Good morning chaplads!
/balt/ - /balt/mobile edition
my daily shake :)
Hey, those scales feel weight in 1 gram increments, right? Are they accurate?
Yes, they're decently accurate for food, it might be 2-3 grams off, but who cares about that much accuracy when caloric labels can be 15% +/- anyway. If you wanna weigh drugs though you should definitely get milligram scales
хaхa тyпыe пpибaлты! B HoI4 вceгдa eбaшy их пepвыми!
Я тoжe, ocoбeннo кoгдa зa кoгo нибyдь из них игpaю.
they just repainted the gay crossing in wilno, yesterday it was almost completely gone and today it’s bright and fresh again
rent free
>/balt/ becomes flooded with russian migrants
art imitates life
I'll have to go take some selfies
Чe cпиздaнyл? He пoнимaю пo yкpaинcки. Tы пo pyccки лyчшe пиши вceм пpoщe бyдeт =)
a nu čiki briki
Atsiprašau, bet nekalbu rusiškai, gali gal lietuviškai pakartot?
Ką supyzdinai? Nesuprantu ukrainietiškai. Tu geriau rašyk rusiškai, visiems bus paprasčiau.
gal gali jam išverst?
“panašu, kad įvyko nesusišnekėjimas, prašyčiau, kad jis ir kiti užsieniečiai paliktų šią giją”
Gal žodžiais kažką ir suregzčiau, bet visiškai nemoku rašyti kirilicos klaviatūra.
matai kaip, na pačių užsieniečių reikalas vertėjais pasirūpint
Jei windows tai nustatymuose pažiūrėk yra ru klaviatūros translit variantas, raidės bus išdėstytos taip pat kaip en/lt klaviatūroje. Jeigu android gboard turi tokį variantą.
Russen raus !!! Oder wir müssen die Operation barbarossa wieder von vorne beginnen
need to take a shit but i don't want to because i like the feeling of a log near my anus
you sound like you get fucked by blacks
>tfw like 40 year old or so boomer neighbor plays in a band and is playing his boomer music right again with banging drums again
I usually take a shit only once a week, because a giant log coming out of ones ass is the best feeling ever.
def getting fucked by blacks
Labas pusdienas
i finally took that shit
without exaggerating, it was like 30 cm long
wouldn't go down the toilet bend
really proud of this one
just had some coffee feeling urge to shit now
y'all just wait till I take a shit this evening
feeling constipated, what helps you shit, brothers?
coffee or energy drinks, miau milk drinks
ES on hirvetava myrkki xDDD
say hello to pingu
Vitun turvenuija :ddd Xdd
Boutta head out lads finna get some shit done
go to germany and shoot up a mosque
forest brother
VDU KEK detected
>VDU KEK detected
I don't go to VDU or uni for that matter I just live nearby pingu.
Based. Did it feel good? How thick was it?
Those were the days...
not too thick and hard to tear me up but thick and hard enough to feel it
it was the perfect size and consistency
the best shit i've taken this year, without a doubt
imagine the smell
one time the shit was so fat, it took like 5 minutes to push it out. But it felt so fucking good...
Best shit i ever had.
Mikė Pūkuotukas - geras žurnaliukas. Smagūs paveikslėliai, o dovanų žaisliukas!
I got banned 3 days
Also in sleep i got caught by the police
Try a dick
ne čia biski ne taip. Man atrodo buvo
>Mykė Pukotukas - naujas žurnaliukas. Gražūs paveikslėlai, o dovanų Žaisliukas!
Why are Eesti boys so cute and handsome?
>Mikė Pukuotukas - porno žurnaliukas
>smagūs paveikslėliai, o dovanų sargiukas
shit used to crack me up back in the day
mutt genes
Labu labu
Youre cunt
How many islands does your country have
Estonia has 2355 islands
I've been coughing so much from the flu and now my throat hurts every time i do it
gargle some cum
eat garlic
can i post in this thread
You have my personal permission
Do you guys like being associated with your cunt?
Do you like your cultural heritage and background?
The history, environment and stereotypes about your countries?
>Do you guys like being associated with your cunt?
>Do you like your cultural heritage and background?
yes, yes
>The history, environment and stereotypes about your countries?
yes, yes, don't care
Who the fuck let you in?
Wow, jesus, slow down hot eeasty kid, you're writing too fast and put too many words in text.
this guy:3
Greatest ally
>Pizdonian having any saying in any things that are Balt.
Lmao, pizdonians are not even balts. And for you, 'stralian, get off my turf.
Do you have a loicense for that turf?
No :(
>Do you guys like being associated with your cunt?
>Do you like your cultural heritage and background?
No, unless we're talking about the Finno ugirc genetics
>The history, environment and stereotypes about your countries?
What stereotypes? We're irrelevant in that regard
>2 of the editions are mine
I always thought there is only 1 lithuanian posting here
Nah, there's 3.
Two are mine also
If evens I get drunk tonight
>What stereotypes?
Sveiki atsakyk į šią žinutę arba tavo šuo mirs
Faggot, there's at least 17
We counted in /savizudybe/
4/7ths of those were all me.
Tegul miršta
neturiu šuns
Mano šuo jau miręs
Dabar eik nachui asile
poster count doesn't lie
>inb4 "I was reseting my IP"
No one's that pathetic
>No one's that pathetic
Resetting IPs isn't even my final form.
It is not a secret that Lithuanians are so dominant in /balt/ the lesser balts have to appease us lest they incur our wrath
Gee lithuanians sure are wacky
Braindead, you mean.