Modern day slavery, just with amenities and social acceptance

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rinse and repeat until 67yo ( not gonna happen ) at least the pay is good for the girl i hope

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The brainwashing is in full effect here. This kind of lifestyle is actually comfy to normies

Wageslaving is disgusting

AI Robot Space Communism is the only alternative.

As bad as this looks as early as 100 years ago nearly everyone did manual labor, and even in the US today the majority still are truck drivers, factory workers etc.

Jow Forums's base is located in US and EU cities and they are not representative of shit.

Count your blessings. Also most people talking about having 100k+ saved at 21 are full of shit.

>Gets to work at 10:30 am.
>Long ass lunch.
>Leaves at 5 PM.

Yeah poor girl, and they wonder why they make less.

so much onions in one video. guy in the back at 1:55 has a involuntary onions reaction to the camera kek

Slavery is wrong, you racist cisgendered. Now get back to work, we are not done taking everything you produce.

another case of the epidemic at 2:06

She isn't working that many hours. But she has a long ass commute.

So then stop discriminating against her just because she's a woman in a white man's world.

>yes goyim, working is fine
>just be happy with what you have
>yes goyim

fucking this
she did way more commuting that actual work wtf

this is why we need musk's hyperloop

I'm sort of like that except I bring my own lunch sometimes and I never consume coffee. My workplace provides tea and milk.
On some days work 9 hours and on some I work 7. Then it's straight home for dinner and brapposting on Jow Forums

*this is why we need basic income

As a low IQ wage slave I can no way comprehend what kind of necessity or need we have for those people that "code" some weird useless software.

Can anyone explain to me what these people are working at and who is paying for this shit?
Isnt there already all the software one needs out there in this world?
I cant think of a time when I went through the streets and thought "ooh I really need this software or app right now, I better put in effort in explaining some company what I want and will pay them money to develope the software"

>they wonder why they make less
they don't make less

That video is so depressing kek

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You're right, most of these jobs are a result of VC money bubble.
Coding something that makes production more efficient is very beneficial, but it's becoming increasingly rare, as most old industrial processes get upgraded from 386 on DOS to xeons on linux they are good afterwards for the next 30 years.

Private equity is paying for a lot of this. There’s just a lot of money in people trying to be the “next google” or make great software for some industry vertical. Most of the startups are running on fumes and the private equity is drying up.

If you’re a software engineer and you’re not focusing on lowering operational costs you will be unemployed in 2019.

basic income will effectively just become a wage subsidy. they'll ensure it's set up in a way that means that wagies are basically paying for their own basic income

How the fuck does she get anything done with so much dicking around? Holy fuck.

that is why we need self driving cars

Will cut commute in half or less.

What the fuck city is this? Looks depressing as hell. But otherwise yes, I'm a software engineer too. Drive 30min to work. Comf as fuck job. Probably work ~30hr/week at most. I don't live in a shithole like that though I have a house and drive 30min to work.

San Francisco, from her goyim apple watch. Agree with other posters that she's pretty retarded for a 4+ hour total daily commute.

It is, but san Francisco is ridiculously expensive to live in.
80k a year will get a 2 bedroom apartment and no possibility of ever owning a house or ur own place anywhere near ur job.

>willingly sits on his computer and spends 8 hours playing videogames and browsing this shithole.

What do you think her salary is?

Keep in mind she:
>lives in San Francisco which has an extremely high cost of living
>has a dog and a decent apartment
>has enough to get coffee/eat out often
>has a nice camera, clothes, etc.
>works as an app software engineer at Patreon

I'm going to guess six figures, at least in the $90,00-120,000/year range.

As much as you guys bash wagecucking, she could work this job for a few years, save up, invest, and then take a less demanding gig while doing what she wants. That doesn't sound too bad at all.

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lol, software engineer in san fran? Probably over $200k including stock grans, bonus, etc.

oh, I've never lived on the West Coast so I guess I was lowballing pretty hard there. I don't know how anons in this thread can knock her for "wage cucking," that shit looks about as comfortable as salaried employment can possibly be.

Yeah you know she and all of the rest of San Fran are incapable of living frugally or saving money. I got the fuck out of there after getting a meme degree because my job paid 1/8 of what was required to have a studio apartment that wasn't Tenderloin-tier

It is. These people literally do no work and women are basically black holes that drift around offices sucking up incum and ruining employee relations

>software """engineer"""

Implying she even does any serious coding. She is a fucking diversity hire

they do

how do I get a girlfriend like her?

This. They are software developers at best, codemonkeys at worst. Not engineers.

Is that Adelyn Zhou?

Isn't software engineer just another word for coder?

Meanwhile I'm stuck working in bumfuck nowhere locations out in the hot ass weather or -30C in winter surrounded by low IQ blue collar retards who only care about sport and pickup trucks, big fucking black flies, and toxic gas that can kil you instantly and only make 50k starting JUST fuck my life up

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>not coding from an office in your own home
>not coding while you travel
>being a wagie

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fucking normies...

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This bitch got in at 10:30 and didn't start really working till after lunch at like 12:30?

Basically living the fucking life. Fuck you OP!

You should research the standard requirements for creating zoo animal enclosures. It's standard for the cage to appear as natural as possible to the animal, with the ultimate goal being to cage it in such a way that it believes it has free will. It's the exact same concept with wageslaves and their masters. I'm glad you've opened your eyes, but you won't make it if you hold LINK.

Agree with everything you said. Just sold my link for tether and hodling until I make it in 2022

The loneliness of that makes me feel suicidal, but if you think this is slavery, you should fucking follow the day in the life of a flyover state manual laborer or factory worker. I’ve done roofing and worked in a factory worker in the summers, holy fucking shit it’s torture. This bitch barely even worked.

The people there are so fucking on edge, especially at the factory job because they’re expected to hit production quotas and shit. They’re running around like lunatics trying to keep everything running, they’d flip shit on you if you didn’t know exactly what you were supposed to be doing (and they were too dumb to teach it to you). I felt bad for those people because they were worked to death by their employers and you could see the effects in real time that job was having on their mood and how they treated people.

>that gif


that doesn't look too bad. I had a similar commute as her and it was exhausting

>wake up at 6
>get to train station at 7:30
>1 hour later arrive downtown
>walk for 15 minutes to the office
>work 9 to 5:30
>walk back to the train station and commute home
>get home around 7:30
>go to bed at 11
>rinse and repeat

how does she get away with working from 10:30 to 5:30 with 2 or 3 breaks for food? That's like a maximum of 5 hours per day spent on actual work. I would get fired after a week of doing that shit

>dumbass uneducated autist has no idea how software engineering works
>jealous af
Life in bay area working for a good startup is literally the best work environment you could possible have, and you could have enough saved up after a few years to invest, live off of (in a city of your choice), or spend lavishly (just work comfortably for a few more years). Autists on Jow Forums are only aware of the falsely glorified blue collar suburb lifestyle hence unable to perceive how folks with truly high intelligence can achieve good work/life balance while being happy and productive. Yea keep downplaying these people in broadstrokes as kikes betas whatever you want to generalize them as, it won't change a thing you're living an inferior life.

>bought into the blue collar welding/plumbing/basketweaving meme

Good on you Fresco. Keep being that #1 employee!

Wah i have to sit at a desk in an air conditioned office for 8 hours a day. Spoiled babies...

>how does she get away with working from 10:30 to 5:30 with 2 or 3 breaks for food? That's like a maximum of 5 hours per day spent on actual work.

There's no way that's all the coding she does. She propably codes most of her "free time" aswell.

Yea being that "employee" that you despise so much yet have enough time and energy (and money) each day to work on self improvement, side projects, side business, and is surrounded by intelligent people who are genuinely happy. You know what's funny? I have more side cash to buy link each month than you can in a year too. But hey I guess being a neet or suburb blue collar means I'm more woke right?

what a lot of people fail to understand is when you're at work for 8 hours you aren't being productive for the entire 8 hours. Good companies are aware of that, so they try to use that downtime to help you refuel, keep you happy. You can say they are incentivized to do so, sure, but I'd call that relationship synergistic. When I work on my own projects I don't blindly work 4 hours straight either.

>manual labor
Peasants in the middle ages worked about five hours a day, sure it was more physical work but there wasn't a ridiculous commute and they didn't have to deal with women who'd leave them at the drop of a hat. I'd take their situation over wageslaving, thankfully I'm in a position that I don't have to do either though.

something people who have never worked professionally in a GOOD tech company do not understand, is great developers don't actually spend all their time coding. They spend a good portion of time on ideation, thinking in abstract concepts, evaluating edge cases, designing tests etc. The actual coding part basically accounts for 10-40% of the time depending on the individual.

>wahhhh why do I have to do things every day to afford the things I want
>wahhhh why can’t I just get basic income so that I can have lesser things but then not do anything?
>wahhhh why isn’t my basic income enough for me to do things like travel and enjoy life?
>wahhhh wait so what you’re saying is I’d have to wage slave to do more than just sit in the house and do nothing until I die?

Where does it end with you whining faggots. If all you want is to sit in a small house and be NEET and shitpost then there’s literally no point in even being alive.

Why you so triggered code monkey?

>t. post

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More like someone who hasn't done any programming at all. If by coding you mean typing out the actual code then yea, it's the smaller part of it.

>a good portion of time on ideation, thinking in abstract concepts, evaluating edge cases, designing tests
so doing nothing of value, just moar bullshit, & muh apps

I guess you work a low level job?

I work in the bay area and see these "companies" all the time. It's all bs. Nothing of value is created, and the people are vapid self entitled cunts.
Show me one thing they've developed that I actually need. Pro-tip, you cant.

shes living the good life...
>be me, work construction
>wake up 5 am, get dressed eat etc and out the door by 6 am to drive an hour to the job site which is a different location
>get to the job site by 7, clock in, start busting ass and hauling heavy shit
>12:00, eat lunch, 12:30 back to work hauling heavy shit
>5 oclock comes, realize we still have work to do and need the job finished by tomorrow
>stay there till 7:30, absolutely exhausted
>get home by 8:30
>buy fast food, shower sleep and do it all over again

This is why construction workers do cocaine

I watched a startup in San Fran mission district or whatever its called. They raised $14 million or so, setup shop, paid a shit ton to staff, closed a year later. A lot of the money was spent traveling and speaking at conferences. Seen a competitor of theirs do the same thing but right before they closed down they had an ICO and were able to pay back original investors and make out like a bandit running their same operation but just adding an ever decreasingly valued crypto currency to their project.

That was impressive. Like fucking ads. Where do we even go from here? Melanie on Instagram saying she's a wagie too ecksdee?

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you lazy nigger. i could hire 30 pajeets/chinks to do your job for 1/3 the price. Then hire one good coder to fix their fuck ups and still come out ahead.

I would want to kill if someone was eating next to me while i worked. Fugging normies

this video makes me want to be a criminal

Yep. Its all soulless cunts running around lying to each other and trying to BS each other. You can feel it in the air. It's disgusting.

There are a few things I am grateful for in life. One is food that I get to eat and two is satoshi. Thank you satoshi for creating this pyramid ponzi imaginary money scam in my time. I don't even care if it's pure speculative hype, it actually frees me from modern slavery. Thank you based crypto. Thank you jews and manipulating whales, thank you scamming pajeets. Man I fucking love life unironically because of you. Crypto is freedom.

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i would unironically kill myself out of horror if i had to eat lunch with those normies and pretend to fit in with them

just the lunch eating part alone freaks me out

during high school i always hid in the bathroom at lunch

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what language was she using? rust?


I'd fucking kill for a job like that.


That's all I had read desu.

This is actually very true tons of new "software devs" write some of the shittiest, bloated code i've ever seen. They make websites that need the latest and greatest CPU just to read your fucking e-mails.

Time was devs would make sure their code ran well and worked across various platforms. Now they can't even be bothered to make sure their shit stain of a website can render well outside of chrome.

just a real gaggle of lazy, incompetent niggers these modern devs are.

How hard is it to be a software engineer?

Protip: dont fall for the construction meme

Not hard at all. These fags like to come off as if they're pondering life's biggest questions when all they're trying to make is a "fart detection" app.

You can teach yourself the basics in 2 weeks time, and become very proficient by 6 months to a year if you keep with it. It's not hard at all, i've done it, and i'm no genius level BIG BRAIN BRENDAN EICH.

i just watched it again and noticed she arrived at work 10.24am and THEN made breakfast.
missed that first time around

This what I do in Manhattan except I can walk to work in ten minutes and I will make about $260k this year.

At 12:05, drop my stuff at my desk and say good morning to my coworkers, then leave immediately for lunch. Get back and start coding after. Go home at 7-8pm.

This user knows

do you work for a big company? are you making dosh?

would you rather work your comfy family business in a country with shit economy and no future, live a comfy life but never afford things like expensive technology, cars etc and probably never get pension or go to a first world country and work soul crashing manual labour? i am about at the point where i have to decide that

she looked pretty cute nom noming this toast user

sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do, if u do end up choosing the first world route dont get hypnotized by the flashy cars and expensive things, work on improving your quality of life first and getting into a good long term career that is low stress on your body and mind, and be wary of scammers and con artists

But am I forced to play vidya and browse business forum? No, you fucking cumstain bitch

i work managing rdms and do 2 hours of real work max per day
it's very difficult to actually work 8 hours a day in tech if you're at an established company


Fuck sf where i get the impression the city hates techies.

In NYC, the mayor hates people with high salaries but nobody specifically hates techies.

Fuck these entitled pieces of shit. I work 12 hours 6 days a week in construction and commute 2 hours a day. I make a lot of money but it's probably the same as these coddled whiny pieces of shit.

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I cant wait for transhumanism to become a thing so I can literally be a nigger killing machine

What the fuck man?

why do normies think its ok to waste their lifes away beeing wagecucks?

its normies who are so hellbent on life and enjoying it.

The money that’s pouring into stocks today is funding this laziness and degeneracy culture of workers... I remember in 2005 when the place to go to make money was wall street.. 18 hour work day, and u had to be sharp. The job would give you a 100k + paycheck plus bonuses depending on performance. Now lazy developers working 4 or 5 hours get a 200k+ paycheck at google and amazon. The same job that a college student in a computer science department could do for 20k . The NASDAQ is sooner or later going to collapse or implode . Cuz I absolutely would never give any of my money to any tech stocks that encourage this kind of lazy work culture. I feel bad for the people who invested in the company she works for. Because that money is probably lost by now.

>Now lazy developers working 4 or 5 hours get a 200k+ paycheck at google and amazon.

Except that doesn't exist. You really think Google hires some lazy faggot who only works 4 hours a day? You really think that? It's more like 12+ hours a day.

you didn't see all the looks from her coworkers? it was obvious that she doesn't do a fucking thing. half of them probably go home and complain about it on Jow Forums later