by intelligence and special operations guys.
he died yesterday and tomorrow he will be incinerated, I think this is too fast for a president like him, instead if he is really dead then his political party would make the funeral last for a week.
there was not blood traits in the car that carried him from home to the hospital.
anyways his family will inherit all his wealth without any criminal charges.
Those are indos but personally I feel we do Islam better than Ayrabs. Islam came to our region by traders, not conquering armies. The strain of Islam that we got was the mystic Sufis who were more concerned with inner spiritual development instead of the other hardline strains.
Because Malaya was used to test mass immigration strategies. How would Europeans react if the population was 50% immigrant rather than 5%?
This external pressure drives the Islamic identity revivalist movement as a response.
Try it again.
This will cause epic paid dutshill sheet and salt in flip social media till the weekend.
Pengen ngentot gan
sandi is crooked even when he was still a businessman
Dulu aku cebong
Sekarang aku KATAK
Seriously. I don’t get why people shill him here. Probably coping prahomos who think he cute.
>The strain of Islam that we got was the mystic Sufis who were more concerned with inner spiritual development instead of the other hardline strains.
That was then. Now's totally different. Making them out as still one and the same as ever is intellectually dishonest.
No shit sherlock, like i said he destroyed his own political carreer unless some party over revenge deal on Gerindra and save his own ass.
>Those are indos
ah yes yes every fucking tsunami and earthquake happened here malay consider this as a god punishment for not being muslim enough
my viet gf is ugly but I feel too lazy to try find a new one.
>capital P
fuck off fraud
Pengen Ngentot Gan
>seething minang cucks all over social media
>even their governor is crying over jokowi
do you think we never did this? look in the mirror
PeNgEn NgEnToT GaN
Pengen ngentot, Gan.
>Pengen Ngentot Gan
How to get a decent gf /asean/ bros? Not gonna lie, I am so lonely (and horny) and tinder doesn't seem to be a success for me.
Step 1 :
Go to the nearest orphanage
Step 2 :
Adopt your new qt gf
see proof of your sins repent, vile sinners
want to fuck bro
Pengen ngentot gan is a God ultimate order toward human to keep procreating
Pay for her nose job to straighten that flat monkey nose peru. It’s offensive to look at
But it's punishment for annual genocide attempt on innocent Malaysian and Singaporeans.
1. Stop all haram
2. Go to the masjid
3. Make doa
Holy shit why are buginese so based?
Sumbar used to be BASED with many National Heroes from there. Why are they such a cuck now?
i love boys
I still remember what you did in 1997. Remember the 60billion elderly gassed.
In what way are they cucks?
Backward Islamist like Aceh
fuck off and lick his ass then. libtard cunt
boo, fuck joko, I want Prabowo
t. Malaycuck
No wonder you support him like other S*matran, but in the end JAVA BVLL will always win.
ngentod must be halal'd through akad nikah.
saya asli padang. pemerintah baru harus diangkat. pemrintah joko harus diguling. prabowo harus angkat!
There was always been conflicts between traditionalist Adat and modernist Wahhabist in Sumbar, it's inevitable for them to end up like this.
mantan napi cant be presiden unless someone change the undang-undang
>anything I don't like is cucked lelelel
So standing up for the values that you hold dearly (Islamic in this case) is cucked now? I'm not even a wowotard, and far from an islamist but I can't agree with your way of thinking. Your so called "islamists" have been here for hundreds of years, even practicing the infamous and scary sharia law (which was protected in indigenous courts by dutch authorities btw). Why are they cucks when they're just trying to put their aspirations out there? Isn't that what democracy is all about?
InshaAllah brother
takpe najib mamak awak upin ipin :)
I don't talk about this election but them in general, you won't see anything fron Sumbar other than Nasi Padang.
Even Sumsel has better future.
>Not even wowotard
>defend backward minang cucks
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Chink delusion, he can't even win in Jakarta without Jokowi mandate from being President.
>Backward Islamist like Aceh
ok wijaya
I don't know, in my experience they're a fine people, no different than any other indonesian.
Come back with an argument next time, chink.
Where's my ordered Nasi Padang Chaniago?
Ya Allah, pada hari yang mulia ini, sebagai hambaMu yang hina dina dan tertindas, maka Engkau tunjukkanlah kebejatan yang dilakukan oleh Jokowi dan hancurkanlah seisinya dan gantikanlah yang THERBAIKK pak Prabowo supaya sinar hidayah akan memancar sekalian alam umat muslimin dan mukminin yang membunuh jiwa raga para kafirun dan munafikun. Amin Ya Robbal A'lamiin.
>seething minang cucks
Clearly you've never seen how toxic authentic Minang are in any workplace, or are a Minang yourself.
>be minang cucks
>live overseas
>got javanese governor
No, I guess I haven't. I've never been to sumbar but my aunt's husband is minang and he's alright. And my minang friends are alright too so idk.
>be minang cucks
>elect javanese BVLL as a governor
Sumatera Merdeka!
Gua mau soljum di istiqlal nih. Ada yg mau ikut ga?
I started saying jom to my friends because of upin and ipin
PRRI v2 when?
Us minang BVLLs can use weaponized naspad to wipe out the jawir scourge
>Ya all*h, pada hari yang mulia ini, sebagai hambaMu yang hina dina dan tertindas, maka Engkau tunjukkanlah kebejatan yang dilakukan oleh Jokowi dan hancurkanlah seisinya dan gantikanlah yang THERBAIKK pak Prabowo supaya sinar hidayah akan memancar sekalian alam umat muslimin dan mukminin yang membunuh jiwa raga para kafirun dan munafikun. Amin Ya Robbal A'lamiin.
people think i have a privileged ass like what the fuck i have to work my own ass for everything, i never whine to my parents & never demand anything from them. ever. if you’re going to counter my argument by saying im privileged, bro you just discrediting all my hardwork.
jom main