You pol faggots need to gas yourself
We don't care about muh politics
We don't give a fuck
We are here to make money
And this God (pic related) is going to bring us out of wagecuckin
You faggots have ran out of fud and so you have to resort to muh woman
Not fucking selling
Report in
You pol faggots need to gas yourself
Exactly how I fucking feel.
Fuck off nigger
Guess what
Hitler lost just like the cuck he was
>that same FAGGOT who visualizes Sergey as a muscular, macho man
pajeet, I...
Exactly how I fucking feel.
Gas yourself faggot
true Jow Forumsrealis are Jow Forumsacks
This. Jow Forumstards will never make it because they invest emotionally based on race, gender, social beliefs, etc. Real Jow Forums is here for money. And link memes. But mostly money.
A woman that hates your race and gender and wants to destroy everything they've created over the centuries.
Keep inventing that imaginary boogeyman user
It's good for your mental health
Or you can kys
That works too
"Muh pol muh pol" That's all you idiots have. You fucking imbecile. You now have a "marketing director" that spews hateful anti-white male rhetoric.
This is a fuckup on the order of hirinf Adria Richards for developer outreach. Sergey is a fucking buffoon
Friendly reminder Trump won and he will win again :)
Friendly reminder you lost all your money on Ancap coins
And all you have is muh sjw
Get the fuck out of here
Above all
Make her dream a reality
A marketing director who shit talks the demographic buying and holding your coin. You defend this and think it's irrelevant. You are a fucking idiot and you deserve to be poor. Link is fucking toast.
I love watching incels get their jimmies russled
Did you find out that money still won't get you laid
lol normie kys
Reminder that this guy is the incel poster and doesn't even hold crypto. He is just making these threads to attack Jow Forums.
Just look at their posts.
your faggot meme is over, fucking retards
I hold 15k link
10 eth
And a handful of shitcoin bags
But keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better
So we went from "muh pol" to false accusations (I never once used sjw as an argument) to "muh incel". No substance, no argument. Pure ad hominem bullshit. Eat shit and die, idiot.
And bitch, I have a wife, a house, and I almost guarantee I have more crypto than you. Keep coping with your "incel" and your "pol" logic while your coin continues to circle the drain.
Please feel free to post your eth address to prove it you shitposting fuck. You don't hold a single goddamned bit of crypto and you are just another baiting asshole.
Sure sure sweetie
As if pol is really behind that. We know what is going on here. This is the D&C the boomer memes primed us all for. Sit on your balls motherfucker
He literally does not hold Link. Someone keeps making bait threads where they just call everyone in them incels and tell them to KYS if they don't agree with them and this is one of them.
I agree OP. I hate SJW and libtards But I LOVE money, and making money takes priority in this one.
Last thing I'm going to do is post an eth address associated with me to a Mongolian meme farming board
I'm not getting doxxed
Did you dumb faggots every think Sergey chose a "normie SJW female" to shake your limp wristed racist faggot hands off of chainlink?
He doesn't want the organization to be associated with you racist incels, not only because you're faggots, but because in order for adoption to actually occur, you faggots need to leave, or at least keep your goddamn mouths shut.
How fucking dumb can you fucking be?
This post is really all you need to know about how much he knows about crypto.
lol 1 cent eoy
An all white male consolidated dev team just took on a minority female liberal to sell the project to the sjw masses, this is literally a Jow Forums wet dream if you're not retarded, kek
>Another mysterious incel racist poster appears
You really need to learn new words. You glow in the fucking dark because it is the best you can do.
I finally believe it. All those times people said Jow Forums is just our version of SJWs I never believed it but this proves it. kill yourselves.
False flagging kike.
LOL at the fucking conspiracies you make up.
You just can't look at the truth that's staring you in the face.
If you seriously can't see that you're never gonna make it.
>Conspiracy theories
Oh you are that guy and I'm also assuming you are the OP and just switched his IPs consider your exactly identical posting style and the fact you both refer to everyone as racist incels.
You really are just using this whole chainlink thing for your agenda I see. How many of these threads are you actually making?
You caught me goy. I'm a cog in a streamlined disruption campaign against the underground nazi movement here. You've attracted the attention of (((THEM))) and we're here to stop you from taking back your freedom from the zionists. We installed agent 216589849 in the chainlink organization to dissolve it from the inside out. After we've taken their proprietary secrets, we will use the technology to further entrench ourselves in the white nations of the world and chain them further into debt so they cannot resist the importation of 3rd world migrants.
Your children will be stained with the genetics of lesser goyim. You will be phased out of existence for threatening the elite.
You can never win. They own this world.
>We are here to make money
Enjoy losing all of it when you say no to new world order.
you can gas the kikes after getting rich through them
Dumbfuck, somebody has to buy this shit. If you disparage your demographic, you're fucked.
character assassination campaign for chainlink
get in here
this. fuck off. im here to make money. not be politcally correct. if someone is a jew ill make money if he makes me money. so FUCK. OFF.
I'm glad you saw how pointless it was to argue against the obvious fact you are a shill and decided to go the route of just being disingenuous and full strawman.
Just showing you how ridiculous your beliefs are. Let it sink in.
fucking this, who gives a fuck?
Again I never said any of those things. You created a total strawman and are now trying to make the discussion about it. You are an obvious shill and if you are seriously going to say there are no shills here while at the same time saying Jow Forums has shills here then I don't know what to say.
You can't have it both ways. Jow Forums can't be the boogeyman that is invading the board and threads while at the same time your racist incel post cant be called out as being obvious bullshit from the other direction. You can't win this because I have a firm ground to base my arguments and you are just going to call people names and then flee the thread or to a new ID.