What's stopping you today, Jow Forums?

What's stopping you today, Jow Forums?

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Products are hard af to sell it's better to find a subscription service to do. I'm open to ideas go ahead

*value of the price or amount of people have to be adjusted for tax.

Great books for a quick primer: Personal MBA and Dotcom Secrets.

One idea:
Become relatively ok at a topic. Record a course. Send ads to teaser, collect emails, and send those people to something like WebinarJam to sell the course. Price proportional to potential value gained (recommend $500-$2000).

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Well shit its not easy to sell a 200$ product, more so when you live in a shithole like I do, where minimum wage is a bit under 500$ per month

Another opportunity:
ATMs are the cheapest they've ever been. You can get one for under $1k, but recommended about $1500-$2500k. If refilled once a week, can make ~$2k/ATM. Tell businesses you'll set them up for free. If they don't agree, offer to share profits (20%-30%)

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1m in sales =/= making a million dollars unless that 200$ product cost you nothing to make.

You don't sell info products face-to-face. All done online. Someone from Thailand or South Africa, from example, could sell a course to someone from US/UK

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info products have near 100% profit margin. If it makes it feel better, rephrase to "make $X profit/person from Y people"

That’s only 1 million in sales LMAO. It costs money to make a 200 dollar product you fucking brainlets.

K, when you think of a $200 product, you're probably thinking of some shit like a chromebook that obv you need a large corp to make and distribute with little margins.

Info products for niche or in-demand needs (especially for businesses), on the other hand, are a humongous opportunity. Most people overestimate how competent business owners are at what they do, and thus never try to sell advice to them.

If a business makes $200k/yr and I'm sugggesting a potential 10% increase after my program, hell yea they'll pay $2k for that

How much time/money you spent making a product or doing a service DOES NOT MATTER.

The only thing that matters is the result/value the customer receives.

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>all revenue is profit

If you give me $X for my advice to you, all of my revenue is profit.

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Where do you get the capital to refill the atm? Owner operating one? Bank partnership? I'm skeptical

I work at a restuarant and I've thought about this a few times. There is an area in the back towards the restrooms that would be perfect with foot traffic and the servers would love it. I wonder if 10% would cover the electric usuage and still allow a small profit for the business. I'll be researching this more.

I'd fill it myself, I've watched videos assuming you don't mind having $1000-1500 on you as you make a deposit. If its an indoor location it shouldn't be a problem. It takes like 10-15 minutes to fill them from what I've seen. $3.25 charge is standard in my area. 3 people a day at minimum is just shy of $10, but lets round up for ease. That becomes roughly $300/montly profit minus 10% to 15% for business fee. $1500 ATM is paid off in 6 months or so. I can't imagine it has virtually any maintenance costs very often. Just gas to fill up the machine. I suppose it would tie up capital and you would have to be diligent on refilling it before its empty. You would never want to miss a sale.

Yep, average withdrawal is $60. Average fee is $2.90. ATM's filled up with $1k-$10k. Forgetting the exact number, but you should count on ~5% of foot traffic using the ATM and you should seek a place with foot traffic of at least a 100 per day.

The way it works is you take cash out of your account, put it in the ATM, the moment someone withdraws, that cash goes back to your debit account + the transaction fee which gets taken out of customer's account.

I'm not worried about competing with anyone because it's a hyper-localized business. Also keep in mind unless you connect to phone line, you'll need to pay for a proprietary router (~$20/mo).

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35 ATMs gets you $1m/yr. Assuming 20 minute average time distance that'll be 21 hours of work a week + withdrawal time. You can pay a company to do the refills at about $50-$150/refill.

Use Cardtronics.

bitcoin atm? or normal atm?

Normal. You can always replace the ATMs later, since you've at this point established a relationship with the biz owners. I'd worry about having Bitcoin once it's used to buy drinks at the clubs.

$2400/ month profit from 1 atm? Think you added a zero there buddy
Thanks for info. I've been reading up on this and it seems quite legit with low barrier to entry. No qualms about filling them myself and I have enough cash to invest as a side project, so going to look in to placement opportunities

Yea you also need a city business liscense from my understanding and the contractual agreement you create with the brick and mortar business. The liscence fee must be renewed year, but I can't imagine it would cost much. Its definitely legit and I may consider drawing business plans and talking to the owner of where I work as an easy entry into the industry since I'll be there anyway to work. It kind sounds fun.

You're right, that would only be the absolute best scenario - nightclub/fairgrounds locations, but $500-$1500/mo per (56-166 ATMs for $1m) is where most people will land.

You'll of course need a contract. Nothing incredibly hard to do - don't have one on hand right now, but check out the FAQ of this other biz I followed - prestigeatms.com/faq. As far as business license - an LLC will be fine (~$150/yr depending on where you live). Use it to write off your expenses as well.

If you want to go outside, ATMs are a good biz, but I can't recommend checking out Clickfunnels as well, since it's waaaay more scalable.

This Russell Brunson talk (a bit long i know) is a good intro to that (not trying to spam so don't buy anything) - youtube.com/watch?v=0O3tDgC64wQ

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Hi, how much have you made selling info products?

Where do you recommend buying an atm? Supposedly they're sub 2k but I'm seeing 3k+

I got no ideas. And probably no drive to figure out how to find and talk to probably a 100 people to get a good business going.

I remember doing research finding used/older models for 1500-2000 range. Hell Ebay was one option, but shipping would be a bitch I'd imagine.

corporate fat niggers stole my business name

All people underestimate this. They think if they but 200 hours in their product, it has its value. But it has NOT. Only the result matter.

Americans pay a fee to withdraw money from an ATM?

So do other countries you cuck.

I don't. Don't think I ever paid a fee here in the EU.


Ever paid to go to the bathroom? That's fucking hilarious to an American.

Finally, a non brainlet

"Info" (assuming you mean entirely digital) products still cost time and distribution platform. Unless you are distributing it yourself in which case marketing costs $$.

Tldr: nothing is created for free. That "$200" product has to cost at least $66 to create unless you are a mega corporation that can get insane markup by ordering/creating by the millions

This can only work in the US. ATMs in Europe are owned by banks.

Also there are no fees for withdrawing money.