people on jewtube who claim to be from pol tell me i'm white for being italian while all this board has done is call me a brown eyed shitskin. Can you tell me why that is?
People on jewtube who claim to be from pol tell me i'm white for being italian while all this board has done is call me...
because when you meet actual Italians, you'd know for sure they are not white. Jow Forums is a board of Americans, so they can only go by American standards
>people on jewtube who claim to be from pol tell me i'm white for being italian while all this board has done is call me a brown eyed shitskin. Can you tell me why that is?
it is because Jow Forums is majority not white unlike int
70% of the posters there are mexicans the rest are latam mixed with african americans
Jow Forums has an injoke that nobody is white that newfriends have a terrible habit of taking seriously
eat a dick, inbred anglo
>unlike Jow Forums
LOL, even people posting from Europe are majority non whites
Is it an "injoke" or is it le shady meanie joos? Make up your mind.
even the darkest italian is white.
The pic is what newfriends believe, friendo. The whole joke is done to annoy people and it really works, as you can see by this thread.
Jow Forumsfags are on full force today
Jow Forums is just elitist and ironic Jow Forums
Most correct post on the board atm
>being italian
you're not
I am unironically the only white person on this board.
Jow Forums is where Jow Forumstards go after they realize their life is actually a comedy
i am
says so right there
>i am
>says so right there
moorish nigger
whiter than you
t. paki piece of shit
>moorish nigger
>moorish nigger