D-don't you know who I am??

d-don't you know who I am??

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that is out of context...
fucking retard

>butthurt ADA holder
u mad?

>hey guys PM me
confirmed asshole right there

tired of people putting him down
just because you are vitalik fanboys
don't know how much he has actually accomplished for the crypto space
but every retard just takes shit out of context
to make it seem like he isn't a quality business leader


>quality business leader

larp or ADA bagholder

seems like a pompous faggot
>writes a tweet to TELL someone else to message him
what a cunt

The only proper response is "Yes."

Instant free advertising as he screams everywhere.

Cardano is huge and he has got millions of things to attend to. wtf is metamask anyway? they should be glad he reached out to them

Look at the EOS shills coming out in full force. Cardano will be THE platform come 2022, EOS and Ethereum will be left behind.

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lose some weight, Charlie

Why does Cardano have such a dumb Spanish name?
Why does it have ADA as the tag? Adamantium?

Sounds like a huge joke to me

know anything about the history of computer science? fucking clueless plebs

Our scientists at Cardano are literally unstoppable, your centralized 21 server shitcoin will be used by no one, it does nothing that anyone wants. Abysmal throughput but also centralized, so you take the good aspect of a block chain and get rid of it? Why would anyone use that?

It's becoming apparent that Charlie is a huge narcissist

This ugly SON OF A BITCH is banging super HOT CHICKS and basically YOU are idiots.

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Cardano is my favorite, original whitepapers really.

Times have changed, and we must change with them. This is the estrochad. A hybrid species: Part man, part onions, 100% alpha.

Lower your head in shame for this is what you shall aspire to be from this moment forward.

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those ADA bags must be heavy user

Does it make you mad knowing he makes this face just to piss people like you off?

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posting in another cardano FUD thread brought to you by basedboys who are terrified if the future glory if cardano. i will be collecting your pink wojaks and your basedboy tears. hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

it is under development you stupid ignorant fuck. either larp or a dumbfuck - you

I'm a corecuck and most of my trades are on margin, I've had ADA but not currently. There's something very pure about Charles I really really like. It's a mix of arrogance and clumsiness and honesty and being a hyena. I don't give a fuck about ADA but Charles is fascinating to me.


Read a book you complete retard

Master Hoskinson, is that you senpai?

Charles is a crypto God. He can talk to the metamask faggots how he wants.

I actually think he's sort of a qt and wouldn't mind topping him if I was a little drunk. Anyone else feel this way?

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Something about guys with their mouths open just gets me turnt, does Charles know he's doing this to me?

you faggots sicken me

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hahah no wonder ada is shit.

Charles has actually posted screen shots of Jow Forums on his twitter before. I guarantee he browses, which makes him the most based boy in all of crypto.

Infact, out of ADA, ETH and EOS, Charles is the most professional and well presented CEO.

Vitalik looks like a gay skeleton wearing literal NEET clothes with cats and rainbows on.

Dan Larimer looks like a fucking mirelurk king off fallout and is the strangest person I've ever seen talk.

Sure Charles sometimes goes a little off-track with his Hawaiian shirts - but he did grow up there, and most of the time he is a brilliant orator and professional.

This just confirms it.

>mirelurk king

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