>Western women don't find Asian men attractive because of racism
Western women don't find Asian men attractive because of racism
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Only in first world shitholes
t. Rafinha Takeshi
Yeah, that's cope. The real reasons are biological ones. See youtube.com
Shut up Its true
And asian whores only go for ugly incel white guys and have eliot rodger kids
I wish mgtow guys would take the cyanide pill
I think we should support this idea so that white "women" stop being so annoying with their liberalism
don't follow
Is this nigga really that delusional?
Explain Koreaboos then
Don’t exist, paid shills by the Korean government trying to push the flower boy look
They're smelly
I don't enter this thread to be rude to anyone but I've noticed how teen girls really love the flower boy look before they get a bit older. Justin Bieber when he was young, for example. He's no longer such a flowerly boy. We've got our own Finnish Biebers, and they're at the top of their game when they're the most... flower boyish. When they get older, teen girls lose interest.
So I think the same applies to K-Pop, only thing is, the record companies in the west seemingly aren't that interested in the flower boy type. I have no idea why. I mean you could pretty much produce these guys on a factory line, which is what they do in Korea. I think that might be the problem, that kids in the west are too independent. You need a really strong, aggressive record company. Korea's got like a dozen.
that guy is a cantonese from hong kong
the only asians western women want to fuck are HAKKA BVLLS
Teen girls don’t want dicklets
Teen girls have never seen a penis but on pornhub.com.
>hakka attacking cantonese man
Wtf I thought we were brothers
Asian men actually have a lot of sex appeal in the west.
dude its just shitposting bantz
but yeah cantonese people are cool lol
delete this. im serious. stop posting it everywhere. it doesnt represent asian men well.
It does not?
They are the female version of male incel weebs that collect girly anime figurines and talk about how white women are terrible and Asian women are superior despite never leaving their room.
It's OK to be an Asian man.
>it doesnt represent asian men well.
that guy was joking, he's probably wearing panties as we speak
Kill yourselves
Why are asian males so feminine?
or maybe not
I would but with so many beautiful Asian men in the world life is still worth living
>it doesnt represent asian men well.
What does?
>Hong Konger
hmm i wonder why, suddenly started bitching about workplace "racism" when sucking them juicy white cocks stopped working anymore eh?
Broke: White women
Joke: Asian women
Woke: Asian men
armour of god and lei feng
post body
Why do western men find asian men so attractive?
I only find asian females attractive desu
it's true in a way, women have no agency and will believe whatever the prevailing social norm is supposed to be, so if it was to fuck asians they would. But its not
I don't understand though, if women across all cultures are obsessed with K-pop and find the men attractive, why does the internet make it seem like asian men are not wanted? and if asian women don't want asian men and will go for white men instead, then who would white women be with? black men? even if that was the case, surely that means someone will have to end up with asian men. Like maybe black women.
black women are one hundred times better than wh*Te or A*ian women tho.
you need to stop.
white women will still end up with white men, because white men go through several marriages. There are plenty single white dudes to go around
And you need to try on some cute panties