Oi, you got a loicence for that wank?

>oi, you got a loicence for that wank?

Attached: file.png (925x894, 1.07M)

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First they seize my butter knife and now this

>watching porn
fuck RIGHT off you degenerates

this, if you can't get off from images in your head, you're basically a robot

Nice cope

how's your interracial porn addiction alberto?

Imagine believing this will ever happen.

I love how Brits have now forever forfeited the right to laugh at any country over anything ever. No matter what smug comment a Brit may make about your country, you can simply respond with "porn license" and win the debate.

Denial is the first stage of grief, my friend.

This shit was supposed to happen in September of LAST YEAR.
Every time the new deadline rolls around it passes and then the governemt just says they'll do in in another couple of months. It's never going to happen because there's no way to implement it.
Lenin rising frm the dead and leading the new Socilalist worker's revolution is more likely than this shit happening.

>This shit was supposed to happen in September of LAST YEAR.
Google says july 15th. Though it is possible that an earlier version of the law was supposed to be passed sooner or that the law was pushed back, but that's nothing out of the ordinary. You'd think someone from the country that delayed Brexit... three times? should be aware of this.

> It's never going to happen
You keep telling yourself that. It's not as if the government has any vested interest in erasing anonimity on the internet and it's not as if there were any statements about similar regulations applying to social media in the near future or anything. There's no need to worry about an ever encroaching police state, especially not in Britain of all places! Just sleep safely and secure under watchful eyes.

>Google says july 15th
Yes, that's the current deadline, the last was April 1st, before that was in December last year, and September before that.
May is a weird creepy Christian fundie, she's keeping this policy around to attract her voter-base, but since it's impossible to implement, it never will be.
Stop being such a hyperbolic retard and look at this shit as the cynical ploy that it is.

>Never before in the entire history of Britain have laws been delayed, therefore the porn loicense will never become a reality
Ok retard

You're trying very hard not to argue the actual point of what I'm saying, and it's not very subtle.

Based. The Anglo Saxon marches onward in his mighty campaign against degeneracy [and erectile dysfunction]

There's nothing to argue. Explain clearly and consisely all of your reasons to believe that this law will never pass despite all the evidence pointing in the direction that it will.

>despite all the evidence pointing in the direction that it will.
Except all there is is evidence that it *won't* pass, again, because it *can't* pass.
The only way to make aa block like this work would be have our internet locked off from the rest of the world. China style, and that's not going to happen.
>inb4 you reply saying something along the lines of 'yeah it could happen though hurhurr'

Attached: soy_varg.jpg (644x800, 87K)

>The government has announced a date for the implementation of the law
>This means it can't pass

>The only way to make aa block like this work would be have our internet locked off from the rest of the world
Of course. I mean, it's not possible to just force British ISPs to block certain websites to users that don't have certain authorization or something. It's not as if this is already available on a voluntary basis. The only way to block a select number of risky websites is to shut off the entire internet. That's literally the only possible way, despite nothing even hinting in that direction.

In fact, there's been more than enough written about how it is expected to work.

>Any website or app that doesn’t comply with the regulations faces a fine of up to £250,000 or being blocked by UK internet service providers.
So it isn't even, as I suggested, that ISPs are held accountble. Instead websites commercially offering porn are held accountable, with ISP blocking only occurring after they refuse to cooperate with the UK's loicense system.

Mark my words: you're fiercely denying that this will happen, but when this law does come to pass (whether it's july of this year or october of next year) you will just as fiercely claim that it's no big deal.

>The government has announced a date for the implementation of the law
>This means it can't pass
So why hasn't it already pal? Why did they miss the deadline three fucking times, and just keep moving it forwards? I wonder why that might be happening.
Blocking webistes entirely is not the same as forcing them to install age verifcation checks. Especially an entire code and ID system. You actually think they'll bother with that shit?
>but when this law does come to pass (whether it's july of this year or october of next year)
I spoken to literally dozens of people just like you over the least year, and after each deadline passes with no actual change, you keep saying the same shit, over and over.
>'This time it'll happen', 'This time for sure!'
No. If the governemt ever actually tried to get serious about implementing this shit, it'd get thrown out in a heartbeat.
It's Christian PR shit for old people, that's it.

>pretending this will actually happen just so you have an easy out for arguments with britiniggers
pathetic desu senpai

>So why hasn't it already pal?
I don't know, why hasn't Brexit happened yet? It's almost as if governments push shit forward all the time for various reasons or something.

>Blocking webistes entirely is not the same as forcing them to install age verifcation checks. Especially an entire code and ID system. You actually think they'll bother with that shit?
Let's presume for the sake of argument they don't. That doesn't mean the law won't pass, just that it's badly enforced. Kind of like how weed sale and possession is technically illegal in the Netherlands but the government has simply decided not to prosecute anyone for certain small doses for recreational use.

>and after each deadline passes with no actual change, you keep saying the same shit, over and over.
Yeah, almost as if laws being delayed is business as usual or something.

>No. If the governemt ever actually tried to get serious about implementing this shit, it'd get thrown out in a heartbeat.
Of course. Because we all know British parliament takes privacy so seriously.

>Mainstream news outlets are just pretending because all international media, including British media, enjoy mocking the British

good for them Tbh

I may pay ~40% income tax, but at least I'm not British

Attached: britain2.png (280x290, 75K)


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i also pay 40% income tax but i am a millionaire

it’ll never happen, we’re masters of pushing back deadlines
I mean how many times has ye olde br*Xit deadline been jiggled about these past couple months?