Mexico is WHITE nation
Mexico is WHITE nation
Keep thinking that, Pedro.
Haha your Friend got stabbed hahahahahahahahahahahahaaal
Shut up wetback, don't make me shove my Germanic white cock up your moms vagina.
9 months later and your new birthed from your mother and my seed will be born and he STILL WON'T BE WHITE.
shut up dumb burger
no mexico isn't a withe nation, we're mixed but is good to be mixed, why do mexicans hate theirselfs? i'm sick of this meme
Suck my dick mutt, we're whiter than you
wh*tes are trash
Honestly cringe. Most Mexicans i've met have been 6'4 white gods. Not the ugly pink of a Germoid and le 56% of most mutts here, but the masculine high test Latin god. Cope more
what's the best area to find a mexican gf with the least amount of indio manlet genes?
go bleach a black
If you're attractive, come to LA, we have plenty of whitish Mexican girls, including my current girl. Or go to northern Mexico if you're wealthy and feel confident enough to not get some local bigshot mad.
Niño blanco, niño spank-o
Based Panchito stating the truth.
>Most Mexicans I've met have been 6'4 white gods
LMAO Average height in Mexico is 5'5, you guys are a bunch of sorry ass manlets.
You smell like a wetback who just crossed the border trying to pose as an american, trying to make yourself feel better.
mixed is evil
mestizaje maligno
mexico city
would you like to explain?
Iberians are mixed and you seem to suck their dicks so much.
just look out your window
dont you get tired of baiting like this boi
How the fuck are you solving the captcha so fast?
The op is joking, we're proud amerindians!
it's a economic matter not a racial matter, why do you waste your time in Jow Forums?
he's right tho, mestizos are a decease
i don't go on Jow Forums
why do all centracas look like indios?
I'm thinking more about one living in Mexico.
I went to Cali a couple years ago on a school trip and got mires from some mexican qts in the Old Town at San Diego uwu. I might go back there and also visit LA this time alone.
Gonna have to visit Mexico City soon
are you a white puerto rican?
prove that is a racial matter and not a economic matter
Nigga just go outside and see for yourself,
poor peopel are dark and rich people are white there LOL
poverty explain this not race your argument is retarded
cuz we are indios
carlos slim is a fucking brown guy retard
North= 90% trash
south= 10% trash
he is an arab
where did you get this infomation?
that's a ethnicity moron
he doesn't count. plus retards here think arabs are white
because we're a mestizo majority, followed by natives, whites are a minority, there are probably more blacks and zambos throughout Central America than pure whites
You don't even have natives
based, race mixing a shit, A SHIT. 90% will be ugly
this too
most people in latin america are ugly
Brazil is the most muttified country in the world yet you people are good looking. Explain.
you have low standards
>yet you people are good looking
come here
>Brazil is the most muttified country in the world
USA is gonna surpass us in the upcoming decades
1/4 corsican and 3/4 spanish origin, I look white I guess
I know but he's using it as a racist slur which he would be very happy to say it to anybody from here anyway. We do have very small pockets of proper indigenous people but they're dying out, sadly.
Go to Sonora, is the whitest state
Nice, the whole Spanish med look is very attractive to Latinas, goodluck on your endeavors to fuck whites and castizas user
Looks like the average Spaniard or Italian