Average salary by country


Attached: u8-9h9.png (893x692, 170K)

Now post the net one.




Only median after tax coupled with the average rent for big cities tells us anything about the financial reality of these places.

That has to be before taxes. Most people earn half of that after we gave to caesar what belongs to caesar.


Attached: 6.jpg (846x586, 94K)

sad, I made about the same money as an intern

Here's PPP adjusted

Attached: u9nhn9ed.png (909x719, 175K)

sometimes I feel sorry for Europoors.
I'm 24 and make 4900€ per month

Attached: 1354916144-sad-frog-2547.jpg (500x484, 104K)

Date rite,we're richer than anybody but Monaco

t. russhit wiping old people's asses in switzerland

>pre tax


Literally cut it in half in most places.

Was offered 900 to be a warehouse's manager via a recruiter. That country must suck as bad as here.

Something like it. Still you can cut off a bit.

So nearly everywhere is shit.

Last time you were an Arab exchange student. Make up your mind.

Mind you that in Russia before 2014 crisis average salary in euro was x2 higher.

I seriously doubt Russians on average earned as much as Slovenians back then.

Before 2014 1 EUR was 40 rub. Now it's 71 but in 2016 it was even higher, about 85 rub.
Average salary in rubles hasn't changed.

I think the sample size isn't big enough to represent the actual numbers. These always vary wildly.

Ok, not x2 but I googled it and average salary in 2013 was €700

This I'm 20 and earn around the same

mountain niggers living the good life

Europoor is not just a meme

>lower average salary than Italy
what did they mean by this?

cant be real no way bulgaria-romania difference is that big

thanks to grey economy I make 3 times as much, but officially I should be homeless

do elaborate

I'm reporting you to the fucking police. Tax evasion is not ok.

More people have left Bulgaria than Romania.

pls give me money, I only have 2500euro/month

I mean we're not doing much worse than the rest of eastern europe

i am joking brother

you also pay for a horrendous cost of living

>873 eur net

that's almost exactly what I make

feels good middle middle class

I make 4200 per month and will make more once I take some kind of education. I only have my high school diploma still. I believe that other european countries will develop and become better eventually, we just have to wait a decade or two.

What do you do?

>decade or two
That would be 20 decades here. Not even joking, there was a report about it.

I took a job at warehouse.

>crosses the border
>is in Italy, France, Austria or Germany
Now the case of the New Zealander who thinks he makes a lot is funnier: everything is way more expensive down there and the closest country is 1500 km away

no way fag

I make 900 a month as an engineer.

I believe you 100%

leaving Yugoslavia was your biggest mistake wasn't it?

One day we became poorer twice as much (despite the fact that not much has changed). Although those who received a salary in dollars became richer twice

pre-taxes, it might be

And net income?