Do you want to find love in France?

Do you want to find love in France?

Attached: 280full.jpg (280x441, 21K)

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Attached: Spyfu.jpg (765x720, 146K)

Attached: Lola_Naymark.jpg (320x500, 46K)

Yes but the girl has to have a very thick accent.

No only her accent is thick if you get what i'm sayin

Attached: 902156f2b4e9e35656a1664f4f54c9a5.jpg (1024x552, 69K)

Too wh*Te.

At least post an attractive Frenchwoman, jeez

Attached: 1554102671137.jpg (1080x1138, 267K)

Why are you pimping out your women Pierre?

She's hot you just have shit taste
>big titties
You must be gay

isnt she ukrainian?

Big schnozzes aren't attractive

Attached: 1536934348482.jpg (750x913, 543K)


For you, homo

t. schlomo

t. homo

>Big schnozzes aren't attractive
Girls can be attractive with big noses. The most beautiful girl I know has a huge nose, but it fits in her face so perfectly that I know for sure she wouldn't be as pretty with a smaller nose.

Too pretty, so pretty it makes me sick

who is bullshitting?

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (959x347, 177K)

>Big schnozzes aren't attractive

The french...are very cool

>korean phenotype pro

She looks like she fucks black guys.

her name is zoia mossour
from my experience i can confirm that she looks ukrainian but i want to know when did he read about it

She's french

Christ that webm is so good it makes me mad

lol your women look like this too, tho
she has Eastern European traits for sure

Would have posted the webm but I don't have it on my phone. She's all naked in pic related, delicious firebush

Attached: 51ds0Uara1L._SY445_.jpg (316x445, 31K)

that the same woman as op?

Yes, Lola Newmark

No they don't man, not even close. Maybe I see a girl like her once a year.

That phenotype looks more southern slavic than western slavic

Gaulish phenotype, very powerful