I’m about to get 4 lines of credit and buy $10k worth of link on borrowed money

I’m about to get 4 lines of credit and buy $10k worth of link on borrowed money.

If any of you have any human decency left in your hearts, tell me if I’m ruining my life right now or take this to the grave... you will have ruined someone’s entire life.

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You’ll be a billionaire by 2028 if you do that

It all depends on how soon you have to pay it back. LINK isn't doing anything till 2019 at the EARLIEST.

Lmao just do it pussy

I’m already an ugly faggot, this will make me very attractive if true

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bretty sure you will have ruined your own life, user.

never go into debt unless you have a ldt

so start an investment company with limited liability.

Sam Hyde did it with BTC back in 2013

This is getting dark guys... I don’t want this on my hands. OP we were just memeing the rebbit brainlets, DO NOT BUY LINK we were just fucking w you

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You know that moment when a drug addict commits his first crime, to get a hit?

You just reached that point.

please do the needful


If you need validation then you shouldn't be doing it

If I were you I would not do that. I wouldn't invest borrowed money at all, but especially not on crypto and especially not on link.

I think that you show tendencies that might put you in serious financial trouble down the road.

With that being said, you are a grown up (presumably) and can do as you please.

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Dubs and I call Capital One right now

Wew, dodged a bullet there

This unironically probably isn’t a bad idea
At least in the sense that if bitcoin actually gets to 10k, you’ll probably see link at 50 cents, so you’d double ur stack

link is a psyop and a meme you stupid fuck


He’s a schizo, we don’t listen to him

If this isn’t a Larp you’re dumb as fuck.

There is no current smart contract platform that’s scalable or been adopted that needs Link.

Link still has no product. It’s unclear if they’ll ever deliver anything that works worth a shit.

Even if it works, it’s unclear if it’ll be adopted due to the first point and an uncertainty over whether anyone really gives a fuck about decentralized vs centralized oracles.

Even if all that falls into place, there’s still 2/3 of the supply held back. If that hits the market it will drive prices down.

Not saying you shouldn’t buy Link, but going in debt to do it is brainlet tier. Keep putting money in over time. It’s definitely NOT going to be $1000 EOY, Probably not even $1 EOY.

Do it. You only live once and you only get one shot to make it.

wtf Juan M. T. I know you irl lmao

Yeah I think those trips say don't do it.

If you want to do that and actually want to make it by investing in a very undervalued project that will shoot up, do Nebulas.

first rule of crypto. dont invest more than you can afford to lysol. DONT DO IT user.

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looool, it dips to 19 cent all the time why didnt you wait

4 lines of credit just to get 10k? Are you 3rd-world?

This right here.