Does cryptocurrency have a reason to exist?

Does cryptocurrency have a reason to exist?

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Yeah, replace FIAT

only bitcoin the rest are scams

Should stupid people be allowed to ask questions?

better yet, should stupid people be allowed to vote...?

It's a bubble.

Does shiny rock have reason to exist?

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buying drugs and hookers

yes, to replace kikes

its our ticket to big tittied waifus user

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yes to replace middle men through the blockchain. rip accountant.

To give a competitive edge to people with brains.

Does the internet?

cryptocurrency allows me to send world-recognized money to anyone in this thread, it's incredible and I don't know how more poeple don't see that.

Some do, some don't. The time will come when fundamentals and tech are more important than meme lines. Just watch negro

to make other grug jealus

yes, it makes dumb people rich and then they kill themselves with drugs ang hookers locking out money for bankers

It's a trap.

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it is incredible, but it is also very volatile (the price).

once its not so volatile, and once it's scalable, it will be revolutionary - but by that point, it's too late to buy it.

Also, the scammers and ideologists need to vanish, the transactions need to become reversible and anonymity needs to be cut down so one party can still sue the other, if conditions of a contract are not met.

crypto is one of the few properties you can own 100%, that can not be taken away from you by a government or a company, combined with the fact that you can also freely send it to any other person in the world.

It solves le no Lambo in my driveway problem XD!

>Does cryptocurrency have a reason to exist?
Does I need a blockchain ?
Does my company need a blockchain ?
Does blockchain make my government less corrupt ?
Does blockchain help me get out of wagecuking ?
>Properly .

t. retard
cryptocurrency != blockchain
cryptocurrency = decentralisation.

Crypto could democratize finance and make everything cheaper and safer, but first we need to 1) find a solid alternative to proof of work, 2) make it easier to use, and 3) make sure encryption algorithms can resist quantum attacks (among other things).

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Sure. I can’t recall any off the top of my head, but there’s been lots of discoveries that were done just for fun, and only years later that people found out it was actually useful.
>inb4 Jurassic Park

Reversible transactions just isn't going to happen. Ripe for abuse, no middleman to authorize it and for the most part people usually don't make transactions just to reverse them

found the boomer

A week ago I would still take the whole crypto thing as a meme, even though it made me some money.

But recently my fucking piece of shit of a bank blocked all my transactions, because "there was something off about it" and I was left out for the whole day without an access to my own fucking money. Then I had to prove everythings ok to get back the access my account. I realized how fucked up it is that somebody holds that much power over my resources.

Fuck that.

No, cryptocurrency no longer has a reason to exist. Human civilization has proven itself to be in a bubble, so instead of moving forward with new technology, we are destined to have a great collapse. Over 7 billion will die, and surviving generations will live like sub-saharan primitives.

>replace fiat with more fiat

yes, it's a superior way to transact and store value than all earlier methods. It will make the way for cyberpunk to become real

Do you have a reason to exist?

Immutability and anonimity are core tenets of bitcoin and decentralization. If you dont like them then fiat is for you.

I had hope for you Jow Forums
but obviously, you are retarded
It will change the world.
stop making idiotic posts
if you can't see this I suggest you spend some time reading and looking into the technology

So what are we gonna do about mistakes? Shrug and say "shit happens"? Not a good way to talk about an obvious disadvantage of the technology.

They're here to make Neets rich

>Does cryptocurrency have a reason to exist?
Does OP?

How will it magically stop being volatile?

It is not about me liking it or not. For mass adoption or something like that, it is needed. Otherwise it will stay speculation on a manipulated market forever.

People always say this but nobody can seem to explain how this world-changing actually takes place.

Crypto is still valued in fiat.

just replace crpyto with cp and it makes no difference