
Edition: bicycle

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I be vibin at the ritz carrrton

Made the gf lick my arse

Do Extinction Rebellion ever talk about the pollution China and India cause?

so according to dave, people did nothing but watch football before TV and internet existed.

did i say you could make a new?

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That last edition moved pretty quick

when my dad was a NEET in his 20s he wrote various books and invented several card games and a method of encryption involving a scrabble board and a chess board

More a rugby fan myself, still think watching it is pretty boring though

no im a top shagger

I just discovered a massive bush of pubes UNDER my balls

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What do you expect them to do about China and India?

my friend's drunken mum surprised me with that once

was ok I guess. I'll try most things once.

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How comes boomer guys have bigger wrists/forearms than millenials and zoomers? Seriously my grandfather has forearms like fucking tree trunks and I thought my 8 inch wrists were big

Who was funnier? I mean, Mark, obviously, but for the sake of argument

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Don’t think I would put my gf through that tbf
Would lick hers any day though

I’ve oft found this format amusing

you fucking idiot jeremy

rugby, and indeed all spectator sports, are but child's play to the educated mind

Oi Melvin

What is the opposite of Microsoft office?

Megahard onfire

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found one of the pengest bitches on the internet but im afraid to post her because it could make one of you weirdos want to masturbate


Posterity shall be forced to conclude that Ian Douglas Smith was the Last of the Anglos. With his death the old confident and forthright anglo race disappeared from the planet forever; and a new subhuman breed attempted to scuttle in and claim the mantle of the anglo world for it's own.

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Yeah it's called your taint.
Shave it.
You wouldn't think but it's actually way comfier.

did the upper-class man throw the ball?

Na non-whites can do no wrong didn’t you know?

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Usually happens as you age, my dad has big forearms but I’ve seen pictures of him at my age and he was very lean

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Worst thing about After Life (beyond the fact it's as deep as a puddle and the sort of thing an angsty 15-year old would write) is that all of the Reddit soyboys have given Gervais tons of praise for it so he will inevitably torture us with further shite related to his pathetic outlook on the world in the near future.

God only knows the harm this is doing to kids.

super hans
jez was funny but had too many gay plotlines
the last couple seasons were retarded in that regard

Get these vile betamale London runts the fuck out of here

imagine gf

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Ahaha very nice Finlad

are there people out there that still think Karl Pilkington isn't an actor?

Stop taking happy pills now I got brain zaps JUST

people were up to all kinds of strange fuckery before the internet

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Not up for debate:
The Inbetweeners
Peep Show
The IT Crowd

- the 3 funniest British comedies since the turn of the millennium

What do you expect them to do about China and India?


He who binds to himself a joy

Does the wingéd life destroy

But he who kisses the joy as it flies

Lives in eternity's sun rise.

everyone I meet that likes him seems to think that

ahah i had them a few nights ago lad


hello born in 1998

why do you use british nigger slang you cringe factory

"user... stop playing video games and get in bed with me. I'm ovulating."

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wow i would love to see some evidence for this

while on holiday in spain with my nana, my grandad, aged 60+, once chased a spanish teen who snatched my nana's handbag
caught him
carried him back to the bridge my nana was on
gave my nana her bag back
then dangled the cheeky little spaniard cunt over the side of the bridge by his ankles until the spanish police arrived
that's a 60 year old man outrunning and overpowering a teenage lad
yorkshire as fuck

The best British comedy of the century so far was The Trip

>since the turn of the millennium

Kids born in 1998 were pretty much in year 1/2/3 when that show came out

>phoenix nights

Can't stand those either. I don't watch the Zogbox

Maybe the fact that he has been rehashing the same gags since 2004, that might give you an idea

this but it crowd was largely cringe with like 4 funny moments
imagine making this post


The Office

it's odourless
and it's one of the most powerful substances in the world

we'll never get to go down fighting for a hopeless cause just cos its the right thing to do lads. Pretty grim eh

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Literally me

Shit I just realised people born in 1998 are 21 this year

*surreptitiously googles ovulating*

going to sleep now good night

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Dude schizo LOL

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>the same gags
such as?

these days the zogbox is literally repulsive to me. Can't even phase out in front of it. Wasn't always like this though

We talking about heroin here?...

Spent a lot of yesterday rewatching Top Gear and found myself laughing harder than at most scripted comedies


did the welshman do the accent?

methylated dreams

goodnight finlad

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Think water, lad.

The official top 5 British comedies are as follows

1. The Trip
2. Ricky Gervais original XFM podcast
3. This Time with Alan Partridge
4. Lead Balloon
5. some shit nobody cares about i dunno lol

has one post ever been more wrong in the history of Jow Forums


so it looks like i have to get a girlfriend before i can finally get a gf

Karl Pilkington is not an actor

water can have both an odor and a color in its natural state

cape region still on drought or has the white man fixed it yet

It’s the cruel rulebook of life

Bet only the saffer cunt who made this thread knows about ol' Smithy. And you call yourselves /brit/......

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>Ricky Gervais

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Nothing. Nothing we can do, just have to hope they clean up thier act themselves

>2. Ricky Gervais original XFM podcast
this was actually class
I have no idea why the cartoon wasn't so successful.
It got pushed to E4 on Tuesday nights at fucking 11pm.
I remember watching it before school the next day.

and then Idiot Abroad comes out and all the normies are like omg who is this Karl guy.
Fucking cretins.

The animated show is criminally underrated.

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it's not my ball sweat haha wahey

Practically most of his Monkey News stories that came out originally on XFM was incorporated into later stuff for TV, most of his lifetime stories are just reheated, barely believable shit anybody could make up. Also the Behind The Scenes extras on his Round The World trips captures his true nature as basically just an actor, playing dumb. How did you not know this?

We got the Jews to sort it out in the end, lad.

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Extras was good

Yes and so "Rebellion" are doing what they can do which is holding their own country accountable
Understand? Good


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lel sammy sosa looks like a fat nerdy gay white kid now, thats so crazy

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Have dropped down to 3G at this juncture of the train ride

lets do funniest yank comedies

1. Friends
2. ........................................

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I have been on Jow Forums for 12 years now