cute edition
/v4/ + friends
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maybe if you didnt post this landwhale more people would post in this thread tramnigger
maybe you need to grow up. She is not responsible for your shitty life :)
what are you even talking about you fatfuck? eat less, your brain has no access to oxygen
proving my point by your constant butthurt and thinking that everyone should just post what YOU want :)
Btw post your body I want to see how non fat you are for sure :^)
everyone wants to see your body trami
Good morning and saged
I know. Its only fair that they post their body,right?
now why would you do that?
Good morning frens.
It's my human right
Breaking my fast :)
It is but you should not announce it
I'm willing to take that risk
>tfw no Somali gf
that somali? no way
>tfw no somali gf
Nah, it's a Somali Swedish mutt.
Stop being racist.
She looks like Abu hajar
I'm not racist, I just typed somali woman and posted the first pic I saw
Is this abu hajar?
No this is
week 2 complete bros
i was able to beat previous day's diatance record again but by mere 100 meters and this is about as far as i can go with my current endurance
but i'm working on it
somali father. same old story.
good job user
How can wh*toids even compete with the Somali BVLL?
nice walks
keep the good job user
Poor somali BVLL has to flee his country in order to find any remotely attractive girl
Only soyboys care about beauty. Somali BVLL fucks whatever gets in his way.
Even goats and sheep right?
different = attractive
thats how wom*n minds work around here. saw some really really ugly dark guys with girls
is Oxygen Not Included fun?
Stop playing video games.
no its my hobby
Find a better hobby.
I also like reading and painting models.
also my layer paint wont stick to my models reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Shit-tier hobbies (assuming you're reading fiction).
fiction and history books
painting is comfy as fuck
>painting is comfy as fuck
Actual painting is. Painting toys is shit and a waste of money, though.
why is it shit and normal painting is not waste of money?
Can it be considered a waste if he enjoys what he does?
Because actual painting has a much higher skill ceiling.
Of course. What's enjoyable isn't necessarily good.
>Carefully painted mini with insane details
>Literally shit and blood smeared and marked as "to represent struggles of growing up young african americans and feminism"
A literal 70IQ post. Nothing's stopping you from painting whatever paintings you like. Meanwhile with models your creativity is limited by default.
in modern art creativity is a codeword for lack of talent/skill
you are the one who made 70IQ post. You have no idea how much skill it takes to paint minis.
Your creativity is not limited at all.
>the concept of creativity only exists within the context of modern art
69IQ post.
>Your creativity is not limited at all.
It is, by virtue of painting prefabricated objects.
you can paint them however you want. They are your canvas
Swedish girls are way too pretty.
I just want to smash a chubby slam pig like her. :(
you can paint a colorbook however you want as well
>you can paint them however you want.
But what you're paining is already predetermined. You're painting a soldier, an airplane, whatever. If you had actual painting skills, you could paint whatever you want. And yes, "classical" painting takes WAY more skill, since it required the understanding of perspective, anatomy, composition and so on.
Also, this
she is too pretty and icelandic
do you make your own colour book?
you are painting ON soldier that you have to build first
it doesn't matter, you can print it out so you have your own colorbook, it's still limited. I don't have anything against painting minis but don't consider it high art
>you are painting ON soldier that you have to build first
Oh yes, you assemble prefabricated parts, big deal.
its 3D object that you can build how you want and then paint on it.
Canvas are 2D and thats it
only difference between these two is shape and the fact that you can customize your minis
still more work than you need to do with canvas.
Also minis are build from variant of parts. You have shitload of options not to mention that people actually make their own additions to them with that green stuff shit
>build how you want
isn't it a thing you buy in a box or some shit in parts like that plane?
you have several torsos,heads,legs,weapons etc in it. You chose what to use,what pose will be the mini in etc.
I like old art. It was amazing. Modern art is shit. Yesterday I saw guy painting on canvas with his ass. No way its harder and takes more skill than minis imo
>3D object that you can build how you want
You can't build it how you want because it is fucking prefabricated. It's not like sculpting where the only limitations are your own skills and the material you're using.
>only difference between these two is shape
No, the difference is that when painting on canvas, you can paint whatever you want. You can paint a house, a landscape, a portrait, a group of people, you can paint something abstract, something surreal, something "expressionist," or something realistic.
When you're painting a soldier, the very fact that you can only paint a soldier is inherently limiting.
>still more work than you need to do with canvas
It's not. When you're actually painting you have to come up with the concept, with the composition of your picture, with a sketch, and on top of that you also have to prime the canvas.
>You have shitload of options
Oh yes, you can put X gun or Y gun and you can also attach a shield or whatever. Soooo creative. Like bruh, you don't even have to come up with the design yourself -- everything is predesigned except the colours and textures.
It's like saying that assembling and painting a model of a house is on par with designing your own.
that still sounds pretty limiting bc it's a figure you're painting, and you have to paint it to look like a figure. You can't paint a bird and a tree on it if you know what I mean.
>modern art is shit
depends on what you mean by modern art. Beksiński was a modern artist and he did some amazing paintings. So was Pollock but many people can't really see the value of pollock's work. It's all pretty relative
>You can't build it how you want because it is fucking prefabricated. It's not like sculpting where the only limitations are your own skills and the material you're using.
more work than with canvas
>You can paint a house, a landscape, a portrait, a group of people, you can paint something abstract, something surreal, something "expressionist," or something realistic.
oh yeah something surreal like shit on canvas. Very hard and creative
>It's not. When you're actually painting you have to come up with the concept, with the composition of your picture, with a sketch, and on top of that you also have to prime the canvas.
you also have to come up with concept and composition.
Priming canvas is literally taking a big brush and smearing it on canvas. You literally do same thing with minis(or you can use spray)
>It's like saying that assembling and painting a model of a house is on par with designing your own.
brainlet example and exaggeration as fuck. Let me throw it right back at you
>It's like saying that painting a house is on par with designing your own.
>You can't paint a bird and a tree on it if you know what I mean
You can and people do it. Heraldy on shit like shields,shoulderpads etc is used. Ofcourse its hard as fuck because models are small
that's not what I meant. Painting an eagle on a shield is expected bc it's a shield. You can stand in front of your house and paint what you see on a canvas, or even paint something imaginary. With painting figurines the main goal is to paint them to look realistic and not really to express yourself like you could on a canvas. I appreciate that it's hard but it's not really painting per se
>With painting figurines the main goal is to paint them to look realistic and not really to express yourself like you could on a canvas.
You dont get it. There are not guidelines on what to paint. Sure you want to paint realistic when you are doing realistic mini (example you probably dont want to paint pink King Tiger tank) but there is more than historical minis. There are not guidlines to painting them. Instead of the angel here you could draw dickbutt, or something surreal. Your only limitation is size of the mini which is why I say that "minis are you canvas". As in place to paint on.
>he actually responded with even more bullshit
Look at it this way, shithead. Apart from gluing few pieces of plastic together and deciding what color scheme you'll use + maybe adding few details on your own, the only actual skill that model making actually takes are purely technical skills. Meanwhile, to paint actual paintings, you have to develop a working proficiency in composition, perspective, gradients/chiaroscuro, color harmony, color temperature, environment design, stroke texture, and anatomy/proportion, distance, technique, medium, even shit like gestures and shape design and so on. You won't need more than half of these to paint models, it's all about being pedantic enough to paint details.
>you also have to come up with concepts and composition
What composition? The only arrangement of visual components that models necessitate is trivial shit like how the arm will be angled and how big the gun will be. It's even worse than using "references" mindlessly without trying to understand the structures underneath.
Meanwhile there are hundreds of books written on the elements of composition in painting.
>It's like saying that painting a house is on par with designing your own
It isn't. When painting, you have a completely BLANK canvas. Nothing is decided for you, you do everything yourself. You're the designer. When painting a mini, you apply paint to something that is predesigned, prefabricated, conceptually limited (ie a model of an airplane can't be anything but an airplane). Yes, you can add some details, that's about it. And no, coming up with a sketch, a composition, and a concept is definitely not easier than gluing a leg and a torso together and then attaching a gun to it.
The mastery of model “painting” means you'll be able to paint nice miniatures with lots of neat details. Mastery of actual painting means that you'll be able to paint paintings on par with those in the Sistine chapel. And that's the skill ceiling I'm talking about.
yeah you dont need color harmony and color temperature at all....are you retarded? Dont answer it was rhetorical question.
You are too retarded to understand that your model is just medium that you paint on just as canvas are.
>yeah you dont need color harmony and color temperature at all....are you retarded?
Retard, I did mention that you need a basic understanding of colours. Learn to fucking read.
>You are too retarded to understand that your model is just medium
Are you too retarded to understand that IT'S AN INHERENTLY LIMITING MEDIUM. Your skill ceiling is capped at "I paint neat and interesting miniatures." That's all it is. The aspects of painting that are the hardest to master are completely absent in model "painting," and that was the point of my post.
tramfag please use tripcode
when we are on the drawing. anyone learned to draw later in life?
any good tips?
I got myself books and all so far. (drawing for dummies, loomis)
>Retard, I did mention that you need a basic understanding of colours. Learn to fucking read.
>Meanwhile, to paint actual paintings, you have to develop a working proficiency in ...color harmony, color temperature,
>Are you too retarded to understand that IT'S AN INHERENTLY LIMITING MEDIUM. Your skill ceiling is capped at "I paint neat and interesting miniatures." That's all it is. The aspects of painting that are the hardest to master are completely absent in model "painting," and that was the point of my post.
What is preventing you from painting your masterpiece on piece of plastic instead of canvas ?
oh shut up you crybaby. Maybe you would be happier in your discord safespace circlejerk?
wondering about it myself. Did your books help you? Post your drawings ;3
I havent even started I am just downloading books
only the weebwak draws that I know off and ofcourse zacad and his whiteboard.
the thing is the pics I saved are wrong because I consulted it with some better people and they said its bullshit so I want to learn proper right way.
>What is preventing you from painting your masterpiece on piece of plastic instead of canvas ?
How is this related to our debate about skill ceilings? But to answer your question, the fact that I don't want to be limited like that. Again,
>When painting a mini, you apply paint to something that is predesigned, prefabricated, conceptually limited (ie a model of an airplane can't be anything but an airplane).
You get skill capped in no time. Again, technical skills are not what's hardest to master in painting. You have "artists" who can make 1:1 representations of reality, but that's not what art really is, and neither is painting prefabricated toys.
maybe id appreciate if your retarded ass finally got a stroke instead of shitting up this thread for years with your retardation
What are my /v4/ friends planning for this weekend
>text my boss with whom I'm on good terms happy birthday
>accidentally hit send early and send the text with a typo
>unironically stressing that he'll think I'm a retard
ph*nes were a mistake
>Help dad with work
>Go to church
>Have a grand old lunch on easter with whole family
>the thing is the pics I saved are wrong because I consulted it with some better people and they said its bullshit so I want to learn proper right way.
What is wrong about them?
Hope you will show us your progress someday ;3
skills that you use in painting on canvas can use on paiting on minis. Literally only difference is material and size. You dont have to paint realistic you can paint anything you want and their sizes and your skill allows. They are your canvas.
I wont discuss this with you further because it does not lead anywhere
posting what you dont like = shitting up thread? Oh my sweet entitled child...
Doufam ze nekdy bude /v4/ sraz,sem docela zvedavej co ses zac ;3
oh hello fellow Otti poster. Pretty good taste and I didnt have this pic yet. Saved.
work,hang out with senpai
>skills that you use in painting on canvas can use on paiting on minis
Yes, some of them are. That's why I'm certain that a decent painter would be able to paint minis decently. But the opposite would not be true -- a mini painter would not necessarily be a good "classical" painter. Like I said,
>to paint actual paintings, you have to develop a working proficiency in composition, perspective, gradients/chiaroscuro, color harmony, color temperature, environment design, stroke texture, and anatomy/proportion, distance, technique, medium, even shit like gestures and shape design and so on. You won't need more than half of these to paint models
Painting minis takes far less skill than real painting. Deal with it. End of the conversation.
drink, fuck, sleep repeat
youre constantly retarded fuck off already if there is ever a v4 meetup ill make sure to shoot up the place
with what? a BB gun?
>ill make sure to shoot up the place
I dont think your parents would let you go to v4 meeting desu
Post more ottoni
v4 meetup should have been in argentina
I dont know who you are but you have great taste
jesus christ
She looks nice in this one.
Who's that? ;_;