Anyone else dislike dogs?

Anyone else dislike dogs?

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Me. Muslims are 100% correct about dogs.

The fact that dogs are extinct in china and that they have to import 50.000 dogs every year to eat is crazy

Why does anyone sell them dogs???????????????

Dogs are a mans bestfriend anyone who disagrees is a traitor to mankind

Why wouldn't they? People eat animals all the time, dogs are not different.

Why can't we eat humans if humans are animals too?

wish those were s*rbs tho

I hate little useless pieces of shit like pugs and pomeranians who have no reason to exist other than to look cute
actual dogs are cool

>they eat that

what the actual fuck

are they tasty?

China is rich and you make massive profit of it. Feed the insect and it will shut up

Because we decided that, as humans, we'd give each other rights such as the right not to be killed and eaten. We didn't extend those rights to animals, who don't vote and aren't members of our species.

Human meat is unhealthier than other types of meat and we don't breed quickly enough.

why not to? it's just meat, ofc dogs are usefull to other things but we eat snails rabbits and horse here...

Go suck Muahammed off stupid cuck

nah i like dogs. but i wouldn't mind trying it at least once to see what the big hoopla is.

Whenever it's provincial fair time, stray dogs start disappearing

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>Why can't we eat humans
you can't because Spen:
”Y desde que aquello vieron los indios de aquella provincia se concretaron todos a uno de matarlos, y en pocos días sacrificaron y comieron más de quinientos españoles, y todos eran de los de Garay; y en un pueblo hubo que sacrificaran sobre cien españoles juntos, y por todos los más pueblos no hacían sino a los que andaban desmandados matarlos y comer y sacrificar...
"”También sacrificaban más allá de Jalisco hombres a un ídolo como culebra enroscada, y quemándolos vivos, que es lo más cruel de todo, y se los comían medio asados..”"
".. decían: "Si no tuviéramos miedo a una mujer y al del caballo blanco, ya estaría derribada vuestra casa, y vosotros cocidos, aunque no comidos, pues no sois buenos de comer, que el otro día lo probamos, y amargáis; mas os hemos de echar a las águilas, leones, tigres y culebras, que os traguen por nosotros; pero con todo esto, si no soltáis a Moctezuma y os vais en seguida, pronto seréis muertos santamente, cocidos con chilmolli y comidos por animales salvajes, pues no sois buenos para estómagos de hombres; porque siendo Moctezuma nuestro señor y el dios que nos da mantenimiento, os atrevisteis a prenderle y tocar con vuestras manos ladronas, y a vosotros, que cogéis lo ajeno, ¿cómo os aguanta la tierra, que no os traga vivos? Pero andad, que nuestros dioses, cuya religión profanasteis, os darán vuestro merecido..."


I like dogs but pictures like this don't trigger me. Different cultures and sheeit. I hear pigs can make great pets but I have no problem whatsoever with eating bacon or pork chops.

Yep. I just can't get over how people submit to those creatures and obsess over them. Dirty little things.

>t. ahmed