Poor, poor linkies. Not even the devs support your shitty uninformed theories

Poor, poor linkies. Not even the devs support your shitty uninformed theories.

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Other urls found in this thread:


deluded stinkies BTFO again


He's more informed than a shitposting pajeet on Jow Forums, stupid pedant.

Unironically, what do you mean by that question? I mean, the returns from 0 to 0.00001 LINK are huge in relative terms. The operator with more linkies would be able to access more tasks and very probably earn more in absolute terms. But this is all of course, if they want to be apid in LINK. Otherwise, it gets weird.

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His wife's son would disagree.

Did you say...nerd?

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Is this true ?

Go to the Telegram and see for yourself. They debunk Jow Forums bullshit all the time and genuinely seem confused how stupid the theories are from this website.

Sold the last of my Link, stupid pajeets scammed me again.

But Link is on an uptrend for 3 days now..
Also node ops must stake Link to run the node..
Somebody is lieing here.


Link is not required

Literally explained earlier today why node operators benefit form a high token price. And this brainlet had to go to "the teacher" to ask if it was true lol.

Attached: Don't link me or my wifes son again.jpg (480x581, 68K)

Th-then what is the whole purpose of having a LINK token ?

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Ok, then what is the purpose of Link ?
Only to pay node ops?

Don't fall for the FUD, newbies.

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daily reminder that as of now, you would (((only))) need a daily non-stop +2.31% for 158 consecutive days in a row for LINK to reach $10 eoy, kek

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This makes me die inside every time I see it. How many blue pills has this faggot consumed

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I read the Telegram posts today, what OP isn't mentioning is that you need to stake LINK as collateral for higher payout contracts.
In other words its better to run a node with LINK than without.

Is tradesatoshi legit? Cheap there, want to transfer some doge and buy link

Jesus can you retards stop bothering rory with those retarded questions? Post them here so we can call you retarded instead.

Why are linkies so stinky? You can smell these scam threads a mile away.

Fucking retarded faggots listening to these God damned fudding pajeets. This is straight from the god damn whitepaper you cunts. I feel like im literally sitting here spoonfeeding god damned retarded children. Why do i even care? Im in the top 1000 wallets. All in on link. Do what the fuck you want.

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Also. I literally hate all of you. I hate the people fudding it who know its gold. I hate the idiots who cant figure any of this out on their own. I hate all of you.

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user I hope you have a nice day

What are your thoughst on the whole "reputation providers" thing?
Why would you need to register your node with an ID? They said nodes will be chosen randomly from a pool of possible nodes (depending on how strict your criteria are) so why the need to know who owns which node?

>top 1000 wallets
top 40 wallet here. fite me

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Is LINK a Nigerian coin?

You'll get LINK tokens for running a node. That's the incentive. The token will appreciate in value to make it worthwhile. Easy as that. I think it's good that you don't necessarily need LINK to run a node. Makes it more legit in my opinion.

Sybil attacks.

No, link is not gold.

Gold is actual real physical tangible wealth that you can hold in your hand and has been money for 5,000 years.

Even says in the constitution, only gold and silver shall be legal tender. This was put in there because our forefathers had the presence of mind to know that Jews would ultimately try and take us off a gold standard to confiscate all our wealth through inflation.... and they knew this would also lead to a bunch of NEETS on a carpet bagging racist anime forum to throw all their money into crypto because it's impossible to make it otherwise when gold doesn't back the currency anymore.

And if any of you stupid fucks don't believe me...... then how come 100k went a lot further 30 years ago than it does today.

Gold standard means low prices crypto doesn't solve skyrocketing prices.

So after you make it with link you need to buy gold

so what's stopping someone from setting up hundreds of nodes under different names?

>This is Rory, yeah, they're at it again. Prices are going up too soon. What's your call?

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nope, link will do nothing but grow when the network is fully established

Unless the node operators are hodling, it literally does not matter what value the Link token is.
Link could be 1 billion USD, and you could still pay someone 1 cent worth of Link.

The price of Link will be determined ONLY by the forces of supply & demand.

And yes, you can operate a node without any Link tokens, but only retards who STILL haven't read the white paper after almost a full year will delude themselves into thinking that's somehow bad.

I'm not saying the network won't grow I hve 50k link. I'm behind it 100%.

But it's important to keep it after you make it. Cuz the kikes are still confiscating all our wealth through inflation. Currency crisis.

You should NEVER keep your wealth in a govt controlled Jew controlled bank. This should be common sense but most people are brainwashed zombies today.

>What do you mean?
>We addressed this question a little earlier today
Straight fucking retard

>The price of Link will be determined ONLY by the forces of supply & demand.
And to give you some insight, because so many of you are finger-sniffing retards:

Even if (IF) major companies set up their own private nodes and run them without ever using a single Link token, the mere knowledge that these companies are relying on Chainlink will have a M A S S I V E marketing effect.
Not only will people want a piece of whatever those companies are using for pure investment/speculation purposes; but also private persons will know the network is reliable and thus use it for their own smart contracts.

And knowing that smart contracts allow for things like peer-to-peer crowdfunded loans and insurances etc., the private users of chainlink (or smart contracts in general) may eventually put those "major companies" out of business.

Gold is a rock you can find on the ground. And thousands of years doesnt apply any more. If you invested in horses in 1900 because people have been using them for thousands of years....

So, what is the Link token for?

Fundraising token to buy big macs


>Link literally one of the few top 100 CMC coins in the green
>faggots didn't get the dip they wanted
>sudden influx of FUD

Really makes you think

Why are we living rent free in your head if you are so sure that its shit?

It may be necessary to deal with regional laws to know what node did what in case of something fucked up happening. You're running your node and you gave forbidden illegal information to a contract that was illegal for you to provide. So you can have insider information contracts and you get paid in LINK but you can also go to prison as an accesory to murder for supplying data to an assasination contract. It could be useful to know what nodes did what. So it could be useful for governments to have some kind of national regulation along the lines of
> Information providers must be identifiable after the contract has been executed, otherwise the information providers and contract developers are outlaws and we'll show their skulls on pikes
That could suck for you but it could keep the network running.

Just mentally masturbating here, in the end it's this node has a number, just like you can have a mac address and an IP. What's exactly worrying you about that?

Collateral for trustless scenarios.


Read the fucking white paper.

plus all the newfrens that FUD to be spoonfed

Wow biz, you’re fucking retarded. You understand that utility tokens aren’t meant to have any monetary value? The only reason they have any current “value” is because retards like everyone here like to Gamble... err, sorry, “speculate”. One “side effect” of decentralized block chain technology is that anybody can acquire, spend or use (in a sense) the digital assets.

If you read the documentation behind Chain Link it is fucking clear as day that there is no fucking intention for the token itself to have ANY value whatsoever. There is literally no need for link to be worth ANYTHING. You guys are completely deluded. Why do you think the CL team does nothin to “hype” the coin, they don’t care about the price of LINK because it literally has no value, it’s simply a chunky cheese token and they can create more if they need to, and they will once main net it up and running. Of course nobody is going to address this because it would incite negativity from all of you “investors”. You need to understand LINK isnworthless by intention it is simply a requirement for the technology to operate.

damn you stoopid, stay broke

>To run a node you do not need LINK.


>utility tokens aren’t meant to have any monetary value
What value do shares have, other than speculative?

Hello newfrens.
This hasn't been news for almost a year.


I don't know, I'm a speculator and a gambler. Token price (when converted to hamburguers) is always the hardest part for me to think about because I just really don't know. Maybe the bottom was extremely overpriced I accept that.

how does a link token format data into blokchain readable formats? and how is it used for off chain computation?

>pls spoonfeed me because I'm too lazy to read the white paper

You own shares in a company, you actually own a share of the company. The better the company performs the more its worth hence your shares.
Link could be the best running entity in crypto but doesn't mean its utility token will be worth anything. Completely different user

How does gold not apply anymore? Gold is still real savings and real wealth.

The problem is with fiat currencies, not gold.

You morons think crypto internet invisible money will make gold ... a rare earth metal.... worthless?

Are you black or just stupid?

>The better the company performs the more its worth
Wait, are you talking about shares or utility tokens?

ohhh man. i'm literally crying. 6 monhts ago posts like changed my mind not to buy link. after doing few months of research...now i'm all in. buying every month a little cuz i'm a europoor student (only 3k now and won't stop til 10k), but...it's hard to see these little souls who think this fud is legit. nwm i need more, so godspeed user.

do you know that info off the top of your head or not? im just curious and dont have time to read the white paper right now, im shitposting in between work

>do you know that info off the top of your head or not?
Of course. I read the white paper.

**posts like these

Will I make it?

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oh, ok cool. could your briefly summarize how that works?

Good thing we got kickstarted at +30% :^)

No link required to run a node. We all will make it. Free money for everyone. R...right guys?

To the nearest homeless shelter

It literally takes one asteroid full of gold to obsolete it. Bitcoin is gold 2.0 bud.

I was going to buy more with cash if it dropped below 14 cents. We may or may not see that, but i'm set either way

with that much link, if he goes homeless and holds for 5 years he'll be able to sell his link will at least be able to afford to get off his feet. maybe rent an apartment for a few months while he looks for a job.

worthy investment

Ok brainlet.... 1 asteroid of gold makes gold worthless.

So what in the actual fuck would be the purpose of mining gold on an asteroid just to make it worthless when you bring it back to earth?

I swear to god..... I feel like I'm
Being trolled on this board into believing you people are smart but are actual all black people here

Bitcoin is not gold 2.0

Dummies like you don't even understand the first primary function of money... which is to MEASURE VALUE of goods exchanged for it.

You can't measure value in bitcorns. And nothing has measured value better than gold. Today... nothing measures value better than gold despite it being demonetized and nothing has measured value for 5,000 years better than gold hence why it's been money for milennia.

Your literally invested in bitcorns because the dollar is dying because it unirOnically isn't backed by gold. And you can't make it otherwise

you are a retarded brainwashed fucking imbecile possum. Do you really think there are big gold nuggets floating in space and magic con man elon musk is going to mine them? Holy shit you probably think nasa went to mars and didnt just tint some photos red and cgi your fucking stupid stupid stupid pea brain

bits of data on a storage device take up physical space

> how does a link token format data into blokchain readable formats?
It depends on the data and from where you're getting it. Also "blokchain readable formats" sounds like a LINK buzzword to me, I don't know what that means.

> how is it used for off chain computation?
What's used is the result.
It's not LINK, it's Town Crier, around 40 minutes in you have an example for credentials in SteamTrader.

Not anti-gold, but explain this then. You're better off holding 10yr T bill than gold

Attached: gold.jpg (641x405, 34K)

You guys who read the whitepaper and stopped there are in for a rude awakening. It's the equivalent of constructing a new house based off a blueprint, and when the builder fucks it up entirely you just say "no that didn't happen, I looked at the blueprint."

Yeah except the fucking bits of data are electrons running around on a circuit board and it doesn't represent shit.

Gold is real physical tangible wealth and a unit of labor.

Your friend: hey Tyrone, guess what I bought today at the pet store? I bought a frog and he's really cool and I love feeding him crickets.

Tyrone (you): oh yeah? I own like 50 frogs and their names are all Pepe. And I send them to Jow Forums a lot.

get it now stupid? Your living in a fucking fantasy world.

So what did they fuck up compared to the blueprint?


So the internet doesn't exists because it's not physically tangible? Computer software are worthless because no labor are involved? I understand where you're coming from, but your analogies doesn't make sense

I'll explain it perfectly for you. Now seriously... repeat this in your head 10 times. And try and understand it... because the 100 year banker anti gold propaganda campaign has literally turned the masses into morons....



Now repeat that 10 times in your head.

If the dollar dissapeared from earth tomorrow. My gold is 10000% unaffected by this.

Your valuing things in terms of dollars which is wrong.

Gold didn't all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created right? So why would you be valuing gold in terms of fiat?

It exists im just saying that bitcorns aren't savings.

Gold is savings. Gold preserves your wealth.

100 years ago a gold ounce equaled a good weekly salary and it equaled 20$.

Today 20$ buys you virtually nothing but that gold ounce will equals a good weekly salary.

I understand people have been brainwashed but I can't understand how people can't understand something so simple when I'm spoon feeding it to them

The problem is debt. The world is swimming in debt. Crypto doesn't solve that problem. Crypto doesn't solve skyrocketing cost of living. Yes if link goes to 500$ then most of us will outpace inflation big time. But that doesn't fix the systematic problem of people getting poorer and poorer. And crypto won't fix that either

nigga eat a fucking dick, you're original point was "muh 1s and 0s computers are strange magic ooga booga buy gold" but it's *literally* bullshit. I'm fucking buying gold. I'm fucking buying link. You just have a fundamental misconception on what value is. Fuck off.

Why does gold have value?

>pls spoonfeed me because I'm too lazy to dyor

Lmao, you're the one claiming they fucked something up compared to the white paper, so it's on you to tell us what that is.

So gold isn't valuable? If you had to take a time machine 100 years into the future and you could only put your wealth in bitcorns or gold. Which would you bring with you?

So besides from saying gold gold gold, you didn't address the chart. No, I don't care about 5000 year ago, or 5000 from now. I care about its' value over my life time. Once again, I'm not anit gold.... but it's certainly not the only (or best store of value)

I don't need some faggot to buy my gold in order for it to maintain value like you need someone to buy your bitcorns.

Virtually nobody in America owns any gold. Yet it's still as valuable today as it Was 100 and 1000 years ago