Ugly flags thread

Why do the Irish use this flag?

>The green pale of the flag symbolises Roman Catholics, the orange represents the minority Protestants who were supporters of William of Orange, who had defeated King James II and his predominantly Irish Catholic army[14] at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.[15] His title came from the Principality of Orange in the south of France that had been a Protestant bastion from the 16th century. It was included in the Irish flag in an attempt to reconcile the Orange Order in Ireland with the Irish independence movement.[citation needed] The white in the centre signifies a lasting peace and hope for union between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland.[16] The flag, as a whole, is intended to symbolise the inclusion and hoped-for union of the people of different traditions on the island of Ireland, which is expressed in the Constitution as the entitlement of every person born in Ireland to be part of the independent Irish nation, regardless of ethnic origin, religion or political conviction.[17][18] There are exceptions to the general beneficent theory. Green was also used as the colour of such Irish bodies as the mainly-Protestant and non-sectarian Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick, established in 1751.

Absolutely cucked. On top of that, it's extremely fucking ugly. It's almost as ugly as the German flag.

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_Ireland.svg.png (1920x960, 2K)

Attached: trash.jpg (728x424, 39K)

agreed but it's not as bad as the irish or german flag still.

also, ireland has so many options for a better flag. even the green harp.

Attached: Banner_of_the_Lordship_of_Ireland.svg.png (800x533, 55K)

Attached: 800px-Royal_Standard_of_Ireland_(1542–1801).svg.png (800x400, 69K)

Attached: 800px-Saint_Patrick's_Saltire.svg.png (800x480, 3K)

Attached: provinces of ireland.png (1453x749, 115K)

Attached: 1280px-Green_harp_flag_of_Ireland.svg.png (1280x853, 158K)

Dunno why. Not sure why it was adopted at all as the national flag.

Imo, any of these would be more nationalistic and look better:

Personally really like the provinces one.

forget the ugly yellow and green combination
who had the terrible idea of putting a rhombus and a blue ball with a white stripe and a motto on a flag?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png (1200x840, 56K)