/v4/ + friends

posting chinese cartoons is sctrictly prohibited here
comfy night edition

Attached: 1451420618022[1].png (996x900, 392K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Make /v4/ Comfy Again!™

Attached: 1463922418190.png (600x322, 78K)

fuckin romanians

Attached: 911_kürtős.jpg (439x439, 41K)


Attached: sakura_2_cute.png (268x301, 119K)

Oh hello there don't mind me

Attached: __graf_zeppelin_and_zeppelin_chan_azur_lane__sample-782946e0f99c56b41ac6b93adf0878f0.jpg (850x850, 189K)

That's like an open invitation for them to post more of it.

Attached: 15482800693600.jpg (136x170, 6K)

Welcome catposter

Attached: 1555393202559.jpg (700x850, 223K)

I distinctly remember eating these when I was a kid and everyone in my family looks at me like I'm imagining things and no one remembers these being sold

This desu. People don't understand how the mentally ill mind of a weeb works. The more you shit on them, the more they'll enjoy posting here. I am certain that no one derives any pleasure from posting inane shit with images of anime girls attached to it, they only do it because of the reactions they get.

japans love those.