No life

Hey Jow Forums 27 year old here with no career, job, highschool education living of parents here. Im lost and dont know what to do with my life.

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def quit playing league if you do already because that was the best choice i ever made

And? How are we supposed to help you if you've got zero interests or aspirations?

Start working in construction or moving. Work the hard shitty jobs and act like you've already done them. They pay the most (over $30 an hour), and there's no commitment. I've gotten over a thousand dollars just working a few days moving around furniture. That paid for my expenses for the entire month. You need to call all of these places and ask if they need any help and what day.

If you're not Jow Forums, get the janitor jobs that pay at least $12 an hour. They actually do exist and they're easy as fuck. The problem is the hours aren't that good, but it's flexible. DON'T start a full time 8 hour job, you're not ready for this and you will get burned out. Plus, those jobs are in demand and most people want consistent income.

Most illegals fled the country so many of these jobs are paying pretty well now. ASK around, talk to people. There's a lot of opportunity in this country, so don't goof off. Build work ethic first, then start finding the better more fulfilling jobs, they'll start appearing and you'll know what you want to do.

You sound like me. I play League too. I've already started the path to quitting by getting demoted 2 ranks. Disgustingly terrible game.

>game sucks cause i suck at it
sure, tell us more bronzie

jerk off to yordle porn and do mushrooms in the woods, that sorted me out

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classic League of legends player

if you're really defending that game, you're already lost

clean your room

i hate how true this is

lurking with great interest, as I am also a loser in a similar situation

>by getting demoted 2 ranks
Just never log back in, genius.

Hey bro lemme help you out

First, look around for any kind of job you can get. Chances are it won't be something you think is great, but give it a chance. Just suck it up and get your ass to work. It'll suck for a while until you get used to it.

Now besides just "get a job you lazy nigger" or whatever, this will have a couple effects. One, it will get you out of your damn room, you filthy pornography addict. This will be good for your health and for your mental health too because you will have more shit in front of your eyes than Jow Forums for a least part of the day, you degenerate. Then you'll be at work, following a routine, and being productive. Hopefully, you'll feel good about doing things for people. Despite what edgy teenagers on the internet say, it's ok to enjoy being what mainstream society would call a"good person." You'll talk to coworkers and other fucking human being and before you know it, you'll have friends that you do more with than talk about your league rank and how many times you fapped to the latest anal sfm compilation on pornhub before bed.

After putting up with all that bullshit for a while and realizing that real life is actually not all that bad after all, you'll get paid. This is another great thing because that means after a few months when you've saved some if this filthy lucre, you can get your own place and move out of your parents house, you horrible freeloader. Don't "invest" that shit in crypto, get an IRA and a savings account like a normal person, you'll thank me later. This seems like a huge burden like holy fuck why do I spend all this money on things I got for free before? Fucking independence, you silly fuck. Look, now you're paying your own way in the world. You don't have the same anxiety about being a freeloader and a real girl might actually let you touch her actual skin eventually. You'll become a man or some shit, captain of your own destiny.

tl;dr: Get a fucking job and be your own fucking man, man.

Your social anxieties will become anxieties about how you are going to pay for everything and whether or not you'll be able to retire. That sounds terrible but it gives you some shit to talk about with your mature friends down at the pub while you're all commiserating about how you hate your jobs, but most of you really don't. It's just the thing you say now. You've become a normal person. A regular douchebag. Welcome.

Honestly, at this point join the military before you're too old to have it as an option. It isn't the job you've always dreamed of and you won't get rich, but you will get the GI bill, VA insurance, and if you make a career of it you'll have college figured out.

If not, take your GI bill shekels and study something where you won't have trouble finding a job that pays a decent living like nursing or something. That would pay you enough to pay your bills, have a little fun, and save up enough for a decent retirement.

This is the part that I really fail at. I don't like the bullshit normie conversation where you are just supposed to say things that aren't true and talk about stupid shit that doesn't matter. I'm not a full autist but I like debating ideas, especially controversial things, etc. Other than that I'd rather just talk about stupid bullshit like video games (which I no longer play) or nothing at all

guess it's just a skill I need to work on but I really feel socially isolated because of this

Hey me too man but see back when I was a kid if you had any shit like that they just called it ADD and gave you ritalin.

I didn't start doing anything with my life until I was about your age. I'm 40 now and doing alright, mostly I've found that the key to happiness at least for myself is in choosing to be happy. Don't let other people tell me what I'm allowed to enjoy. Do work I believe in. Try to see the good in things and recognize that even though I have a tendency towards selfishness, that other people are cool too.

Or just redpill up and fuck everybody I don't know man, don't let me tell you how to live your life.

I'm not the guy you were originally replying to, but maybe you can give me some advice anyway. I'm 30 next year and I've been with the same woman for 5 years. I have no real job and I sort of lucked into a small business with my cousin, right place at the right time, some Internet shit basically. I can do it from anywhere. It's in a lull right now and basically it may never bounce back since market conditions in our niche are a bit bleak right now but we made a fair amount, so I have like $90,000. I was pretty bad with money when I was younger so he helped me put it in a trust or something like that so I basically can't touch it for a year, although I do have a little bit in checking.

Basically I'm wondering what you think about my situation and what I should do. I could stick with the business and probably pick things up again and make a fair amount, way more per hour than a janitor job or anything like that, but it's not stable and it's definitely a gamble. On the other hand I have no real qualifications for a typical cubicle slave job.

I kind of don't know what to do next. I have this little pile of future money I can use but I'm in this weird limbo in life. I also have no friends which sucks, and I have no idea how to make friends as a 30-year-old man. As a kid I would just play video games and talk to other nerds, but now that's out the window and all of my peers (other adults...) are busy with actual life things, like kids and houses and shit

so idk. Send help lol

I should note that on most days i don't do shit, I'm on an extended vacation right now. My work ethic sucks and I'm also directionless and a bit lost/scared/lonely etc despite being a grown man I'm definitely lacking in a lot of these important areas that I think other people grew out of in their late teens and early-mid 20's. I just skipped a lot of life phases by being a shut-in.

Follow Jesus. We all come with nothing and we will all leave with nothing. We will all have to answer to God. Don't stress if you haven't made it. We're living in the end times, and Jesus return is near. What you really have cannot be measured in dollars and physical assets. It's measured in righteousness which God is keeping track of. God is the real bank of the universe. Fuck cryptocurrency. Your soul was lent to you by God and He has watched what you have done with this opportunity of life.

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lol fuck off

I can't give you advice man I am just you 10 years later with a masters degree, 90k ain't enough for retirement, save more. My only advice as trite as it sounds is that you really do make your own happiness in life. Good luck man I hope you make it.

I know 90k isnt enough
was the master's degree worth it?
I need answers!

No joke, video games have probably destroyed the lives of millions of young people.

I know that if my parents would have allowed me to do nothing and just play vidya i'd do nothing else. Because the moment i got out of their control I actually quit my job and started to play vidya again. Even when i had a job, my only aspiration was to get home asap and start playing some gayyme. Wasn't even MMOs or anything like that, just single player titles (mostly strategies and RPG).
If i had an access to WoW or anything like that it would have been even worse.

On the other hand, if there were no vidya i'd probably just be an alcoholic or a gambling addict.

Same but older.

you be alright, just live like that
work sucks, why work hard to become a good underpaid slave
fuck it leech of your parents as long as you can, seriously its better than beeigna wage slave

Stop trying to crucify me because I'm doing the Will of God just like Jesus did, stupid cuck.

Find a low tier job, im a cook, the job can be shit but it makes you stronger and at least you can buy magic internet money.

For me it was. But I managed to go through my BA and MS programs and come out with no debt. It certainly opened my world up, I've traveled all over the world and I've been offered all but 2 jobs I've ever interviewed for. University is a great way to meet people and be social, at first I felt awkward because I was older, but it turns out that nobody cares much about that as long as you're not some kind of weirdo.

hmm, maybe I should think about getting a degree then

>work as a teacher
>not sure where this goes

should i try and teach at an expensive private school? or should I try and become head of department?

>gold V
You'll never make it

Video games work because there are rules.

Game theory in real life is fucked.

Joe Rogan moans that there is just too much to know.

The truth is not so miopic. Bible study, learning the mindset of the literal greek and hebrew with etymologies.

When the vain show is as in your face as it is, being in the world but not of it, life as an exile. Joy cracks through, in solitude.

If your parents are so supportive, start a gardening hobby and feed them.

well youre right in your last sentence. if you lack ambition, taking your vidya away won't change that
i play vg 4 hours a day alongside my other ambitions

sounds like a good life, better than wageslaving
how much money do you get when your parents die?
buy low sell high

Quit leagur. It destroyed my life so now im restructuring it. Working and back at uni now

this. got diamond back in the good old days for multiple seasons and quit since then. it is a terrible game ran by a dog shit design team. and the community(aka reddit who thinks they speak for the world) is so brain dead they actually can't handle diversity in their metas and it's hilarious watching these kids cry about how stale the game has gotten and in the same breath cry that adcs are no longer mandatory every game.

>27 years old
>just got gold V for the first time
>so proud of it that he feels the need to take a screenshot
You will never make it

Well ur gold in a game that I managed to get top diamond in when I didnt even know that ranks existed when I was like 15 or something and thats all you do and u still suck at it lmao.

Maybe start by taking an IQ test cause your probably mentally retarded or autistic

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good advice

I dont udnerstand how the fuck can anyone waste thousands of hours into some shitty game. I do get the appeal of vidya in general, and I have my favorite titles as well, metal gear, dark souls, silent hill, diablo, and some other old shit, counter-strike

But fucking league of legends. Im not even talking about the fact the mechancis look hilariously simplistic and tergeted towards 10year olds, the fucking art style and general conception

its like there's no fucking clue, not a single idea to it. Its like someone put a 12 year old retard with crayons and told them to just keep drawing ridiculous characters, and then put that shit into the game

theres no fucking direction. The colors are fucking ugly

every fucking playable character looks like taken from another game, and doesnt match with the others

the map you run around on is fucking ugly

fuck this game

An Hero before it gets any worse.

The only reason people play it is because some of their friends are playing it and it ends up spreading like an actual virus. Its a shit tier game with weeb influence. Now fortnite managed to gain the "my friends play this so I play this traction". Just follow the pack sheep mentality. Leauge is basically a gay weeb ugly version of dota and dota is now overrun by fucking subhumans from southamerica,peenoyland and russians fuck this world

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i actually don't think peruvians are that bad, but what is actually shit is that dota is overrun by these league faggots if anything. in 2015 when source 2 came out, leaguelets came to dota because their game was dog shit and now you have these brainlets infesting the dota subreddit(the only place valve looks at) with their useless posts about cosmetics. make a thread on game balance or custom games or anything that actually improves the game and you will get downvoted by faggots circlejerking about a dying game. and they justify the dying game by pointing to esports viewership, which is exactly the same thing the leaguelets used to do 5 years ago. unfortunately these same league faggots are funding these cosmetics while everyone else leaves this shit game so valve will keep pretending that nothing's wrong until these same people start leaving too.

hit diamond 5. kinda done with this game. trying to learn more about investing

>There's a lot of opportunity in this country
what country?

If you aren't playing with and against professionals stop trying.