That 40 year old millenial who still rents because he didn’t get a mortgage when he was 30 and is now eternally...

>that 40 year old millenial who still rents because he didn’t get a mortgage when he was 30 and is now eternally priced out of the housing market

Attached: 323FE44C-ADC4-4FBA-8D99-FAB0405DE7F9.png (380x349, 70K)

Buying is stupid. Renting beats it 9/10. Especially right now.

you're half right

buying right now is dumb

t. Zoomer

>living in an overpriced box
>renting an overpriced box

I'm 24 and I have to rent because I can't pay for a non shit house in this market. Shit sucks

Right in the feels.

Attached: IMG_2206.jpg (290x290, 43K)

>not living in a modernized 250 year old European house your grandma left you

You burgers will never be this comfy

In LA $750k will get ya a small 1960s shack surrounded by Mehicanos and their 20 kids running around playing Mariachi music until 3am

>not living in your van

enjoy your property taxes, cuck

>being a 21st century gypsy
You have got to be kidding me

Oof. Im gonna go buy a yurt.

damn, Yurts are comfy
Now I wanna put one up

Renting beats buying.
No taxes, no additional costs for repairs etc.
And you can move if you want.

Kek stay poor. Property tax is very close to zero in a lot of European countries. I guess living in your van can make sense if you’re a poorfag, but it’s nothing to brag about.

how do you consistently shower when you live in a van

41 yo boomer here from Santa Cruz, CA.

This is actually, literally, me.

>falling for viral marketing

Never, ever gonna make it

>No taxes
get off my board retard

>Santa Cruz, CA
Literally the most expensive place in the country.

>literally throwing your money down the shitter by paying money and receiving no asset in return
the pinnacle of cuckoldry

>buy when prices will go up
>rent if prices are falling
Simple as that. Retards.

So should I keep renting or look to buy in this market? I'm in San Diego, currently pay $2300 a month for a four bedroom with a garage and a nice big yard. I split this three ways with roommates, but we have a spare room so could get someone else. I could bring my roommates with me if I bought, but everything is stupid expensive. I just don't know if things will ever go down and I'm fucking myself for not buying asap.

I usually take showers and use the facilities at the beach. I surf sometimes but the surf sucks a lot of the time. Also really good sun exposure there so I let my antiminer run and kickback and fish and drink.

There is no reason to rent. Buying a home under 100k will always be a better option.

And a Marxist shithole.

And Wyoming is so beautiful too.