BOTH Greece and Poland demand reparations from Germany

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Yeah extremely based

Well they can't be considered any more subhuman at this point anyway


Pay up germoney

Make us

tick tock nazis

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>WWI ends
>Germany is put under ridiculous amounts of financial strain as a result of reparations leading to WWII
>WWII ends
>Germany is not put under ridiculous amounts of financial strain and becomes one of the wealthiest and most successful countries on earth
>fast forward 75 years
>NATO (USA), Greece, and Poland, want to put Germany under ridiculous amounts of financial strain as a result of reparations
>I wonder where this will lead

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If you’re referring to the defense spending, every NATO member is obligated to spend 2% on defense. That’s not reparations

>Polish MP
>photo of the president
Quality journalism

They can go fuck themselves. They're just butthurt Germany is doing better than them economically. Poland expelled and killed millions of German civilians and annexed a bunch of German land and never paid a cent in reparation. Greedy cryptojew scum

I hope Poland goes full fascist and actually starts a war so Germany will have an excuse to take back their historic land

I don't have any money

Literally nobody here expects any reparations, the whole thing was mentioned solely because the likes of Schultz threatened us with sanctions for not adhering to refugee quotas. It's essentially an irl shitpost.

Nobody cares really. Poles are subhumans that suffered more under half a century of russian rule than under 200 years of German neighborhood.

Greeks cheated themselves into the EU to begin with by faking their financial reports. Compared to what Nazi Germany did to Poland i'd repay Greece with ~5€

>killed millions of German civilians

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>paying people money just because your ancestors did something for some people 80 years ago
why Germans do this

I unironically hope that our government agrees to pay, would lead to a collaps even sooner.

I dislike Poland so much. They're acting like thieving gypsies all the damn time.
>where's muh money

As for Germans, they did nothing wrong. They're the best thing that happened to Europe. They're orderly, punctual, without them the EU would've fell apart ages ago. They make excellent leaders too.

it's religious, you wouldn't understand

the greeks are always liking niggers, was the controversial bbc adaption of ancient greece actually the truth?

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Germans don't understand ironic humor like that, bad move


based sycophant retard


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that is fucking retarded unless they are suffering from the effects your ancestors left on then till now

I guess the British and French should pay us billions for what they did to us then

Unironically fucking based, fuck germs

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I find it hilarious how Germans act like they're innocent or some shit like that

>be germannigger
>act like a nigger
>expect no consequences
>chimp out when based Greece, Poland, and United States hold you accountable
say goodnight hans

go back to Mexico

gibs me dat

>unless they are suffering from the effects your ancestors left on then till now
their asses hurt to this very day so it's true

its not controversial. we are black

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I find it absolutely mindblowing that Germany hasn't paid a single dime to Poland for literally razing their capital city to the ground

Pay up nazi

>>NATO (USA).... want to put Germany under ridiculous amounts of financial strain

>2% of GDP like you're supposed to when NATO mainly benefited your country during the cold war is ridiculous financial strain
>other countries can handle 2%
>the most economically powerful country in the EU can't

Poland's demand is bullshit though unless they want to give back all of the German lands they gained and vacate their population from it.

Because Polish claims were handled by the Soviet Union and they received all the money, the Soviets then distributed, or didn't but that's not our responsibility, the money to Poland. They also got one third of our territory with all the infrastructure. If they feel shortchanged they should ask the Russians who won the war for them.

>with all the infastructure
they got a bunch of bombed out ruins which they rebuilt themselves. kys lying Krautshit

Krauts, if you don't have any money for us right now you can start with giving us a bunch of leopard 2A7s and some Eurofighters and we will see in the future what we can do about the reparations

yeah because there were only like 4 cities in the east of course you dumbfuck

Maybe if you stop taking in so many welfare nigger you'd be able to afford to pay Greece and Poland what they are owed

Good everyone should suck germoney dry

This, best way to kill the EU

I unironically hope this leads to WW3

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Based, milk Merkel dry

Imagine if Poland ever dares attack Germany. A Turk and Kurd cock for every Polish woman and girl.

Poland would steamroll Germany in any modern conflict, but I suppose that this post was just to insert your fetish into the thread somehow

They deserve reparations.

They were given that land to compensate for Belarus, a complete Russian proxy, being carved out of their eastern lands

We should thank America for helping us after the wad

The least Germany can do is to pay the forces loan (around 10-20bn). The rest money are populist claims, 300bn are too much

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You're like the fourth largest economy in the world (first if you count the EU). You're only cucked by Jews because you choose to be. You could stop apologising any second and nobody could force you to do otherwise

Whatever you say slavshit

Absolutely based

I would just remit the Greek debt cause we know they're never gonna be able to pay it anyway. Poland can fuck off though til they return our land.

We need another great german chimpout.

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based schizo

Its true though lol. If it happened right now with no preparations Poland will be in Berlin in a few weeks

pay us back you lazy greek.

not really since all nato members would be obliged to defend us and declare war on poland

They don't "deserve" a damn thing!

Shut the fuck up poo, go back to warsaw and shit your country up(if that's even possible), not an Anglo one.

We have been paying for that money for decades by buying American arms and equipment

>thinks the modern bundeswehr, infested with furries, bronies and animefaggots is worth shit
>all those tanks and planes probably are not operational anymore due to lack of maintenance for YEARS
I do hope Poland attacks g*rmany and we finally get rid of the eternal kraut. Hell, we'll probably help out by carpet bombing Berlin.


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Ofc i meant excluding NATO
Also if Germans realize NATO is such an important part of their National Defence, why dont they play a bigger part in it?

I don't want Germany to pay, you can't put a price on life.
No, I want Germany to die.
I want Germany to be nuked into oblivion.
Glass 'em.
Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Dusseldorf.
Glass 'em.
Nuke them until there's like 1% of the population left, then let America designate the land as the 51st state.
Let the survivors run casinos and bingo halls.


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Quintessential mutt post

why should we, we don't start wars. if americans have enough money to start wars all the time they also have enough to protect us. they still have their occupation troops here, they can do the job.

t. Kke

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You have to go back.

>why should we, we don't start wars.
Well in case another country decides to invade your country or one of your over seas interests.

I really don't know why Deutschland or the US just doesn't buy a few remote islands. Germany could use a Inselstaat

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Because when you freeload as the biggest economy in Europe in a MultiNational alliance it tends to sour relations with the members that actually do contribute fairly

Hey enverbey, watsup

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>Germoney can take bribes to hide billions from Enemy country
>Can't give Spain, Portugal, Greece, Hungary,Italy or Poland a break.

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We don't have any over seas posessions and if any country would invade us there's a 90% chance they are attacking their Nr. 1 most important trade partner and would instantly nuke their own economy. Not even Poles are this retarded. You think they are gonna sack Berlin and get rich looting the local toilet museum or what.

And Lithuania and Ukraine. If anyone owes Poland anything it's those countries and the Russians (as the official heirs of the USSR).

It really pisses me off that Sweden got a cent.

Whiter than you Mehmet.

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I was hinting at Russia really.

>poland gibs me dat from sovereign nations
must be that 1/12th polish heritage speaking

lmao what did Iceland even do?

Russia and Germany are frens, they're only going along with sanctions because anerimutts are insisting. In reality they are making oil pipelines that bypass Poland to screw them over.

You're not Tosk Albanian, they're white as fuck. You're a Ghegh Serb nigger

And yet Finland doesn't get a dime. Finland got breddy fucked up by the Soviets.
Invaded by the Bongs

>Russia and Germany are frens

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>You're a Ghegh Serb nigger

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I'm not balkan at all, you brown shit

Germany and Russia are two European Christian states, something you'll never understand mutt

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>thinks he's insulting me by calling me brown
lmao dumb motherfucking whiteoid cuck

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I hope Macedon razes gr*ce to the ground, a second time.

>Germany and Russia are two European Christian states, something you'll never understand mutt

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You kissed the part where I said they dont deserve anything from Germany and if they did deserve anything its from the countries that took their land and divided it. The lands they recieved from Germany were arguably better.

>lmao what did Iceland even do?
They became an allied aircraft carrier.

Too bad for you MacedonBVLLS will join us against whities

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poland should pay reperations to israel for the holocaust