Attached: brwe.jpg (1280x720, 93K)
Asher Barnes
Brody Morris
might watch this kino
John Robinson
Josiah Garcia
fight like a brave, don't be a slave
Jose Garcia
>tender hooks
Noah Peterson
hottest girl on the show
Andrew Wright
oh shit forgot to have dinner
Blake Nguyen
i'm not english, british or european
i'm from yorkshire
Parker Barnes
Re-read my statement. Your reply is a logical fail. I would know because I scored a 174 on the LSAT which got me into Northwestern Law after graduating with top honors from UC Berkeley. BTW... the LSAT is an exam in logic.
Noah Gutierrez
how long before they teach how to make a /brit/ thread in schools?
Jackson Parker
Ayden Rivera
Nathaniel Lopez
any oldfags remember twizzynugget?
Luis Collins
How fast is your internet /brit/?
I'm an elite ADSL2+ user here with 10 MEGAbits per SECOND downpipe and 1 MEGAbits per SECOND uppipe
Eli Rogers
wouldn't get tinder if i was paid to
Connor Reed
Absolute tosh
Jonathan Butler
Imagine your eyes being too weak for light from a screen
If you don't have 100% brightness you're a soyboy
If you haven't tried staring into the sun until you go blind you're a soyboy
Austin Richardson
hello you cunt
Owen Murphy
I was once like you then I got it and found my qt gf
Connor Gutierrez
blue light keeps me up at night :l
Logan Cooper
it's looking more and more like the only way im going to find a gf desu
Elijah Jackson
eyes are like muscles that get better when you strain them, not even memeing
Owen Richardson
Xavier Cruz
Who is this tranny then
Trying to wnk
Whats its name
Nathan Bennett
you can find some really nice girls on tinder mate, myself and loads of my mates met our gfs on there
Asher Perry
Nigga, u gay.
Justin Morris
Samuel White
Oliver Long
listening to banging tunes through my headphones and bobbing about and wiggling my legs and that
bet the downstairs neighbour thinks i'm having a tommy tank
Levi Davis
there's a guy at my work who was a lazy eye. i want to make him wear an eyepatch on the other to make it stop being lazy
Lucas Evans
when brexit doesn't happen but it was a good effort lads maybe next time
Colton Peterson
Soyesque, staying awake is a good thing
Explains a lot because I have 20/20 vision
Daniel Foster
i watched the man who sleeps when i was 18 and i thought i understood it
if only i knew how bad things were going to get haha
Zachary Hernandez
what's everyone's gamertag
Jack Nelson
*takes a big drink from your pint while your back is turned*
Christopher Carter
No, I just have standards. And she's a paki munter with a greasy top lip.
Jordan Brown
>might watch this kino
Aaron Butler
used to laugh at people with anxiety until i got it
Ayden Edwards
is mcdonalds still open 24/7 on good friday?
Elijah Ross
Daniel Barnes
Why oh why won't you leave?
Blake Wood
[brit] piss_mopper
Jason Gutierrez
Mark is a SHAGGER
Logan Carter
M8 just dload Grindr
There's quality trannies on there
Jordan Gomez
the STATE of leeds fc today lol
Carson Sullivan
tried to write down all the things ive been feeling recently as a bit of DIY therapy
looks like a suicide note lol
oh dear
Benjamin Perry
Thinking about getting a gf different race to me so I emit intellectual lefty vibes
Blake Lopez
Anyone here shagged a tranny then
Anyone planning to do so?
Jordan Murphy
The greatest episode of Peep Show IMO. I relate it so much now that I'm pretty much the age that Mark and Jeremy are supposed to be in it. Trying to have fun on a Friday night and hit on younger girls when you're the wrong side of 30 and are stuck working in grim office toil.
Dominic Green
Dylan Gutierrez
riding a bicycle is the most efficient use of physical energy for motion, more efficient than any animal by far
it's a massive increase of physical efficiency
/brit/ is the mental equivalent of a bicycle
Brayden King
Chase Hughes
Josiah Ward
>No, I just have standards.
Leo Morgan
going to get pizza but I'm going to sing when I get back
Samuel Cook
Wyatt Green
Ryan Scott
i shagged a reverse tranny (boy with a vag) kind of
it was alri
Anthony Howard
post sx? unknowingly, yes
Owen Richardson
Have done.
They give better head ime
David Thompson
Nah nah not a poof, it's just porn, real life is a different kettle of fish. Porn is separate from reality. Only a fool would try out things he may like in porn in real life. I am not some retard bored with his life and so he tries to "explore" his sexual whatever and starts bumming men, it's just porn
Christopher Carter
think the hair stylist was flirting with me. she told me she cancelled a date with a guy. she touched me often but i know that's part of the job. still think she touched me more than necessary
Hunter Hughes
NiggerKiller1488, sometimes N1GG3RK1LL31488
Noah Morris
Brayden Myers
don't be a bellend
just get a working class british girl and be an old school, workers unionist, blue collar traditional socialist Labour man
globalist liberalism and racemixing is for capitalist bugmen
Landon Sullivan
why would you want to kill your self
Justin Peterson
girl at tesco express asked if I wanted a receipt, I said listen love I'm flattered but spoken for
Brayden Morales
almost, had one in my room who I met through tinder, despite being very passing something just felt off so didn't go through with it in the end.
Lucas Nelson
imagine telling that to your wife after she finds your tranny porn stach
Leo Powell
Looks like absolute FILTH.
Nathan Bell
That's how it starts
Noah Mitchell
jumped the shark when they ate the dog
everything before that was beyond seinfeld tier relateability
best sitcom in decades
best single cam uk sitcom ever
top 3 single cam sitcom of all time
top 3 uk sitcom
just love it want it back but how it was before it jumped the shark
Adrian Campbell
Life begins at 30 they told me
Leo Baker
reminder that there are 2,043 people on this planet who could end extreme global poverty 7 times over
Aaron Hernandez
not even a football fan but small football stadiums at night are one of the comfiest things
Oliver Flores
she's alri but the face is munted beyond belief, looks like Titus Bramble
Anthony Lewis
i think she looks hot lad, could do with a larger arse though
Asher Jones
want to get violent
Anthony Miller
I have never downloaded porn in my life and never will. It's a 5 minute quick wank affair
No it doesn't. Soygimps want to try emulate things they see in porn in real life. They think it's a good idea to start "exploring fetishes" and whatever else. That's how you end up dying of aids
Gavin Gray
yeah, dat's a boy and you are Moni looking for approval
Landon Gray
Connor Jones
the part you relate to the most is having horrendous sex with an underaged slag
Michael Martin
post your hands
Jacob Cook
is that blackburn rovers?
i remember when shearer took that team to the top virtually single handed
and his england career was almost as illustrious unlike fucking rooney who ditched everton for the glory and then shat the bed for england
Jaxson Smith
Carson Hall
she wasn't underaged
Lincoln Fisher
did you know that god journals all of your days?
Isaiah Gomez
Why would they though? People would just blow it and be back to square one within 3 decades. To be a billionaire I imagine you have to have some hatred of regular people. Can you imagine like Bill Gates seeing popular culture of today and not being utterly disgusted by it?
Jeremiah Perry
Gerry Adams is the best.
I'll miss him when he's gone
Henry Nguyen
*bangs my pint down on the table*
ok sunshine OUTSIDE
Justin Wood
horses are the most cucked species in history
they don't even get the respect that dogs do they're literally there so we can sit on them because we cba to walk lmao
Eli Brooks
Zachary Russell
one for the old fags
Justin Gonzalez
Yeah, and God knows what is fake and what is real. God knows your heart m8, so watch out
Julian Murphy
Twitter was a mistake.
Charles Wood
Landon Martinez
lout claws
Samuel Rodriguez
*has an opinion*
Hmm... I should share this opinion immediately with everyone in my vicinity
Matthew Cook
according to popular opinion this was a mistake by his staff and he's actually not really a thick, dishonest piece of shit
Grayson Phillips
honestly i hate horses
people think theyre all majestic and shit but in reality theyre docile mongs