The future of Islam is BLACK
The future of Islam is BLACK
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I dont read gay
What does it say?
Yakub be slayin'
have sex
Left panel
>I love you and want to marry you
>alright but it’s not gratuitous and you have to pay the dowry, brother.
>prejudice against the Maghrebians
Right panel.
>Absolute broken french
>less go Marie. I don’t have no money and used all my gov gibs
>I don’t give a damn about the dowry.Offer me a Quran and that’s enough.
>suck blacks
Bro, marie here is about marriage
Shit you right. Still haven’t been too exposed to Ebonics french, that caught me off guard.
damn french people got swarthy recently
Has anyone got the rest of these saved? They're hilarious
damn you know this glorious feel when you've stumbled into a new subculture and it's something you ain't never even thought of before?
so it turns out blacks are cucking arabs in france, that's something lmao
On s'marie isn't ebonics, it's just how you casually speak
>Rebeux et renois on est tous frères
Je ne m'associe absolument pas à ces sales N*fris de Merde.
>thank you, Omar, since you brought Samba, I can finally have some rest
>you know I can't refuse you anything, my sweet Safya
>look at that Safya! Always showing her fat ass on Instagram, I'm sure you could fuck her, she loves black guys!
>don't worry, I got this! I love nafri girls
>nafris, blacks, we're all brothers
I like to imagine the gentlemen on the right are having an insightful philosophical discussion.
Basé homme noir
meant to reply to
White french girls are getting blacked at breakneck speeds as well, so why are frenchies laughing at nafris?
because fuck n*fris
even if we suffer, as long as they suffer, it's all fun
Is there any race blacks don't cuck? East asians?
black men will fuck anything they can, race doesn't matter
Yeah, but nafris have the maghreb countries after France. There's only one France.
the future of the planet is black
all women of all races are the for the black BVLL
Black men only attract literal trash.
What is tchiiiiip? Is it sheeiiit?
really make you think
I found out its simply a noise they make
i know right well at least we are not alone
/mena/ is done
Normally blacks in USA do this also, at least the new blacks
It’s some weird sound blacks make when they’re annoyed. It sounds like someone drinking what little there’s left of their beverage through a straw.
No they’re not. Girls rarely (never) fuck with guys from a lower social class. All niggers are working class so they’ll only fuck other working class girls which basically is arabs and the worst white trash