
mount saint michel (budget english version) edition

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first for israel


*Cartwheels into /brit/*

i am a human man and i demand respect

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>spending a sunny bank holiday saturday with your family

alrigh billy no mates (and also a virge)?

built by normans and therefore french

yeah your country is cucked not like ours haha

why yes, i am a coke fiend

how do i get bigger bollocks? mine are like large grapes or cherry tomatoes but i would prefer them to be larger

Repost from old thread:

Lads I'm looking to go on holiday in England in the summer.

Can you recommend me some towns that fulfil these requirements:
-In Devon, Dorset or Somerset
-Close to a nice sand beach
-Not too many tourists
-Not too big a town
-Castles or places of interest in the area are a bonus

Thank you for any suggestions you can give me

Will take it into consideration, thank you friend

france is british clay (god gave it to us)



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it was my whole family, we’re all adults, none of us are virgins, lastly go fuck yourself insecure twat

Imageboard not link board.

we don't want you here cunt

bet that zizek fan from last night nods his head when he watches this

>Imageboard not link board.
stop perpetuating this gommack

Dont care

despite preferring summer over winter, it's hard to deny that being a pathetic virgin loser is more difficult in summer than in winter

during summer there are qts with bare, tanned shoulders on display, crop tops, tummies, soft thighs and smooth calves against the warm air everywhere; constant reminders of how lonely and horny you are all the time, every time you go outside

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*nasally Yank virgin voice*
>stop perpetuating this gommack

i always wee loads when i'm at me dad's
i don't feel like i drink more than normal particularly but i must have been five times just this afternoon

>yank opinion on gimmicks

That's me posting it, but I'm not a Zizek fan at all, but he makes some good points. Imagine not reading his work because of Jow Forums memes. Do you not read Jews either? Only watch "alt-right" YouTubers? Lmao!

based imageboard not link board poster

True that

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>*nasally Yank virgin voice*
>>stop perpetuating this gommack

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Women are beneath me. They are basically invisible.

>constant reminders of how lonely and horny you are all the time

you are a state of a person, lad.

Nah, at least you can look in summer.

>haha soo lonely and horny lol what are we like?

Speak for yourself you utter woofters I get arse

Why do most Deanos only ever seem to date fat girls?

Prefer links to images, save data that way. Thanks, lad.

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bit gay

Dave's here everyday

dont believe you

I shag

tad gay



Derry or Londonderry?

they speak english in /cum/ as well just saying just putting that one out there

You don't have an argument, you're a homosexual vlogger
Imagine not reading someone because they're x and Jow Forums doesn't like them. You do realise half of Jow Forums have blacked porn subscriptions don't you?


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>Work in shop
>Really good looking girl comes in and come to till
>Turns out to not be British

Every fucking time

deano respects women of all shapes and sizes, unilad told him that it makes your cock bigger if you do

No thanks

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They start off skinny but take them for one too many wagamamas and 2-4-1 cocktails at revs and it takes its toll

londonderry is the gayest sounding name ever

you really are an absolute cretin mate

>I shag

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Londonderry but the first six letters are silent


Holy shit, this. I was out today and saw so many fit girls barely wearing anything. None of them will ever be attracted to me.

I've done a number on you

mate just shoved a massive crystal of md up my arse
my face and aesthetic feels so photogenic right now

delet this mate

cooking TWO dr oetker 'zas for dinner

saw a looksmatched 0/10 couple today and audibly went "d'aww"

hate hate hate hate hate that dyke they built leading up to it

Very Berry

seething idiot small brane incel freak

Heard Asian minge is in style

Aye hate dykes meself

stop being such a narcissistic cretin lad

haven’t got any mates me
doubt I ever will
don’t think it’s really my style

I'll tell ya there are men in ulster that'll never surrender
there are men in ulster that'd rather DIE than pull down the flag

>doge in peril
>much stuck
>send halp!

>c-clean your room commie
>Le gulag peninsula dude

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just had one of these

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attractive and educated people tend to travel more than the regular unwashed of every country

need (want) to lose some weight but i'm lazy and gluttonous
any ideas?

Judo? Muay Thai? or presenting my anus?

>the weirdo yank obsessed with nazis is here
fucking hell

>tummy bug
fuck sake

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Creasing at the idea of my wedding

Her and her army of invitees, friends and family on one side, me and my parents on the other


as a fellow no-mate haver, I take the view that it is impossible to change the situation at this point even if you wanted to

in your late 20s, working a full time job, peak socialisation opportunities (school, clubs, uni) are all in the rear view mirror and if you have no established network and no history of social credit and experiences you have no currency to make friends from scratch

Zero carb

Why enter into a contract like that? People change.

just stop eating so much you fat fuck

for me it's aggressive projectile pooing

Hitler has only got one ball
Goring has two but very small
Is rather simmlar
And poor old Goebells has noeballs at all.

Zero food
Run everywhere

stop being lazy and gluttonous

merciless wanking

she's eastern euro

could probably beat her desu and she wouldn't leave

and my parents will probably be dead by then lel

'n 'k

you appear to have ignored where i said i was gluttonous
you appear to have ignored where i said was lazy and where i said i was gluttonous

heinrich himmler was my literal great granddad (srs)

I have mates but there's only one I see regularly.

The others are either in relationships and just spend most of their time with their partners, or they've moved elsewhere.

bit worried about this
I have a decently sized extended family but I'm not really that close to any of them
I know it'll be awkward because I'll have to ask a friend to be my best man who would never ask me to be his best man as all of them have better and closer friends than me


why do the royal family exist

just fucking sell their palace and fancy crowns and divvy up the money and give it to every british citizen

not that hard

blog on

He was subhuman

"Mates" are overrated