Post your dreams and anons will collectively decode it for you
Jow Forums Dream Interpretation
Me had dream where me went around hotel slaughtering every men, women and children in place
The visceral feeling of chopping into their neck can still feel on me hand
The way their warm blood felt when gushing out on me was awesome
The terror in their dying eyes was pure erotic
Woke up super wet
It means you're autismal
It means you have to kill yourself
I’ve bought a motorcycle. Then it caught fire while I was driving it. It burned in front of my parents house. Wtf?
Tonight I had the same dream/nightmare three consecutive times. I dream of being in my bed (I was) and there was someone entering the room ready to attack me. I felt the adrenaline rush, and started punched and kicking in the direction of the attacker, thinking that the best defence is a good attack, and that the one punching first punches faster. I woke up after few seconds of fighting and, after being partially sleep, it repeated the same exhausting bullshit a couple of more times. There was more a sense of alert than actual fear. I also had seafood for dinner that may have some effect on it tho...
I dreamt that I cut myself like in the first terminator movie, a very large cut. Supposedly this was supposed to heal and make me stronger (lol?).
I dunno wtf was happening, I don't remember much more.
I had a dream where I was walking on a pier which stretched out into the ocean for what seemed like miles until it reached a lighthouse. It was night time, storming heavily, and the waves keep trying to wash me off the walkway but I somehow keep my balance. I get to the base of the lighthouse and then the dream stops.
My mom also died last Sunday, but I have had dreams like this before so it isn't specific to how shitty I feel at the moment.
I dreamt that OMG went to $1000 / token
I dreamed that Link got to my head and I was acting like a douche and rich when Link still hasn't moon. The Sergey exit scammed and everybody laughed at me. I just got cold shivers writing this
I've dreamt the same thing since I was a teenager. I go outside, look up, and a funnel cloud is descending directly above me. Then everything around me is ripped apart, my feet lift off the ground and I wake up.
Make it stop.
Probably a KTM.
The best interpreter of a dream ia the dreamer himself. Nobody knows your own life and your current situation better than you, and the images you see are always uniquely symbolic to your life. You will be way more accurate than somebody from the outside when trying to interpret your dreams, so maybe use this thread to do that.
in a lab with some poo in the loo stem women, look into a microscope and there is some alien substance. it's multicoloured like a rainbow. Start rubbing eyes get some crud in eye starts to develop, it's then multiplying. Absolute terror and pandemonium ensues. Get locked in the lab and everyone dies
your dream am telling you to consider suicide
Crazy girls are best girls. You are not, you fucking larper. kys
Two of 'em, both had Sergey in 'em. It's peculiar. I'm heavier now than he ever was by 20 pounds. So, in a sense, he's the smaller guy.
Anyway, the first one. I don't remember too well but it was about meeting him in a McDoes somewheres, and he give me some McDollars. I think I lost it.
Second one, it was like we was both back in older times. And I was a-horseback, going through the mountains of a night. Going through this pass in the mountains. It was cold, and there was snow on the ground. And he rode past me and kept on going... never said nothing going by, just rode on past. He had his blue plaid kmart shirt wrapped around him
and his head down. When he rode past, I seen he was carrying fire in a horn the way people used to do, and I, I could see the horn
from the light inside of it 'bout the color of the moon.
And, in the dream, I knew that he was going on ahead. He was fixin' to make a fire somewhere
out there in all that dark and cold.
And I knew that whenever I got there,
he'd be there. And then I woke up.
had a dream that was Episode of being bpng theory
Howard is divorced, not handling well. Leonard upset with Penny who is getting fat, which in turn is penny being WOMAN RIGHT against him. In his sleep Howard accidentallg records himself looking pathetic under a table. Falls asleep immediately, “mom? I thi k i have a bit of blow on my nose, can you get it?” then mimicking gunfire in a childish way. Amy is mad at Sheldon because every time she says I love you to him he just says bazinga. The four guys rehearse high fiving on Sheldon's cue of “bazinga” in a montage. They show up to a college arena supposedly to show off this skill, and Sheldon handed in a video to aid and Howard is all like “I didn't have time to edit!” so they all walk out, Howard slowly, the rest trying to pump up an arena crowd, then prepare to do their lame high five and the video shows Howard doing his dumb thing.
wrote this when I was still sleepy
the video was supposed to be a presentation, instead it was the video of Howard recording himself doing blow while asleep under the table
I like it, really feels like I'm watching bbt
You're a tranny, you want to fix your emotional pain through physical pain, this is why you cut yourself. R8, subscribe.
Just remembered my dream, I plugged my phone into my laptop charger and it exploded was pretty dramatic.
I had to walk for hours in the underground dark, surrounded by a field, on a single mud/clay path absolutely covered in worms. My shoes have holes in them. The worms do not attack me(they just act like worms); nevertheless, I am absolutely horrified, it takes so much effort not to be paralyzed with fear. I make it to the end of the road, do something(don't remember what), then walk back down the road to wear I started. I walk the path a few times, back and forth, each time the path is still covered in worms, each time I am still terrified.
Last week I had a dream where this black hole thing crossed the surface of the earth every day, and everything caught in it was sent to an identical earth that was slightly more fucked up than the last one. This went on until shit got so bad that the world was coming apart at the seams. I ended waking up at 2 AM and noticed that the episode of Space Dandy where they explain warping was playing on Adult Swim, so I assume that influenced it.