Feels thread

> 28 entitled zoomer who bought BTC at ATH
> 5 yrs of wage cucking since college, barely have spent anything yet barely 100k in savings
> all my life thought I didn't need friends by coping by playing vidya games, only kept the bare minimum of em
> now those friends have changed priorities, got GFs, houses, dogs, going on trips, etc.
> absolutely sick of playing vidya, can't cope with em anymore and having another bad case of FOMO
> Friday, nice sunny evening with nobody to go out with and am too introvert to go out solo
> Realize I'm just a pathetic anxious man child who have used multiple coping mechanisms all its life to shelter myself from out of comfort zone experiences
> Post this blog post instead of actually doing something about it

Jow Forums friends .. how old were you when you realized you were never gonna make it?
Whether it be because of your way of seeing the world, family, lack of motivation, physical appearance, bad decision making, etc?

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I'm 32.

Have friends at local bar but avoiding it b/c they annoy me. Stuck in flyover country. Worked my ass off for $200k of real estate.

Realize I have 0 social life. Am fat. Trying to get off cigs. Will die before I give up.

ima 18. my worst nightmare is to end up like this no offence. but i cant help but see myself in you. i am literally what you described. how do i not end up like this anons? i dropped out of highschool btw and have $50k. willing to risk it all.

I was also sick from vidya at one point in my life. Just look for balance. Vidya are fun but only when used correctly. Also don't delude yourself. Most normies are greatly in debt for their house, trips, car w/e. It's all about acting they're succesful. Meanwhile their partner cheats on them and they fight everyday with their gf/bf.

It's all a game chasing valueless things, and I don't think most normies make it in the end.

If I wasn't ready to accept shit I wouldn't posted this blog so no offence taken.

Here are some things I wish my younger self could have known:
- Being introvert does not equal antisocial. Try to take every opportunity to go out. Don't trade a boring activity with friends for a night by yourself watching netflix or playing video games even if it sounds more fun.

Everytime you choke out, people notice it and soon enough you will be left out. Dont take invitations for granted even from your best friends. One day they will realize that there is no point inviting you as you will probably say no.

- If you got a big ego, you need to leave it home when you go out. Nobody wants to go out with a choir boy. Try to be funny and goof out once in a while and don't over think it when you get into embarrassing situations. If you're always the guy that's more catholic than the pope, normies will start feeling threatened as they will think you're better than them. What I am saying is you don't need to black out on a park bench, but there's nothing wrong in acting silly and yelling when you're drunk. Most bystanders find it funny anyways.

- Video games will lead you nowhere in life. Don't even bother pursuing them as a career as it's an average pay, long hours area. When people start having money to have 'real' hobies, trust me nobody will give a shit you're diamond in league of legends. Especially women.

- Expensive cars are a meme, buy yourself something that makes you happy but doesn't break the bank. They depreciate faster than you can put money aside. Women don't care if its got a v8, they care about the status it gives to their men and most people have 0 idea of a price ballpark. This is why so many posers have C class benz, audi a4 or 325i bmws over loaded lexus.

- Focus on hobbies where you will have something to discuss with people about. nobody gives a shit about your stance on the Venezuelan crisis when you're out drinking

>not playing PUBG and going to meetups

I put thousands of hours into vidya every year and I can't fucking stand other gamers

In a nut shell, look around you ... copy normies behaviors but exclude the ones that could affect your health or your financial stability.

Regarding you dropping out of highschool, unless you've got a good job lined up or good connections, realize that most good jobs today ask for college education.

I guarantee you that when you get older (24+) the salary you are currently making won't cut it and you will want more which you will not be able to afford. You will also not be able to score serious women past a certain age if you don't have a good job. I would suggest you to look at median salaries in fields that are not difficult to get into if you can afford going back to school.

I make 85k CAD/yr, tax man takes ~35%.. and it just ins't enough. Being a programmer for a big corp is not as fun as some meme about. Sure sometimes I browse biz all day, but there's nothing satisfying from this. It's also not a sexy profession to women (you're fucked on tinder for instance) and one could argue that it makes sense.. nothing cool from sitting at a desk in front of a screen 40hrs/week. If you already have antisocial tendencies this job will only accentuate it.

I like to tell myself that if I had known that earlier I would have chosen a different field that could have gotten me a better base salary.

I run a small tech business, when I explain my job to roasties when they ask, they usually follow it up with 'oh like IT?'. No roastie has been impressed so far.

do you think it would be good if i became a policeman or fireman or something? that sounds quite fulfilling and desu. and lots of chads do it so that would be good for me socially

I've played PUBG for over 100 hrs.. I was still terrible at it. I mostly don't care about being good at vidya anymore as I realized most don't give a shit... even the majority playing

unironically this ...

Lmao I'm 20 with 300k kys

Low pay, high danger

It will drop roasties panties when you're young, but when you're older you'll be left with a stressed wife

You won't make it financially unless your significant other has a good job which lets you invest on the side.

What I would suggest is look for a job where hard work/effort can be reflected into yearly bonuses. Nothing shittier than being stuck in a corp hierarchy where hard work only gets you recognition. The only way to get paid more is moving up the chain.

I wouldn't know what those jobs would be thought, maybe other anons can chip in.

...Anonymous (ID: SYVSRu4Y)
07/28/18(Sat)02:29:04 No.10452500
(OP) #
I don't understand, what are you complaining about? Why is this man's life so bad? You have a well-paying job, experience, good savings.

I'm 25, $12k in crypto, $7k in the bank. Graduated with a master's a year ago. No real job and it's not my priority since I have a couple of health problems to address first. I also only have a few close friends and don't feel the need for more. Got my first gf just recently.
And yet I don't feel like a loser. Should I? Maybe I don't have a good career or a car or something but I have other things going for me. I'm fit, have a nice degree, have some money, likely more than people my age (Eastern Europe here), I'm quite well-read, know English and basics of French and German etc. Perhaps it's just a case of too high expectations?

31 years old
young face, very little life experience
babied from a young age by distant relatives who i lived with after being kicked out at 15 by my crazy single mom
actually fairly smart/clever (not a genius or a snowflake but not dumb by any means) but lazy as hell, constantly imploding and failing to deliver
"made it" with shitcoins and now have a low six figure portfolio
have a gf
no friends. none. fucking lonely
no job prospects
not sure what to do next

can anyone brohug me via shitpost or somethign pls

>trust me nobody will give a shit you're diamond in league of legends. Especially women.
Would just like to say not necessarily true, being Rank 1 in WoW got me my first GF kek. True, no one gives a shit if you're Diamond but if you're truly elite you're gonna get fangirls.

South American piece of shit here

24, finishing a degree in accounting
Have a public job for life, working 6 hours with plenty of vacations
Have plenty of career opportunities

Few close friends but I can count on em
Have 5 ex gfs (all of the latina brunettes)
Only have 1ish ETH in savings (because latin american salaries are shit)

I don't feel bad with my life just stressed out

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Firefighter here - it's all the best possible thing for neets who don't want to be poorfags.

Work 8 days a month (24hour schedule), half your job is cooking/eating/sleeping. Sure when it gets serious it's HARD work, but i'd much rather have spurts of hard work than consistently wage droning.
Plus it's like an adult frat house, boys nights out all the time etc

plus statistically it's safer than construction work, just don't be a coward and you'll be fine

>Work 8 days a month (24hour schedule)
that sounds awesome. fuck, I should become a firefighter.

Yeah I don't know if it's the same everywhere, but I'm in a big city (america obv) and i'm pretty sure most big cities do 24 hour/2 day a week schedule (you get an extra day off every other week to compensate for the 48hr week)

but you sleep at least 6 hours pretty much every shift - barring the rare actual emergency

18, spring of 2013, when I realized, and a lot of browsing on Jow Forums made me reach that conclusion.

It was then that I grew the resolve to work past my predefined destiny. I joined a fraternity in uni (was a senior in HS when I made the realization) and the chads there taught me how to fake extroversion, and it gave me everything I needed to make it

So you've sold me on the upsides, can you give me the downsides? I'm a short, early 30's, semi-Jow Forums computer nerd NEET. Can I just walk in and start hosing down fires? Will the other guys snap me in the ass with their wet towels? :(

>100k in savings

You're wealthier than probably 90% of people your age. You could put that money in a few mutual funds, do literally nothing, and retire 10 years early with over $2M.

>crying about having 100k in savings
dude I have $1200 in my bank account right now and I'm same age as you

I think you mean like 99.99%


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Wtf man? You think you have it bad? Try this:

>no money
>never had a job
>Bachelor's in CS
>decently smart I guess, lazy as fuck though(a bit like you I guess)
>touchless virgin
>basically no friends
>shitty health issues(autoimmune disease) will propably die early
>used to lift and was decently strong but lately no energy to even do that anymore
>starting to get really fucking fat now without lifting
>no hope for the future, crypto was my last hope but got in too late
>guess I'm depressed now too

>used to lift
>bachelor's in CS
dude, you have so much going for you and you're just squandering it. I wish I had a bachelor's in CS. Hell, if you completed that then you must be pretty smart. meanwhile I'm just trudging along trying to learn to code on my own and hoping i can get some junior dev job.

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I honestly think video games played a major, maybe the pivotal role role in ruining my life. I think it's ruined a lot of young guys' lives. Maybe not all games are bad but the majority basically do this:

>Promise feeling of accomplishment in return for your time
>Get rewarded with points, levels, items, dingums, all you have to contribute is time and illusion of work (pressing buttons in a particular sequence over and over)
>Finally get to the end, have invested countless hours and unlocked everything, hit max level, 100% achievements, etc
>Turn game off
>All of those achievements vanish
>Just spent time, effort and attention and got zero lasting reward from it
>Basically just got cucked by a skinner box with a shiny wrapper over it

And repeat over and over and over with different games. Especially during childhood when you're still growing and forming neural circuits. It grinds away at your dopamine systems like a millstone. It teaches you that all endeavor is pointless, that any reward you earn from making an effort at something is illusory and fleeting, so why even bother starting. So at the end of a childhood full of compulsive video gaming, you're left with a man with no reward-seeking behavior at all, who just shuffles through his life ambitionless and never trying to do anything, because on a lizard brain level he 'knows' the reward would be pointless and unsatisfying. And, worse, he is so desensitized to regular, IRL endeavors that the only shit that can make his dingle tingle anymore is just more video games, which briefly light up his brain in patterns he is familiar with. Though it seems by 30 the appeal of even that has worn thin for most men and all they are left with is a hunk of jelly between their ears that cannot be stimulated or satisfied by anything anymore. And they just wander the earth like husks for the rest of their days.

Only real downsides are going into fires I suppose. There's some guys who act like they love it, and maybe they do. Personally I don't get much from it but i'll do it for the upsides.

Other downsides are it's probably not a good environment for an autist, since you're living with like 10 other dudes and there's lots of pranks/socializing etc.

And I suppose your sleep schedule can get thrown out of whack sometimes, but it's never bothered me really and I think it's worth the trade off for having 8 day work month

Have you tried not being a beta loser that blames his problems on video games? I play an MMO with my gf and it's a lot of fun, especially raiding.

>since you're living with like 10 other dudes and there's lots of pranks/socializing etc.
not sure i can handle this desu

It's relaly not low pay lol, In a big city I'm making over 110k/year with benefits/pension

Plus if you're really financially motivated you can get side work. There's plenty of guys pulling in over 200k doing military duty one weekend a month, or union tradesmen working on the side (but they work like 80 hour weeks).

But you can do literally anything on the side and have the luxury that if you fail it's not devastating since you have a comfy salary/benefits/pension/401 etc

Walking husk here, can confirm.

Boom there it is. You play vidya so you feel threatened by what I've said. Read it again, I didn't say all vidya is necessarily a problem. But I think training a young mind on a certain kind of loot-rich/reward-rich grindy game is a recipe for dysfunction.

Fuck, my parents just fed me a line of JRPGs nonstop starting when I was like 7. FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, etc. It was easier than having to interact with me. Are you telling me that as a 7-year-old I should have exercised some immaculate judgment and known to put down the controller and go outside? I didn't know any better, games were fun and real life was boring.

You're not able to enjoy video games anymore because the reality of your situation keeps nagging at you. If you start improving your life, you might be able to enjoy games again.

>So at the end of a childhood full of compulsive video gaming, you're left with a man with no reward-seeking behavior at all, who just shuffles through his life ambitionless and never trying to do anything, because on a lizard brain level he 'knows' the reward would be pointless and unsatisfying.
Have you tried not projecting this hard and thinking it counts as an argument?

>one day become filthy rich
>still won't be able to get a date

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You aren't completely far off, some are designed to be addictive, if they're fun then that's by accident and your brain will form loops and behaviors will be exploited. But listen to
Detox, do other things and then maybe engage them in a way they don't become your life. Too late? Bullshit.

Thats actually a pretty big step user. Maybe you'll make it after all.

Pretty much. I played a lot of San Andreas Multiplayer in high school. A lot. and I mean A LOT. I played it in class, I played it at home, and played it all summer vacation. Now 6 years later the mod is dying and I feel like a loser because all of that dedication went towards NOTHING. All of those wars, duels, trades, car chases at the end of the day meant nothing. I put virtual stimulation in front of potential relationships with friends and family.

Meanwhile other people my age were practicing their social skills, learning life lessons, and becoming much more mature than I was. I am astonished at the younger anons here who are 17-18 years old. When I was 18 all I cared was beating some nerd in a double sawn off duel. I was still mentally immature. It hurts watching stories/movies based on High school because it feels like an experience I never lived. Video games are a waste of time and the consequences are a lot more brutal if you're an introvert with no friends.

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Former WoW addict here. I don't know about that theory, but I do know that playing vidya (especially MMORPG's) triggers the motivation/reward parts in your brain that make you think you're actually accomplishing things in life and getting shit done. It's very similar to why porn is bad for you. The end result is that you lack motivation to go out into the real world and do real world shit because your brain thinks you already are.

However, once I quit, the void left in my life created an existential crisis and I suffered from severe anxiety for a while, which wascaused by the feeling of being unproductive and wasting my life away. I got my shit together, taught myself how to program, started contributing to open source software projects, started exercising on a regular basis, started reading literature, learned how to cook, and picked up a number of hobbies. All of the energy and motivation required to do those things was being sucked away by purple pixels on a screen in my basement.

tl;dr yes videogames fuck up your brain. No it's not permanent, stop using it as an excuse.

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Yea I don't know man. I used to play a ton of wow aswell and always put in minimal effort everywhere else in life. I'm not so sure it's even the game's fault really there just wasn't much else in my life that really interested me. With work/school I never really had anything that really interested me I just kinda went along with it with minimal effort. Basically chose CS in uni because I knew it would be useful in some way but I never did anything extra CS related outside of school or anything just the bare minimum, to get the degree. And I can't see myself working 10+ hour days in anything related to it. Even 40 hours a week seems like a shitload of work to me? Relationships / friendships are kinda weird in a way that they really aren't in your control. If girls just aren't interested in you can't exactly force them to be with you so I doubt I missed anything there in the first place? I mean why go to parties etc if you're not gonna get anything out of it anyway lol. Seems kinda boring to me. Not sure you can blame the game for having a kinda boring life in the first place?

at least you have frens and a gf user. my money is pointless without those things but idk how to get them

>27 yrs old
>been NEET or "working on my startup" for over a year now
>never made revenue
>just going fucking mental everyday trying to feel busy and important
>probably no job prospects now
>go days without seeing people
>living in family house that noone really goes to
>all 2 friends I have are overseas
>they have all become really successful
>haven't talked to a female outside of family in a 1.5 months now.

fuck I hate living.

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One of the defining points of game mechanics I think came with MySpace and Zynga. Zynga led the first wave of game building for the sole purpose of profit through unending A/B testing. Then it was a race to
>A/B test
>gather data
>guide ppl who spend into spending
>guide ppl who dont spend into playing more
These companys used never ending data testing which has gone even further now with machine learning to categorize players into groups and then find the right paths to maximize engagement/profit by tweaking every game mechanic you can think of. Thanks to Zynga the shift turned game design more into a science than an art.

hey man, you are not alone

> 27, 10k in crypto, M.S. degree in STEM, no gf, a few fwb, a couple friends, no close/best friend, former super vidya addict

> It's pretty much been covered already, but yeah, vidya from a young age compulsively will result in lower IRL stats (social skills, fitness, networks, knowledge, etc).

I keep switching between no vidya and feeling empty life, and moderate vidya. The existentialist in me seems to favor exercise and fitness with moderate vidya.

me but no degree, no friends, and no desire to play games anymore

at least you have 100k

I have a wife, job, friends and am a fucking broke wagecuck. I will trade you.

When I turned 30

you wouldn't trade that for money you humblebragging dipshit :(

Always thought about being a firefighter. Everyone I know that went into that career loves it. Myself, I work as a correctional officer. I also have many friends who are police officers. The jobs are similar as far as types of stress, people you encounter, and overall workflow. I would recommend it but do research beforehand. I work in one of the most populated jails in the country so my pay is decent being in a major city. Some cops make great money (especially with, ot, side jobs, and court time) while others work in shit areas and don’t get paid anything. Do your due diligence in that regard if you seriously consider the profession. It’s great while you’re young if you’re getting paid a fair wage, girls do love it and find it interesting, and the camaraderie is great if you want to learn to be more extroverted. That last part is tough if you’re autistic but as long as you put in work people may still joke and prank you like everyone does in this field, but there will always be respect and your coworkers will always be there for you. Just my 2 cents on the cop thing.

All that being said, if I made it through crypto I’d drop the job in a heartbeat. It would be tough because I believe a job is 90% who you work with and the guys I work with are great and make this place not feel like work at all. I’d truly miss it despite the shit work environment, simply because I really only have a small group of friends. My time at work is when I can sometimes forget I don’t do much else these days. But in the end I’m still wageslaving and if given the opportunity for financial freedom I’m taking it.

Bro. You are with frens here